Fellow bulls, how are you staying in shape?

What are your training routines/diets that keep you in shape?When I say “in shape”I mean “in shape”. Benching 400 but can’t run a mile or work a heavy bag for more than 1 minute isn’t in shape...that’s just strong.
I change it up every few weeks or so but I always include push ups, squats, and planks cus these are the goats for workouts (it also helps that I play basketball ever once and a while) then for cardio I either bike or swim and add on whatever guide I'm following. As for diet I don't eat red meat unless it's offered to me and I make sure to have a salad at least once a week I also find it helps to cut back on soda and ******* more fruit juice, vegetable shakes, and water.
I change it up every few weeks or so but I always include push ups, squats, and planks cus these are the goats for workouts (it also helps that I play basketball ever once and a while) then for cardio I either bike or swim and add on whatever guide I'm following. As for diet I don't eat red meat unless it's offered to me and I make sure to have a salad at least once a week I also find it helps to cut back on soda and ******* more fruit juice, vegetable shakes, and water.
Nice. I do mma, jump rope and do yoga and supplement it all with body weight training and free weights. My go to piece of equipment is a stopwatch. Whatever workout I do,I’ll do for 30 seconds then rest for 30 until the timer hits 7 minutes, then I move on to the next activity. Diet is lean meats, fruits and leafy greens. Grains here and there.
I need to start up something. Been so damn busy and annoyed at everything lately. Would certainly help to change a lot for me