Do you like the smell of dick?

re: Do you like the smell of dick?​

FYI: If genitals have a rather repugnant odor, that indicates they haven't been properly cleaned. Since the genitals could include the smells & odors of two people from previous copulations, special time & effort should be taken to makes sure they are cleaned 'for the next person' to experience them. Make sense?
Clean genitals (male or female) give the oderless pheromones a chance to do their work ... to unconsciously become sexually stimulated. There is no odor to pheromones, but smelly genitals can disturb and offset ones ability to become sexually stimulated by the pheronmones.
I can recall at least a half dozen 'one-time' experiences due specifically to the odor/smell rising from the lady's vagina. It didn't have to be that way. Or, a woman might ask WHY her lover no longer desires to give her oral sex ... maybe its time to do a routine hygienic check.
Smelly genitals is a "game changer" to me.

What Should a Healthy Penis Smell Like—and What About Semen? |

re: Do you like the smell of dick?​

FYI: If genitals have a rather repugnant odor, that indicates they haven't been properly cleaned. Since the genitals could include the smells & odors of two people from previous copulations, special time & effort should be taken to makes sure they are cleaned 'for the next person' to experience them. Make sense?
Clean genitals (male or female) give the oderless pheromones a chance to do their work ... to unconsciously become sexually stimulated. There is no odor to pheromones, but smelly genitals can disturb and offset ones ability to become sexually stimulated by the pheronmones.
I can recall at least a half dozen 'one-time' experiences due specifically to the odor/smell rising from the lady's vagina. It didn't have to be that way. Or, a woman might ask WHY her lover no longer desires to give her oral sex ... maybe its time to do a routine hygienic check.
Smelly genitals is a "game changer" to me.

What Should a Healthy Penis Smell Like—and What About Semen? |
What a great sense of spiritual sex, you have great sense of sexual aroma
men yes dick no you seem to view life as dick or no dick not as a human being
Exactly my points as well. When I'm with a new woman, I want that experience (smell & taste) to be as good as I can make it, and I believe most women feel the same way. When available, like at a really nice motel, etc ... I like to initiate a foamy bubble bath in a nice jacuzzi. Gives me lots of time to break the ice, relax to know more of who I am with, etc ... but it also allows us to get ourselves ready for the "lick'n" of a lifetime. One is not going to wash away the pheromones with a nice sudsy bath, and cleanliness opens the gate for me/or her to "dig in and bon appetit".
Most women say they want a lot more oral sex than they normally get, and many men prefer their woman to do the same.
Particularly with newer lovers, "impressions" are usually a one opportunity chance for my lady to say "she loved the experience".