Great to see you guys again
Long time no chat :)

After a long time of discussion, my wife agreed she wanted to meet and fuck other men. We agreed at first it would be black men only. We've had 2 meetings with two different men. She has some complicated health issues that have prevented us from being more active. She would like to see this evolve as more of a Vixen/Stag endeavor, while I would like to see more of a Hotwife/Cuckhold dynamic. She is looking forward to more men, but it seems all she is attracting on this and other dating sites are men who are more dominate and looking for primarily submissive cuckhold couples.

I've read a number of your threads on training and such. I'm looking for ways to either change her thinking or find her type of man. She's no hesitation about BDSM activities with me, but is hesitant to let others take charge. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If you prefer to answer privately, please send a DM. Thanks.