Covid 19

Universal vaccine' that can conquer all variants could be available within a year thanks to British scientists

Jennifer Rigby
Sat, 13 February 2021, 1:17 pm

Artist Luke Jerram's glass sculpture of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine which is one million times larger than the actual vaccine nanoparticle, marks the ten millionth vaccination to be administered in the UK -  Getty Images

Artist Luke Jerram's glass sculpture of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine which is one million times larger than the actual vaccine nanoparticle, marks the ten millionth vaccination to be administered in the UK - Getty Images

A universal vaccine that would work on all Covid-19 variants by targeting the core of the virus instead of just the spike protein could be available in as little as a year, researchers say.

British scientists at the University of Nottingham are developing a "universal” Covid-19 vaccine which, if successful, would end the need to keep tweaking existing jabs as the virus mutates.

Existing vaccines like the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs target the spike protein of the virus, but their efficacy is expected to wane as this element of the virus mutates.

Already there is evidence they do not protect as well against variants containing the “E484K” mutation, such as those circulating widely in southern Africa and Brazil.

The new universal vaccines will also target proteins found in the core of the virus which are far less likely to mutate, meaning they would protect against all current variants and would theoretically have greater longevity.

Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust who sits on Sage, the Government advisory committee, was among a number of influential scientists this week to suggest Governments' strategies should switch to more universal vaccines.
Backing an article in the influential Nature journal titled Variant-proof vaccines: invest now for the next pandemic, he tweeted: "We agree - and being acted upon by CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and others."

UK company Scancell, which specialises in developing cancer vaccines, and several other firms from Europe and the US are already working on variant proof jabs and hope to prove shortly they can produce an effective immune response.
Alongside scientists from the University of Nottingham, Scancell is targeting a protein in the core of the virus called the nucleocapsid or “N” protein, alongside the spike protein. Human trials of their vaccine will begin in the second half of this year, after positive results from testing the jab on mice.

The DNA-based product seems to stimulate a good antibody and T-cell response. Scancell chief medical officer Dr Gillies O’Bryan-Tear, told The Telegraph: “We don’t necessarily claim it will be a pan-coronavirus vaccine, but it has got the potential to be so simply because of where it is targeted.”

A number of other biotechs are working on similar jabs, including myNEO in Belgium, and Osivax in France. The latter has just completed a phase II clinical trial of a universal flu vaccine that also targets the N protein.
MyNeo, meanwhile, has used modelling to suggest which parts of the virus might remain stable longest, allowing them to maximise vaccine longevity.

Other researchers in the US suggest using a previously-developed Sars vaccine, or a vaccine with several different coronaviruses programmed in, could stimulate broader protection.
These products could not only protect against all variants of the pandemic Sars-CoV-2 virus, but other coronaviruses, like Sars and Mers, and future coronaviruses. However, universal Covid vaccines face significant hurdles. Experts note that scientists have been working for decades without success on a universal flu vaccine, for example.

Professor Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College, said: “It’s not science fiction, but it’s not trivial.” Scancell has had some funding from Innovate UK, but needs a big pharmaceutical partner in order to progress its new vaccine through clinical trials, and new investment of several hundred million pounds.

"But with this in place, and positive results from phase I/II trials, its vaccine could be developed within a year, it said
"There is no reason why, if we get a partner, we shouldn't be able to do it as quickly as the others have done it," said Dr O'Bryan-Tear, noting that the first coronavirus vaccines emerged less than a year after the pandemic began.

However, scientists also stressed that at the moment there may not be a need for new vaccines.
As yet, no evidence has conclusively shown that the existing vaccines are ineffective against the new variants, although others are expected to emerge.

Dr O’Bryan-Tear said: “I think the pandemic will be around for two or three more years, because of supply, because of not being able to vaccinate developing countries. During that time, the virus will mutate, so there are plenty of opportunities for new entrants to try their hand.”
Just here to say, If you have the means, go see a Herbalist to help w/ adding Immune Boosting Foods/Drinks to your Diet, especially if you are on the “Mature” side.

I have my own conspiracies about COVID-19, however, most of the people who take their Health seriously, daily, havent caught the virus. And a lot of them use a lot of “Holistic” supplements/food/drinks to keep their body in tip-top shape.

Getting one of those test to see what your body is deficient of, could potentially assist as well.

The WHO doesn’t really have articles on stuff like the above stated and its very irresponsible IMO but cant expect these organizations to actually have 100% of the publics interest at heart.
I concur...Let food be thy medicine...Been taking Vitamin D3 for the last 5 Year's plus other supplements longer then that...Went through Hell with The Department Of Veterans Affairs Medicine...Never Again...No Vaccines for
Universal vaccine' that can conquer all variants could be available within a year thanks to British scientists

Jennifer Rigby
Sat, 13 February 2021, 1:17 pm

Artist Luke Jerram's glass sculpture of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine which is one million times larger than the actual vaccine nanoparticle, marks the ten millionth vaccination to be administered in the UK -  Getty Images

Artist Luke Jerram's glass sculpture of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine which is one million times larger than the actual vaccine nanoparticle, marks the ten millionth vaccination to be administered in the UK - Getty Images

A universal vaccine that would work on all Covid-19 variants by targeting the core of the virus instead of just the spike protein could be available in as little as a year, researchers say.

British scientists at the University of Nottingham are developing a "universal” Covid-19 vaccine which, if successful, would end the need to keep tweaking existing jabs as the virus mutates.

Existing vaccines like the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs target the spike protein of the virus, but their efficacy is expected to wane as this element of the virus mutates.

Already there is evidence they do not protect as well against variants containing the “E484K” mutation, such as those circulating widely in southern Africa and Brazil.

The new universal vaccines will also target proteins found in the core of the virus which are far less likely to mutate, meaning they would protect against all current variants and would theoretically have greater longevity.

Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust who sits on Sage, the Government advisory committee, was among a number of influential scientists this week to suggest Governments' strategies should switch to more universal vaccines.
Backing an article in the influential Nature journal titled Variant-proof vaccines: invest now for the next pandemic, he tweeted: "We agree - and being acted upon by CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and others."

UK company Scancell, which specialises in developing cancer vaccines, and several other firms from Europe and the US are already working on variant proof jabs and hope to prove shortly they can produce an effective immune response.
Alongside scientists from the University of Nottingham, Scancell is targeting a protein in the core of the virus called the nucleocapsid or “N” protein, alongside the spike protein. Human trials of their vaccine will begin in the second half of this year, after positive results from testing the jab on mice.

The DNA-based product seems to stimulate a good antibody and T-cell response. Scancell chief medical officer Dr Gillies O’Bryan-Tear, told The Telegraph: “We don’t necessarily claim it will be a pan-coronavirus vaccine, but it has got the potential to be so simply because of where it is targeted.”

A number of other biotechs are working on similar jabs, including myNEO in Belgium, and Osivax in France. The latter has just completed a phase II clinical trial of a universal flu vaccine that also targets the N protein.
MyNeo, meanwhile, has used modelling to suggest which parts of the virus might remain stable longest, allowing them to maximise vaccine longevity.

Other researchers in the US suggest using a previously-developed Sars vaccine, or a vaccine with several different coronaviruses programmed in, could stimulate broader protection.
These products could not only protect against all variants of the pandemic Sars-CoV-2 virus, but other coronaviruses, like Sars and Mers, and future coronaviruses. However, universal Covid vaccines face significant hurdles. Experts note that scientists have been working for decades without success on a universal flu vaccine, for example.

Professor Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College, said: “It’s not science fiction, but it’s not trivial.” Scancell has had some funding from Innovate UK, but needs a big pharmaceutical partner in order to progress its new vaccine through clinical trials, and new investment of several hundred million pounds.

"But with this in place, and positive results from phase I/II trials, its vaccine could be developed within a year, it said
"There is no reason why, if we get a partner, we shouldn't be able to do it as quickly as the others have done it," said Dr O'Bryan-Tear, noting that the first coronavirus vaccines emerged less than a year after the pandemic began.

However, scientists also stressed that at the moment there may not be a need for new vaccines.
As yet, no evidence has conclusively shown that the existing vaccines are ineffective against the new variants, although others are expected to emerge.

Dr O’Bryan-Tear said: “I think the pandemic will be around for two or three more years, because of supply, because of not being able to vaccinate developing countries. During that time, the virus will mutate, so there are plenty of opportunities for new entrants to try their hand.”
Good news and I hope they're successful.

I've been vaccinated already (two weeks ago) and UK should vaccinate the 15 millionth person today. And, contrary to popular belief, the majority of people are receiving their second Pfizer jab within 3 weeks. The astra zeneca jab wait for a second jab is 11 weeks in my area, but research has shown that the bigger gap can actually increase efficacy.
Anyway, numbers are dropping sharply, so the vaccination campaign is starting to bear fruit.

Stay safe everyone.

Antiviral coating on face masks kills Kent and South Africa Covid variants in an hour​

Justin Stoneman
Sat, 13 February 2021, 2:36 pm·3-min read

Washable face mask - LIONEL BONAVENTURE/AFP

Washable face mask - LIONEL BONAVENTURE/AFP

Scientists at the University of Cambridge say an antiviral coating on face masks is capable of protecting users from the Kent and South Africa variants of Covid, killing the virus in as little as an hour.

The invisible coating attacks the virus by rapturing its outer layer, effectively eliminating all new mutant variants.
The mask uses a technology called DiOX that is based on quaternary ammonium salts – organic compounds widely used in the textile industry for their antimicrobial properties.

Dr Graham Christie, senior lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge, said: "The antiviral agent within the coating of the mask kills the virus by breaching its protective outer membrane, which is known as its envelope. Unlike other parts of the virus, the membrane remains the same regardless of any type of mutation. Hence this way of attacking the pathogen will work on any new variant of coronavirus.

"In fact, you could mutate the entire genome of the virus and it would have no effect on the envelope. We expect to see the same response regardless of the strain of coronavirus because structurally they are all very similar."

The findings may offer hope of a multi-strand defence approach against coronavirus mutations, alongside vaccine deployment.
Laboratory tests showed that the mask killed 95 per cent of pathogens on its surface within one hour and they were undetectable after four hours.

Experts say the action of the antiviral agent continues to work because it is unaffected by changes in the spike protein of the virus, which is the method by which coronavirus mutates.

"The variants that we are seeing occur in the spike proteins that stud the surface of the virus rather than the membrane of the envelope," said Dr Christie.

"It is the genetic information that encodes this protein that is mutating, and this is leading to very slight structural changes in the shape of the spike. However, the envelope is derived from part of a human cell that the virus grabs from its host in order to protect its genetic material. It is made from lipids, which unlike the proteins do not change."

The mask is reusable and can be washed up to 20 times, albeit subject to a reduction in efficacy after multiple washes. During the study, the mask was tested on a coronavirus called MHV-A59, which is genetically and structurally very similar to SARS-CoV-2.

"The Cambridge work followed industry standards for the testing of viruses on material," said Andy Middleton, co-founder of LiquidNano, the UK company which commissioned the study.

"It also made some critical adaptations to give it a more ‘real-world’ relevance. This included conducting splash tests to mimic sneezing, helping to ensure the tests were as rigorous as possible. We have taken a proven antiviral agent and developed it for fabric in order to create a user-friendly mask."

This head of the UK's genetic surveillance programme, Professor Sharon Peacock, this week warned that the Kent variant of the coronavirus could become the world's dominant strain, having already been detected in more than 50 countries.
Yeah, I say that about seatbelts in cars, too. Use to be cars didn't require seatbelts or laws to use them ... then the same stinking government stuck their nose into our business and said cars had to have seat belts and we were required to wear 'em ... government assholes. Some of us have driven cars all our lives and NEVER ONCE had an accident and needed them. And all it seemed to do is drive up the cost of buying a car.
What idiots the government is to worry about MY LIFE ... after all it IS MY LIFE, and if I want to drive my car on the freeway at 75MPH with no seat belt, its MY BUSINESS, right? Same for my ******* and spouse. As I said, I've never had an accident in which I NEEDED TO BE WEARING A SEAT BELT ... so why would I worry about my car flipping over several times, my entire family being discharged like a missile into the air.
LAWS ... always some asshole in WASHINGTON with a bunch of LAWS.

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By your own sarcasm we should all be driving armored vehicles with a speed limit of 10 MPH. That way, no one will ever be hurt or die in an auto accident.

The point people are trying to make is that there is a balance to everything. You have to weigh the benefits of a safety measure with it's level of inconvenience and cost. Unfortunately, somehow a discussion as to whether wearing a mask while you're driving your car alone should be required or not has turned political. Nowadays, everything is political. I would not be surprised to see congress debating and arguing over which way toilet paper should be unrolled, top or bottom. To me, the good news in all of this is that it keep both sides busy with nonsense and keeps them from actually doing anything. The less politicians do, the better. In fact, they should all stay home, we would all be better off and left alone.
Just talked with my girlfriends ******* who is working with older patients here in Portugal...He has been Vaccinated and still tested positive for the Virus...after taking it...A friend of mine is an infectious disease doctor here and she tested positive for the Virus, Her boyfriend and oldest *******.as well..All of them are fine and back to life...Where does it end?

The variant associated with the United Kingdom currently has a prevalence of 43% in the number of new cases of Covid-19 registered in Portugal, revealed the Prime Minister, on 11 February, at a press conference after the Council of Ministers​

The point people are trying to make is that there is a balance to everything. You have to weigh the benefits of a safety measure with it's level of inconvenience and cost. Unfortunately, somehow a discussion as to whether wearing a mask while you're driving your car alone should be required or not has turned political.
The one who's being radical is you. The decisions that you make, which impact ONLY YOU, you'd be right to a point. But, that's not the case with wearing masks around others, or driving a vehicle in heavy traffic at a very high rate of speed or while intoxicated. So, skew the points if you must, but you haven't lost the practicality of establishing restrictions & limitations when your decisions impact more than yourself ... compendia'? We're a nation of laws & restrictions in order to protect those around you who don't share in your less humane value system. If you desire to "self destruct" ... do it far from those around you, because no one will care.
The very fact that the USA is the worst in the modernized, civilized world at handling the covid virus makes my point. For the trillionth time, covid uses "carriers" to move the virus around to others. Your wearing a mask while you're AROUND OTHERS is not only scientific/medical proven and necessity in controlling the virus, its morally responsible on your part. The fact that you'd attend parties & rallies without wearing masks simply states "I don't give a ******* about other people", which, if you're a far-right conservative, makes sense these days with you Rightard people. You folks have already proven your "lack of" respect to the constitution of this country and to the people who actually abide by the laws.
Trump eventually admitted the seriousness of the virus, however, Trump had exceptional access to treatments for himself and his family. Trump also openly expressed the logic of herd infection, allowing the older & sicker members of the population to DIE in order to make the remainder of the herd population a healthier, stronger HERD. That's Hitler style logic ... and the fact that Trump kept & suppressed that information from the public & encouraged the public NOT to worry, that the virus would "blow over", shows his lack of concern or sympathy with those most vunerable to the disease. Trump was an ASSHOLE ... still is an ASSHOLE ... and those who still follow him NOW .... they're ASSHOLES as well.
Of course, you already know all this, its just that you don't give a ******* about anyone but yourself ... you're part of society's PROBLEM, jamesriske. If it impacts YOU and YOURS, you'll whine and cry like a baby ... otherwise, "fuck everyone else". You're not an ounce better, morally, than Trump.
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I’ve noticed from all the comments. That a majority most likely wear 2 or three masks,if a mask only filters out up to a specific micron it will only do just that no matter if you have 5 masks strapped to your face. The only thing multiple masks are doing is straining breathing. plus a face shield with safety glasses and big yellow cleaning gloves! Lmao, let the shepherd heard his sheep... all I’m saying is if the government says everything is clear, no masks tomorrow the mask extremist would believe it. As well as curfew at 10pm in some places and bars being closed earlier than usual. I didn’t know COVID had a time when it strikes after 10pm or if it targets drunks! Don’t get in your feelings extremist, I’m just putting the idiot ideas out there that the media pushing around. Everyone needs to be in a big bubble.
live your life like you did before this or you’ll be a sheep forever! Have a beautiful day peeps...
That a majority most likely wear 2 or three masks,if a mask only filters out up to a specific micron it will only do just that no matter if you have 5 masks strapped to your face. The only thing multiple masks are doing is straining breathing. plus a face shield with safety glasses and big yellow cleaning gloves! Lmao, let the shepherd heard his sheep..

Yet the facts disprove all of that..

The SAR's covid 2 pathegon is 0.125 microns size. Yet most masks including the NON valve N95 filters down to 0.1-3 microns. And the virus is always bonded to droplets of moisture particles from either coughs or sneezes as they are required not only for the virus to survive but without those airborn particles of moisture the virus cannot travel from person to person.

Double masking increases the prevention of any pathegon getting through. Its high school science 101 on density and penetration of materials.

When only a disposable mask was worn, just 42% of cough/sneeze moisture droplets are blocked. Combining the disposable mask with a cloth mask on top block 92.% of particles expelled from the cough/sneeze.

Theres nothing extremist in wanting proven protection. Protecting others against the virus by wearing a mask or two is the decent thing to do. It helps save lives along with being vaccinated.

Wearing any mask has an effect of someones breathing. But for someones breathing to be strained there has to be another underlying medical problem. The only mask that does restrict breathing are the N95 Masks which are not recommended for lengthy periods and not for public use .

The rest offer little to no strained breathing. If they did not a single one would get any kind of license for use.

Buy hey ho. Its everyman for themselves in some peoples world!
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Double masking for COVID-19: CDC recommends wearing two masks at once​

Two masks are the new mask -- and we explain how to double mask properly.

Amanda Capritto headshot

Amanda Capritto

Kilito Chan/Getty Images
For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

Two masks are better than one. The new guidance for slowing the spread of COVID-19 is to double mask. First, Dr. Anthony Fauci endorsed it because "it just makes common sense," the chief medical adviser to the president told NBC News' Today. Now, the CDC recommends the same.
According to findings from a CDC study, wearing a cloth mask on top of a surgical mask helps improve the fit of the surgical mask. The closer-fitting the mask is your face, the fewer gaps there are between the mask and your face where respiratory droplets carrying the coronavirus can enter.

The study found that, "The receiver's exposure was maximally reduced (>95%) when the source and receiver were fitted with modified medical procedure masks. These laboratory-based experiments highlight the importance of good fit to optimize mask performance."
Because layering masks reduces the porosity of your face covering, it's also more likely to do a better job of protecting you from those infectious respiratory droplets -- just like layering jackets protects you from the cold and just as an N95 (which is less porous) has a better shot at protecting you from environmental smoke, while a cloth mask (more porous) doesn't stand a chance.

It's not just about common sense, though. The concept of double masking is backed by some scientific studies, and no, wearing two masks won't ******* you. Here's what to know about wearing two masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The science behind double masking​


Layering masks might help reduce the transmission of infectious particles.
Yevgen Romanenko/Getty Images

Dr. Fauci's recommendation comes in light of new strains of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, that are thought to be more transmissible than the primary strain of SARS-CoV-2.

"With a more transmissible virus, that means every exposure has increased likelihood of leading to spread," says Andrea Love, an immunologist and microbiologist. "We must be more stringent with our behaviors now, including social distancing, minimizing trips to public places, avoiding indoor spaces and always wearing a mask."

"But, not just any mask will do," Love emphasizes. "Quality matters."

Masks work by trapping and blocking respiratory droplets that contain virus particles, Love explains. "The more physical barriers implemented, the more of these droplets you can block, thereby reducing the risk to yourself and others around you," she says. Ideally, the more layers the better, especially if you're wearing a thin cloth face cover. Even if you wear surgical masks, which generally have two thin layers already, you can still benefit from doubling up, Love says.


It's important to understand that cloth masks, like the ones worn routinely by most people, were intended to be a stopgap measure, Love says. Many cloth face covers offer little to no protection, she says, depending on the material, number of layers and fit, which is why health experts recommend layering.

In fact, three layers is really best: A recent (not yet peer-reviewed) study tested 11 mask materials and found that masks are more protective when they have three layers, two tightly woven cloth layers with a nonwoven, high-efficiency filter material sandwiched in between. If you don't already have a mask with three layers, you can mimic this by wearing a cloth mask and a surgical mask -- more about that is below.

When to wear two masks​

If you're walking outdoors and aren't in proximity to people outside of your household, a single mask should suffice, Love says. If you plan to be near people who aren't in your household, however, even outdoors, "a simple solution is to double-mask."

Will wearing two masks make it hard to breathe?​


Wearing two masks won't impede your oxygen flow.
Westend61/Getty Images

Wearing two masks shouldn't make it any harder to breathe, Love says. Several studies have demonstrated that wearing masks doesn't impede oxygen consumption (even in adults over 65). "The size of an oxygen molecule is orders of magnitude smaller than the pore sizes of masks," Love says, but the problem is "many people don't realize the difference between discomfort and a true physiological effect."

Even with two face masks, you'll still be able to get the oxygen you need and dispel carbon dioxide from your body. Two masks might not feel comfortable at first, but it's still safe to wear them.

Sure, it may take some getting used to, especially if you wear two masks while exercising. You may get sweatier than usual as the weather warms up. But a little discomfort is a lot better than contracting COVID-19 or being responsible for spreading it.

How to properly double mask​


If you have multiple cloth face covers at home, simply wear two.
Chase Evans/CNET

Simply wearing one cloth mask on top of another might improve the protectiveness of your face covering, but a different combination may help more.

If you wear a cloth mask on top of a surgical mask, you can mimic the filter-cloth combo found to be more protective in studies. The surgical mask acts as a filter and the cloth mask provides an additional layer of protection while improving the fit, Love says. If your two masks fit well, this combination "should produce an overall efficiency of over 90% for particles 1 micron and larger, which corresponds to the average size of respiratory aerosols that are most important in mediating transmission of SARS-CoV-2."

Like Dr. Fauci told Today, "If you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective."
Got to love these people calling everyone sheep. Bleating on and on about others being controlled by the state, or other unseen forces. 'them'.
It says far more about them than the sensible majority who understand the situation far more and know how to behave. It is those calling others sheep who are the real sheep.
It would be fun to play a prank on Daphne.

Take over his TV and broadcast that Dr. Fauci recommends wearing only orange masks because they are more effective. Then have a few Dem politicians like Biden or Pelosi recommend an orange mask. To really make Daphne go for it, have Trump say that he thinks it's bullshit and then let Daphne read a few posts from conservatives making fun of orange masks.

Daphne will be on here posting endless articles about the virtues of wearing orange masks and calling everyone who doesn't wear one a misguided Trump worshipping idiot.

People are very simple when it comes right down to it. I see people out walking completely alone in the middle of the forest wearing a mask, it's amazing what people will do to comply, especially if it reinforces their belief system. Unfortunately nowadays, too many people merge their egos with their belief system. Before the onslaught of instant media, people never used to combine their political and social beliefs and identities with their egos and definitions of themselves.
Got to love these people calling everyone sheep. Bleating on and on about others being controlled by the state, or other unseen forces. 'them'.
It says far more about them than the sensible majority who understand the situation far more and know how to behave. It is those calling others sheep who are the real sheep.
Ita about all they can do Subby.
It would be fun to play a prank on Daphne.

Take over his TV and broadcast that Dr. Fauci recommends wearing only orange masks because they are more effective. Then have a few Dem politicians like Biden or Pelosi recommend an orange mask. To really make Daphne go for it, have Trump say that he thinks it's bullshit and then let Daphne read a few posts from conservatives making fun of orange masks.

Daphne will be on here posting endless articles about the virtues of wearing orange masks and calling everyone who doesn't wear one a misguided Trump worshipping idiot.

People are very simple when it comes right down to it. I see people out walking completely alone in the middle of the forest wearing a mask, it's amazing what people will do to comply, especially if it reinforces their belief system. Unfortunately nowadays, too many people merge their egos with their belief system. Before the onslaught of instant media, people never used to combine their political and social beliefs and identities with their egos and definitions of themselves.
Is not difficult. Wear a mask around other people and stop the spread. The rest is bs.
It would be fun to play a prank on Daphne.

Happy Danny Glover GIF by Regal

First of all you're not smart enough. Secondly Walter EVERYTHING I post is backed up by hard fact, evidence and data. Where as per usual your comments exist in both the twlilight zone and fantasy Island realms.

We all know its hard for you flat earthers in the real world. But seek help it will save your sanity.

Here's where your denialist fantasies fall down.

Take over his TV and broadcast that Dr. Fauci recommends wearing only orange masks because they are more effective. Then have a few Dem politicians like Biden or Pelosi recommend an orange mask. To really make Daphne go for it, have Trump say that he thinks it's bullshit and then let Daphne read a few posts from conservatives making fun of orange masks.

Unlike you Walter I research, use multiple confirmed and fact based sources. Use data and corrolated professional expert opinions, research papers and published paers, sources and periodicals. You see, unlike you and your simplistic attempts at passing ill informed, error stewn non factual comments and posts I research. You should try it sometime as it would save you the continual embaressment of being shown up for exatly what you are.


Sorry Walter but Orange surgical masks are already in the public domain, used in hospitals and by medical professionals around the world and are as safe as any other. You see how easy it is to discredit your flat earther idioticies and comments?. You should have already known all of this through your so called 'nurse wife'.

Daphne will be on here posting endless articles about the virtues of wearing orange masks and calling everyone who doesn't wear one a misguided Trump worshipping idiot.

Actually no. I would be calling you an idiot. Bottom line is this Walter everyhing I post is backed up with proof and empirical evidence.

People are very simple when it comes right down to it. I see people out walking completely alone in the middle of the forest wearing a mask, it's amazing what people will do to comply, especially if it reinforces their belief system

Yes people are very simple. Something you prove every single time you attempt at bullshitting people with your flat earther nonsense.

Unfortunately nowadays, too many people merge their egos with their belief system.

Well done for admiting your problem. See how easy it is to begin your self help

Before the onslaught of instant media, people never used to combine their political and social beliefs and identities with their egos and definitions of themselves.

And you are the best example of exactly that!

But do you really believe the utter nonsense you post? People have for centuries combined not only their political, social beliefs and their identities, ego's but they have allowed those same views and values to consume and pattern how they live their lives not only in public, but within their circle of family ,friends and colleagues.

But well done for once again showing your complete lack of basic comprehension of even the most basic political understanding.

You flat earthers really are comedy gold!
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What do you think about Russia's Sputnik V vaccine ?

Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine gives around 92% protection against Covid-19, late stage trial results published in The Lancet reveal.
AZ has joined forces with Russia for both vaccines t be better prepared and effective.

A down side to the Sputnik vaccine is that it has two different versions of the same vaccine . Also analysis only included symptomatic cases of Covid, and more work would need to be done to understand whether it stops even asymptomatic cases, and prevents the virus from being passed on by vaccinated people.

While AZ etc rely on the same vaccine but in two shots. Also the AZ vaccine works best in one half sho then a full shot as against Russia's vaccine which is two full shot but each shot slightly different.

The more vaccines there are the better the fight against SAR's-cov2 will go.
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AZ has joined forces with Russia for both vaccines t be better prepared and effective.

A down side to the Sputnik vaccine is that it has two different versions of the same vaccine . Also analysis only included symptomatic cases of Covid, and more work would need to be done to understand whether it stops even asymptomatic cases, and prevents the virus from being passed on by vaccinated people.

While AZ etc rely on the same vaccine but in two shots. Also the AZ vaccine works best in one half sho then a full shot as against Russia's vaccine which is two full shot but each shot slightly different.

The more vaccines there are the better fight against SAR's-cov2 will go.
We're just trying to get as much vaccine in arms as possible, even if it means another round of vaccinations in the autumn. Looks like it is starting to work, thankfully.