Covid 19

I was thinking today that honestly some of the regulations being put into effect with COVID are similar to the flu as well. You keep an eye on your temp, body aches and loss of taste which have all happened with the flu. When you have it they tell you to stay home and not come back until you are better or in this case test negative. They are just taking a much more aggressive means to enforce it.

Also it would seem that the president and his wife have now tested positive and I am sure they've been around a ton of people coming home from the debates and being around all their staff.
You have no facts
So then if you believe in evolution so who created the evolution God
See nothing you have is proof only summarization and conjecture
You people wants to believe Big Bang crap climate change idiots as SCIENCE but not for abortion transgender that is choice
All your stuff is not proven
I have documentation of scientist that are against these theories
But we are wrong you are right nonsense
Prove it not plastic bones and fossils that they claim what they look like
Bible tells us what animals God created
Stop listening to fools and learn the truth
I have not asserted anything in my post; merely transmitted the thoughts of others to the person to whom I replied.
I'm not sure what you're talking about? Chinese nationals? I never mentioned anything about Chinese nationals.

I did refer to the Chinese Virus. The Covid19 virus that was created in a lab in China and deliberately spread throughout the world to cripple and slow the world's economy.

(please don't waste your time posting fake news reports telling me that the virus came out of thin air and China had nothing to do with it. Grow a pair and use your common sense)

(see you on November 4th! :mstickle:

My god. Get an education man. Jesus christ you're far off
I'm not sure what you're talking about? Chinese nationals? I never mentioned anything about Chinese nationals.

I did refer to the Chinese Virus. The Covid19 virus that was created in a lab in China and deliberately spread throughout the world to cripple and slow the world's economy.

(please don't waste your time posting fake news reports telling me that the virus came out of thin air and China had nothing to do with it. Grow a pair and use your common sense)

(see you on November 4th! :mstickle:
:LOL: :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: OMG Trump is on this web site!!! who new eh? welcome Donald, looking forward to the 1st lady posting her media!
expecting there might be a change in thinking after Trump turned up infected, Wrong the numbers of those around him who are also now infected is rising by the hour. Still the incredibly stupid are refusing to wear masks some even spouting it's a hoax. No doubt our ignorance is the # one reason why we lead the world in deaths. 4% of the total population and 20% of the deaths. Making America Great Again, is that killing off more people per thousand than any other nation on the planet. That's a hell of a thing to be #1 at.
We lead the world in deaths because many of the deaths are from pre-existing conditions but doctors are pressured into listing Covid as the cause of death. Death certificates are often filled out by first year residents who don't even know the patient. The attending physicians leave them on their desks to take care of during the graveyard shifts. Also, other countries are hiding their total number of Covid deaths. They do the opposite of what we're doing.

When you do statistics they are almost always unreliable unless they are strictly controlled and supervised. Too many variables in play and when it comes to Covid, it's been politicized too much to get accurate data.

Go down to your local hospital and ask them how many Covid patients they have. I can almost guarantee it is less than four or five, if any at all. Do your own research. If not, you'll just continue to believe what you hear on TV as the gospel truth and post on forums such as these as if you're an expert.

Me? I'm not an expert but I do know for a fact that statistics and polls are usually bull *******. And I do know three different doctors who tell me that there are no Covid patients in their hospitals anymore and there hasn't been for a last couple months. That much I do know as a fact because I've seen it.

Somebody comes on TV and tells me there have been 200K deaths directly from Covid without any transparency as to how those numbers were derived at?............well......I take that with a grain of salt.
We lead the world in deaths because many of the deaths are from pre-existing conditions but doctors are pressured into listing Covid as the cause of death. Death certificates are often filled out by first year residents who don't even know the patient. The attending physicians leave them on their desks to take care of during the graveyard shifts. Also, other countries are hiding their total number of Covid deaths. They do the opposite of what we're doing.

When you do statistics they are almost always unreliable unless they are strictly controlled and supervised. Too many variables in play and when it comes to Covid, it's been politicized too much to get accurate data.

Go down to your local hospital and ask them how many Covid patients they have. I can almost guarantee it is less than four or five, if any at all. Do your own research. If not, you'll just continue to believe what you hear on TV as the gospel truth and post on forums such as these as if you're an expert.

Me? I'm not an expert but I do know for a fact that statistics and polls are usually bull *******. And I do know three different doctors who tell me that there are no Covid patients in their hospitals anymore and there hasn't been for a last couple months. That much I do know as a fact because I've seen it.

Somebody comes on TV and tells me there have been 200K deaths directly from Covid without any transparency as to how those numbers were derived at?............well......I take that with a grain of salt.
BULL ******* Where do you live Alaska. I live in Tucson AZ My neighbor works in a hospital And she's been unable to get extra time off for months because the intensive care unit she works in has been filled to capacity and other parts of that hospital have been set up to handle people who don't need breathing assistance with covid. If you live in a city that's numbers are low they won't have many cases . But don't say it false, phony or made up . To date i know 57 people who have been hospitalized and 23 of them are dead. You speak like a fool of course people die from various causes. The covid attacks the immune system. You know that's the system that keeps people from checking out from a common cold. Without it working properly we're screwed That' why people with existing conditions are at risk. It enables the existing condition to run wild. Ask your three Dr. friends how long most could live without a immune system working properly . But doubt you have a single one. Every dam death has more than one contributing factor. Say you get shot, you recover then later die from a infection caused by the wound. Your thinking you didn't die from being shot you died from a infection. So the guy who shot you can't be charged in your death. You fail to understand that most of those dead people would be alive if they had not had the covid that prevented a recovery of other conditions or caused other conditions because the body was fighting off the virus.
We lead the world in deaths because many of the deaths are from pre-existing conditions but doctors are pressured into listing Covid as the cause of death. Death certificates are often filled out by first year residents who don't even know the patient. The attending physicians leave them on their desks to take care of during the graveyard shifts. Also, other countries are hiding their total number of Covid deaths. They do the opposite of what we're doing.

When you do statistics they are almost always unreliable unless they are strictly controlled and supervised. Too many variables in play and when it comes to Covid, it's been politicized too much to get accurate data.

Go down to your local hospital and ask them how many Covid patients they have. I can almost guarantee it is less than four or five, if any at all. Do your own research. If not, you'll just continue to believe what you hear on TV as the gospel truth and post on forums such as these as if you're an expert.

Me? I'm not an expert but I do know for a fact that statistics and polls are usually bull *******. And I do know three different doctors who tell me that there are no Covid patients in their hospitals anymore and there hasn't been for a last couple months. That much I do know as a fact because I've seen it.

Somebody comes on TV and tells me there have been 200K deaths directly from Covid without any transparency as to how those numbers were derived at?............well......I take that with a grain of salt.
Still pushing misinformation, and yet admits you are not expert. That's called opinion. Uninformed, but still opinion.
1. Saying the our pre-existing conditions are the cause of us leading the world is just stupid.
A. The United States ranks 35th in health out of 169 countries. We can be better but we aren't in the bottom 150.
B. Countries with high healthy indexes like Italy and Spain were also hit hard by this.
2. You don't have to do something as ridiculous as going to the hospital. You can call and ask or go online and check public records.
3. Statistics are absolutely unreliable, only the people who interpret them. It's actual science and takes understanding. That's the fact.
4. Death certificates are filled out by the attending physician or the medical examiner. And verifies. Where did you get this first year bullshit from?
5. 40% of American adults have pre-existing conditions. 40% do not have Covid19

It's takes a lot of effort to put out bullshit at this level.
ReThuglicans ... can't stand 'em but can't legally ******* 'em ... but covid-19 sure can.
Republicans, "omnimoda ignorantia"
I'm not an expert but I do know for a fact that statistics and polls are usually bull *******. And I do know three different doctors who tell me that there are no Covid patients in their hospitals anymore and there hasn't been for a last couple months. That much I do know as a fact because I've seen it.
No, you're not an expert, we figured that out by what you post.
There's no relevance of statistics to polls ... one's FACT based, the other OPINION based. But, I can understand your being confused as Trumptards wouldn't know a FACT if it jumped up and bit 'em in the ass. They probably look the same to you, I'm sure.
The hospitals list their covid-19 patients (totals, new admittances, deaths) every day in most bigger cities. If you choose not to believe what is being reported, that's your prerogative. A few less non-believing ReThuglicans in this world won't hurt a thing, in fact, might improve things quite a bit.
Somebody comes on TV and tells me there have been 200K deaths directly from Covid without any transparency as to how those numbers were derived at?............well......I take that with a grain of salt.

That's because you're a FOOL ... let's face it, even if they gave you their derivations, you'd still call them "fake" because your dumbass leader tells you what to think. And where the FUCK is he and his growing number of administration right now?
Gesh, you folks are word-Bonehead.jpg
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They run around posting their nonsense then when challenged they have no answer but to repeat the debunked BS they post.

On the web are many research papers which show that to make something, ie man made, there would be signs of manipulation in the genome data. There are NONE. And this has been backed by hundreds of universities, reseach labs, Genome researchers, and Countries CDC's.

Yet the flat earth dimwits still say the impossible is possible because they say so.
I think you believe whatever is anti-Trump or whatever you hear on CNN. It's a shame.

I'll believe what I see with my own eyes. I just got back from visiting my ******* and her hospital in Manhattan. There are currently 11 patients in the hospital diagnosed with Covid, a very low number for such a large hospital and area. I was able to see the floor they were on but not the rooms, they are in quarantine. All of them are receiving hydroxychloroquine as part of their overall treatment. The doctors have established treatment methods for them and the hospital group she is in has one of the highest success rates with Covid in the world. I went to lunch with her and two of her doctor friends and they just roll their eyes when I tell them what people are saying about the ******* and treatment methods.

Again, if Trump hadn't mentioned it, you would not be against the ******* at all. Think about that and how you base your opinions. I doubt this will go anywhere because a sex fantasy forum is not exactly the place to discuss politics with people who are receptive to realities outside of their belief systems. I'll just leave it at that.


  • 963F91AA-B1F7-41E9-90F1-8A96BE48E644.png
    698.8 KB · Views: 6
We lead the world in deaths because many of the deaths are from pre-existing conditions but doctors are pressured into listing Covid as the cause of death. Death certificates are often filled out by first year residents who don't even know the patient. The attending physicians leave them on their desks to take care of during the graveyard shifts. Also, other countries are hiding their total number of Covid deaths. They do the opposite of what we're doing.

When you do statistics they are almost always unreliable unless they are strictly controlled and supervised. Too many variables in play and when it comes to Covid, it's been politicized too much to get accurate data.

Go down to your local hospital and ask them how many Covid patients they have. I can almost guarantee it is less than four or five, if any at all. Do your own research. If not, you'll just continue to believe what you hear on TV as the gospel truth and post on forums such as these as if you're an expert.

Me? I'm not an expert but I do know for a fact that statistics and polls are usually bull *******. And I do know three different doctors who tell me that there are no Covid patients in their hospitals anymore and there hasn't been for a last couple months. That much I do know as a fact because I've seen it.

Somebody comes on TV and tells me there have been 200K deaths directly from Covid without any transparency as to how those numbers were derived at?............well......I take that with a grain of salt.


  • 98EF74C7-8266-4148-A10B-DCDA73AFDEB5.jpeg
    30.5 KB · Views: 4
We lead the world in deaths because many of the deaths are from pre-existing conditions but doctors are pressured into listing Covid as the cause of death. Death certificates are often filled out by first year residents who don't even know the patient. The attending physicians leave them on their desks to take care of during the graveyard shifts. Also, other countries are hiding their total number of Covid deaths. They do the opposite of what we're doing.

When you do statistics they are almost always unreliable unless they are strictly controlled and supervised. Too many variables in play and when it comes to Covid, it's been politicized too much to get accurate data.

Go down to your local hospital and ask them how many Covid patients they have. I can almost guarantee it is less than four or five, if any at all. Do your own research. If not, you'll just continue to believe what you hear on TV as the gospel truth and post on forums such as these as if you're an expert.

Me? I'm not an expert but I do know for a fact that statistics and polls are usually bull *******. And I do know three different doctors who tell me that there are no Covid patients in their hospitals anymore and there hasn't been for a last couple months. That much I do know as a fact because I've seen it.

Somebody comes on TV and tells me there have been 200K deaths directly from Covid without any transparency as to how those numbers were derived at?............well......I take that with a grain of salt.
35 (7).jpg33 (1).png
Country Infections Deaths
United States7,600,846214,277

The top four countries most covid infected countries according the WHO 15-10-2020 listings. Russia in the top four

As if any position on the listing is a good thing