Cool White College Guy. If this doesnt happen soon im done

So been on this site for like 2 years as a secret. Still going out hooking up and chillin. Its impossible for a white guy to meet someone here. Cus of this virus Im graduating in 8 mo. Kinda done with this fantasy unless one of you hit me up.... fit tall good future its almost over
What may appears from the outside is so good and appealing, it may be way different than you think. This lifestyle it's NOT for everyone and it has some pros and mostly cons. If you are NOT careful, it may look appeasing as honey to the eye, but later it will sting you as a bee and it will hurt you for a long time. One thing I know about women is, they want real men in and out of the bedroom and the majority they don't want cuckolds.

It amazes me how little so many today really don't understand what love from sex is. They equate love with infatuation. And nowhere has this taken hold more firmly than in the minds of our young people. I was reading some definitions of love that teenagers had given recently. One said, “Love is an inward inexpressibility of an outward all-overishness.” Another remarked, “Love is a feeling you feel when you feel you’re going to feel a feeling you never felt before.”

Now we may chuckle a little when we read those words, but we have to remember it’s not their fault they see love in such a shallow light. Our culture constantly feeds this misconception in our movies, music, and other media. These young people are simply regurgitating what they’ve been told!

But the truth is, love is not just a feeling... it’s a commitment. And while our world says, “I love you because of what you do for me,” true and real love says, “I love you because God first loved me.”

Real love loves after the infatuation is over. It loves when you’ve been staring at the same person over corn flakes for thirty years. So don’t let our culture, or anyone tell you what love is. Love because of the love of Christ that’s in you!

Bottom line, you are a young man, and there are plenty of girls/ women who will love you and go out with you. There's no need to be a cuckold to be with a woman from here or anywhere. Stay strong and be confident of who you really are. Find yourself good loving friends with positive attitude, and life will start opening up for you.....Smile, God loves you....
What may appears from the outside is so good and appealing, it may be way different than you think. This lifestyle it's NOT for everyone and it has some pros and mostly cons. If you are NOT careful, it may look appeasing as honey to the eye, but later it will sting you as a bee and it will hurt you for a long time. One thing I know about women is, they want real men in and out of the bedroom and the majority they don't want cuckolds.

It amazes me how little so many today really don't understand what love from sex is. They equate love with infatuation. And nowhere has this taken hold more firmly than in the minds of our young people. I was reading some definitions of love that teenagers had given recently. One said, “Love is an inward inexpressibility of an outward all-overishness.” Another remarked, “Love is a feeling you feel when you feel you’re going to feel a feeling you never felt before.”

Now we may chuckle a little when we read those words, but we have to remember it’s not their fault they see love in such a shallow light. Our culture constantly feeds this misconception in our movies, music, and other media. These young people are simply regurgitating what they’ve been told!

But the truth is, love is not just a feeling... it’s a commitment. And while our world says, “I love you because of what you do for me,” true and real love says, “I love you because God first loved me.”

Real love loves after the infatuation is over. It loves when you’ve been staring at the same person over corn flakes for thirty years. So don’t let our culture, or anyone tell you what love is. Love because of the love of Christ that’s in you!

Bottom line, you are a young man, and there are plenty of girls/ women who will love you and go out with you. There's no need to be a cuckold to be with a woman from here or anywhere. Stay strong and be confident of who you really are. Find yourself good loving friends with positive attitude, and life will start opening up for you.....Smile, God loves you....
I don't usually read these really long post but yours is amazing and very insightful💋
That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard in this group.
Here is the pinned mod post in the general discussion thread that gives me that impression:

May 30, 2017

It is respectfully requested that you refrain from posting anything to do with cuckolding, breeding, wanting to be cucked etc, in the 'NON CUCKOLD' threads/Forums.

Please use the 'cuckold , extreme' threads that have been made for you to post.

Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2017

Care to rephrase your comment?
Yeah im actually a real person and im not gonna post like personal stuff. I wont even put my face unless someones intrested,Honestly white guys have more to lose for being into this than any of u. Ive messaged tons of girls. Time to just get married and have a regular family...

She is trying to give you helpful advice and you shoot her down.

Here is some hard truth for you.
1) Most women here are after BLACK guys
2) Most women here are in their 30s or over...many are married. Few are looking for a white college kid
3) Speaking of college, and your sound like a spoiled kid and think just because you're graduating college, you'll be something special and think you'll roll into a high earning career. Best of luck, but especially with the current climate, VERY unlikely to happen. You'll be lucky to get a job at this point. Unless your daddy has connections for you...
4) the way you're talking to other women on profiles, you either have an enormous ego and think that just because you tell women ''to hit you up'' counts as ''talking to tons of girls'' or you're genuinely clueless.
5) As pointed out...your profile doesn't say anything that you're after. Zero. We won't know if your a cuck, or a man who wants a wife in the lifestyle, a voyeur....nothing.
6) Your final sentence shows how spoiled/entitled you are. It is an incredibly off putting trait.