Celebrating Obama's Win

No, what you want is for people to agree with what you think is the solutions to the problems. You think, as most Republicans, that minorities are too stupid, misinformed, and irrelevant to listen to the news, etc and make their own decisions, that's why ReThuglicans simply wish to suppress their votes.

Your issues (and well founded) are more with the skyrocketing nat'l debt, even though 2/3 of it was established under a Republican presidential watch. You can thank your Pres Ronald "walks on water" Reagan for supply side economics that set the base for that skyrocketing nat'l debt and the widening disparities of income btw the "haves & have nots". Every economist I've read says Supply Side Economics is responsible for the crony capitalistic system we have today. Republicans have never had a fair solution, only a biased one for the wealthiest that feed their party. They're pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-gun, pro-tortune, yet profess to be Pro-Life.

This is a party of No Hearts, No Brains, and No Courage ... Republicans remind me of the Wizard of Oz. Openly dishonest with absolutely no morsal of integrity. I thank god every day Mitt Romney failed to BUY the election.
The election is OVER ... get over it. If you haven't noticed, the markets are recovering and moving on ... are Republicans going to try to crash this recovery as well? Again? Go ahead, play your gerrymandering games! The Republicans are about to see another wave of ousts in 2014 ... up next, Mitch McConnell ... he's HISTORY in 2014.

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Dude, you are so far off base it s ridiculous, what i want is informed voters. Not a bus full of minorities pulling the democratic lever because they think obama is going to support them the rest of thier lives. And don't talk about debt. Obama has increased the already ridiculous debt more than any oresident before him. And btw i am not a republican either.
No, what you want is for people to agree with what you think is the solutions to the problems. You think, as most Republicans, that minorities are too stupid, misinformed, and irrelevant to listen to the news, etc and make their own decisions, that's why ReThuglicans simply wish to suppress their votes.

Your issues (and well founded) are more with the skyrocketing nat'l debt, even though 2/3 of it was established under a Republican presidential watch. You can thank your Pres Ronald "walks on water" Reagan for supply side economics that set the base for that skyrocketing nat'l debt and the widening disparities of income btw the "haves & have nots". Every economist I've read says Supply Side Economics is responsible for the crony capitalistic system we have today. Republicans have never had a fair solution, only a biased one for the wealthiest that feed their party. They're pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-gun, pro-tortune, yet profess to be Pro-Life.

This is a party of No Hearts, No Brains, and No Courage ... Republicans remind me of the Wizard of Oz. Openly dishonest with absolutely no morsal of integrity. I thank god every day Mitt Romney failed to BUY the election.
The election is OVER ... get over it. If you haven't noticed, the markets are recovering and moving on ... are Republicans going to try to crash this recovery as well? Again? Go ahead, play your gerrymandering games! The Republicans are about to see another wave of ousts in 2014 ... up next, Mitch McConnell ... he's HISTORY in 2014.

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I will say there is ONE and only ONE thing I agree with in your post. "The election is OVER". That's the only thing you said that is accurate.

Your facts are so far off-base it is not even funny. Please do your research before spouting off. Check the bipartisan CBO and you will see how wrong your numbers are.

When Obama took over, we were 10 trillion in debt. We are now 16 trillion in debt. When Bush took over in 2001, we were 6 trillion in debt. Bush added 4 trillion misguided dollars to the debt in 8 years. Obama has added 6 trillion in only 4 years. So no, 2/3 of the national debt was NOT added by Republicans.

And really, is it necessary to name call and insult people? That is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives DEBATE based on fact, logic, and reason. We take issue with the policies, not the person (unless that person has a very poor character and is reprehensible). Liberals argue based on emotion and when they can't win on emotion, it degrades into the name calling and insults.

The haves and the have-nots? seriously? You might as well be quoting "The Communist Manifesto" with their treatment of the "bourgeios". Here's an idea. If you are jealous of what your neighbor has, get off your ass and work harder.

Party of "No Hearts"? Oh yeah. That's right. We earn millions and donate $354 to charity. Oh no. Wait. that was Vice President Biden.

Party of "No Courage"? Yeah that's right. It takes a lot of courage to ******* a baby in the womb.

The MARKETS are recovering. That's fine and dandy. Now lets think of things. You were talking about the haves and the have nots. Who is invested in that market? The people who have RISK CAPITAL, i.e. the haves. I make good money. I can't afford to put money at risk in the markets. And just because the markets are doing well, doesn't mean the economy is. 8% official unemployment. the U6 number is close to 15%. 8.5 million people dropped out of the work ******* in the last 4 years. Gas prices are double what they were when Obama took over. Electricity prices are through the roof. We are giving half billion dollar loans to companies that go bankrupt 2 years later and giving loans to foreign companies to produce "green" cars that no one can afford and that produce no jobs for this country (Fisker Auto). I care very little how the markets do. I care how the ECONOMY does. If the economy does well, the markets will follow because businesses won't have to keep making profits by reducing costs (layoffs). They will make profits by selling more products.

And as for Gerrymandering, we have already had that argument. Both sides do it aggressively.

Oh. One other thing I hope you are right about. I hope McConnell is ousted. He is a RINO and loves to give the President everything he wants while trying to make it appear like a compromise. Boehner and Cantor need to go too.
".... what i want is informed voters. Not a bus full of minorities pulling the democratic lever because they think obama is going to support them the rest of thier lives.

Alanm, so, what you're now saying is you don't want the minorities (that need assistance in the unfair, financial world) to get assistance, but the ultra wealthy, 1-2%ers, with their tax exemptions, write-offs, exclusions, perks, etc etc etc ... who actually pay a federal tax rate lower than a hard working man making < $50,000 a year. Romney didn't divulge his taxes for the last 10 years because it would show several years where he paid practically NOTHING in taxes ... not 20%, not 15%, not even 10%. Romney played the financial system like a Monopoly board game ... find a weak apponents and eliminate them. Jobs ... hahahaha ... he didn't give a rat's ass about creating jobs in the USA. In fact, he was later quoted by his ******* as saying he didn't really want to be President anyways ... and it damn well showed, too!

The system has been skewed, and the playing field tilted in favor of the wealthier Americans because of crony capitalistic influences. Your arrogant, conservative side, with all its frustration, is showing. That's what made Romney and the ReThuglicans meet their "waterloo" ... their arrogance for the poor. You look at the entitlement systems as "handouts" as the problem of our country, when the real problem is the management of those programs, not the systems themselves, and the foolish spending on unfunded wars, and the military. I didn't hear ONE Republican (during the election) talk about how they would fix/rectify the annual $700+ billion in Medicare/Medicaid fraud; all they offered was the desire to eliminate them. That's because THEY don't need them.

As far as the national debt is concerned, over $2.4 trillion is "interest" on the first $10.7 trillion that the last THREE Republican presidents put on the books with Trickle Down/Voodoo economics. I think that Pres Obama has done a pretty fair job cleaning up Bush's disaster, with a Republican congress that was hell's bent on stopping him, including getting ice for his tea.
.... And really, is it necessary to name call and insult people? That is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives DEBATE based on fact, logic, and reason. We take issue with the policies, not the person (unless that person has a very poor character and is reprehensible). Liberals argue based on emotion and when they can't win on emotion, it degrades into the name calling and insults.

Ok, I give ... WHERE have I named called anyone on this board?
And by the way, conservatives called President Obama every imaginable name, including "monkey" many, many times during the campaign. I've never seen a person so disrespected in my entire life ... I was damn well ashamed of the fat, white, old men doing the name calling, and they were ALL republicans ... all of 'em.
Ok, I give ... WHERE have I named called anyone on this board?
And by the way, conservatives called President Obama every imaginable name, including "monkey" many, many times during the campaign. I've never seen a person so disrespected in my entire life ... I was damn well ashamed of the fat, white, old men doing the name calling, and they were ALL republicans ... all of 'em.

Does ReThuglicans ring a bell? Or how about "the party of no heart, no brains, and no courage"? or maybe "openly dishonest with absolutely no morsal (it's morsel, by the way) of integrity'?
Just curious about this comment, falcondfw69 ... what exactly do you call it when millionaires & billionaires buy influence in congressional legislation to avoid paying taxes? You have people like Romney, a multimillionaire, that pay a lesser tax rate than a man making $40-50,000 a year because of the way he earns his income. Had Romney & Ryan gotten elected, they had already said they would eliminate the existing 15% investment income tax rate, which would mean people like Romney would then pay ZERO taxes. If you wish to blame entitlements (handouts as you call 'em) on our national debt problem, start with the entitlements in Washington DC where the congress has given themselves every conceivable tax cut, tax exclusion, tax break, and PERK for practically everything. They're not in the same boat with the average wage earner. The President is right with his comment ... "we aren't all on the SAME playing field." The wealthy play by a totally different set of rules. The system is skewed to tilt wealth to the wealthiest. Over 30 years of Reagan's Trickle Down economics has created the crap this country has now. Cutting taxes at the top to "hopefully" create blue collar jobs does NOT WORK ... never has. Reagan tripled the existing national debt during his 2 terms to prove that. Coincidently, Reagan asked, and got, 17 debt ceiling increases during his 2 terms in office.
The Republicans just made a major effort to BUY the election for Romney and they failed. They tried to cheat, lie, and misslead, then tried to suppress the minority voters ... hell, they're still counting the votes in Florida because of the dumbass Republican govenor who cut the voting days in half to keep minorities from voting.
Personally, I'm a moderate, but the ******* the Republicans did this year turns my stomach ... they deserved to lose. They're bought & paid for by BIG MONEY and they don't give a RATS ASS about YOU unless you have a 6-digit check to send them. One last point ... had the Republicans gained control of the Senate, you could kiss GOOD BYE to the free internet. Republicans have every intention of banning porn from the internet, and this website would not exist. Think about that as many people in this USA earn LESS than the cost of living wage of $24,000, because of the corporations like GE (largest corp in the USA) that paid the equivelant of a 2% federal tax rate in 2010 but send a large % of their jobs overseas.

Enough said ... I apologize to the forum for my rant, but I get sick & tired of these BS lies! :mad:
Nice rant, but you can't spend your way out of debt. Trickle down economics doesn't work, and neither does trickle up poverty. Currently the federal government is spending 40% more per year than it takes in. The national debt exceeds the the Gross Domestic Product. Simply put if you take the entire value of oll the goods and services produced in this country in the course of a year it would not be enough to pay our debt. Another interesting thing is that corporate profits are at record levels and overall unemployment is pretty much unchanged. The country needs two things, a third party that represents the people and politicians that have at least a rudimentary understanding of economics
Nice rant, but you can't spend your way out of debt. Trickle down economics doesn't work, and neither does trickle up poverty. Currently the federal government is spending 40% more per year than it takes in. The national debt exceeds the the Gross Domestic Product. Simply put if you take the entire value of oll the goods and services produced in this country in the course of a year it would not be enough to pay our debt. Another interesting thing is that corporate profits are at record levels and overall unemployment is pretty much unchanged. The country needs two things, a third party that represents the people and politicians that have at least a rudimentary understanding of economics

You forgot one more thing we need. Politicians, of ANY leaning, with backbone. Although there are a few (Ted Cruz and Rand Paul come to mind), there are far too few who have the courage to be honest with the American public and do the right thing.
Does ReThuglicans ring a bell? Or how about "the party of no heart, no brains, and no courage"? or maybe "openly dishonest with absolutely no morsal (it's morsel, by the way) of integrity'?

:bounce: THAT'S what you was talking about ? :bounce: Was any of that addressed at anyone in this forum, facondfw69? Maybe a few feel like it was, but none of what you have listed was directed at any particular poster HERE ... but hey, if the shoes FIT ... wear 'em! I think it was Gov Bobby Jindal that just recently said, on TV by the way, and I QUOTE .... "Republicans have got to quit being the STUPID party!" (close quote), and Dick Armey that just left the Republican party saying, and I quote again ... "I've had enough".

God, I ought to start listing all the INSULTS/RASIST remarks that were directed at and to the President by Republican representatives across the USA in 2012. What Republicans like to do is first insult & lie OPENLY to a crowd of people, then apologize QUIETLY, in private, off stage!

falcondf ...
I just never figured you as being so "thin skinned", but hey, if I hurt your feelings, I'm terribly sorry! And that apology is not said in private (as a Republican would do), but on the posting board.
Did I say it was addressed at anyone in this forum? Whether it is or not, it is still name calling and insulting for those who consider themselves Republicans. Why do you feel you have to resort to this? Why do you feel your arguments based on fact. logic, and reason are not enough, but that you have to call names and bring in emotion into the argument? I am surprised you have not yet annointed the 26 souls that were lost at Newton, CT.
I am not a Republican, but I find myself voting Republican in most elections, because they make the most sense when logic and reason are applied.
Republicans have made many stupid comments. So have Democrats. You seem to fail to see this, because it does not agree with your heartfelt, liberal agenda.
The thinly-veiled insult is stupid. Grow up.
I have not heard ONE Republican candidate make a racist remark against Barack Obama and I challenge you to prove me wrong. Notice I said PROVE me wrong.
Just because there are idiots in a political party does not mean the candidates support their agenda. Same way with Liberals. They don't always support what their candidates say. Look at the number of gaffs Joe Biden has made.
And just to eliminate any doubt, I am not a Republican. I am a Conservative.
Alanm, so, what you're now saying is you don't want the minorities (that need assistance in the unfair, financial world) to get assistance, but the ultra wealthy, 1-2%ers, with their tax exemptions, write-offs, exclusions, perks, etc etc etc ... who actually pay a federal tax rate lower than a hard working man making < $50,000 a year. Romney didn't divulge his taxes for the last 10 years because it would show several years where he paid practically NOTHING in taxes ... not 20%, not 15%, not even 10%. Romney played the financial system like a Monopoly board game ... find a weak apponents and eliminate them. Jobs ... hahahaha ... he didn't give a rat's ass about creating jobs in the USA. In fact, he was later quoted by his ******* as saying he didn't really want to be President anyways ... and it damn well showed, too!

The system has been skewed, and the playing field tilted in favor of the wealthier Americans because of crony capitalistic influences. Your arrogant, conservative side, with all its frustration, is showing. That's what made Romney and the ReThuglicans meet their "waterloo" ... their arrogance for the poor. You look at the entitlement systems as "handouts" as the problem of our country, when the real problem is the management of those programs, not the systems themselves, and the foolish spending on unfunded wars, and the military. I didn't hear ONE Republican (during the election) talk about how they would fix/rectify the annual $700+ billion in Medicare/Medicaid fraud; all they offered was the desire to eliminate them. That's because THEY don't need them.

As far as the national debt is concerned, over $2.4 trillion is "interest" on the first $10.7 trillion that the last THREE Republican presidents put on the books with Trickle Down/Voodoo economics. I think that Pres Obama has done a pretty fair job cleaning up Bush's disaster, with a Republican congress that was hell's bent on stopping him, including getting ice for his tea.
Dude, i don't know who is feeding you your info but it is more rhan a little off. First i have ni problem with minorities getting help when they really need it. I do have a problem with illegals coming to this country, and wanting the american dream without going thru the oroper channels to get it and having a president more than willing to give it to him, just like i have a problem with minorities who think that the more ******* they have the more welfare they can get so lets keep popping out *******. Don't tell me romney pays less intaxes than someone making 50k a yr, thats flat out hogwash. And obama has done a pretty good job cleaning up bushes disaster, are you freakin kidding me.
... Don't tell me romney pays less intaxes than someone making 50k a yr, thats flat out hogwash.

Alanm, you see, this is one of the major problems right here ... READING. I never said Romney pays less in taxes than a man earning 50k a yr , I said he paid less of a tax RATE. And that is a well known FACT that even Romney, himself, admitted he paid 14% in taxes in 2010. He says he pays what he HAS to pay, although he admits putting money in the Cayman Island & Swiss accounts, end of subject with him.

Hey, there's no use discussing this topic any further, as having conversations require one uses their ears & mouth proportionately. Peace! ;)
Alanm, you see, this is one of the major problems right here ... READING. I never said Romney pays less in taxes than a man earning 50k a yr , I said he paid less of a tax RATE. And that is a well known FACT that even Romney, himself, admitted he paid 14% in taxes in 2010. He says he pays what he HAS to pay, although he admits putting money in the Cayman Island & Swiss accounts, end of subject with him.

Hey, there's no use discussing this topic any further, as having conversations require one uses their ears & mouth proportionately. Peace! ;)
You are going to lecture me about not using my ears and mouth, how about using your eyes and read the real numbers. Romneys 14% tax rate is his tax rate on his investments which is taxed at a lower rate than the marginal tax rates. Also you conviently forgot to mention he gets taxed twice, once at the corporate level and once and the federal level, factor those together and his federal rate is more like 30%. Plus he is following the law, its just you liberals hate capitalism and the rich and boo hoo its not fair.
.... I have not heard ONE Republican candidate make a racist remark against Barack Obama and I challenge you to prove me wrong. Notice I said PROVE me wrong.
Just because there are idiots in a political party does not mean the candidates support their agenda.

falcondf ... if you'll REread my statement, you'll see I never said {any Republican Candidate made a racist remark against Barack Obama} ... show me where I said THAT!? You're twisting my statements ... as usual! Although, come to think of it, I do believe Michelle Bachman made a few marginally rasial slurs "in general".

The Republican party used the likes of Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh etc etc to do their dirty work slurs, as they and their candidates sat back and said nothing until RECENTLY ... Bobby Jindal finally gets up and tells his fellow republicans "we got to quit being the party of stupid" ... a-frik'nmen to that statement.
Try reading a couple of these:

But enough of this ... please, HAVE THE LAST WORD ... and be DONE with this conversation! ;)
Ok. You did not say a CANDIDATE did. But since when does Piers Morgan speak for the Democratic Party? or Al Franken? or Jay Leno? or David Letterman? You see, it goes both ways. We can have idiots in our party and so can you. It is the nature of the beast. While there are some incredibly intelligent people who are Conservatives, there are also some incredible idiots. Just like there are some incredibly intelligent people who are Liberals (Bill and Hillary Clinton) and some incredible idiots (Joe Biden).
Stop using the idiots in the Republican party to paint all conservatives with their views, because conservatives could very easily do that to liberals too. We are just a little more mature and don't need to resort to such grade school tactics.
Interesting comment on assault rifles. Assault rifles are typically pretty small compared to most hunting rifles. The .223 and the 7.62X39mm are generally the types calibers young shooters and beginners are started out on because of their lower power and light recoil compared to most high powered hunting weapons like the 308, the 30-06, 338 or a real big gun like the 458 Mag. I would assume from you comments you have little knowledge or understanding of firearms. Just for the record according to the FBI's own figures more people were beat to death with hammers, clubs and bats than were killed with assault rifles last year.

The constitution was designed to and intended to changed. The first series of amendment to the United States Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. Then there things like freeing the slaves, prohibition, repealing prohibition, limiting the President to two terms and a bunch of other things
I'll defer to your superior knowledge of firearms. My post was meant to be tougue in cheek. I didn't realize I needed to spell that out.

But I'll maintain my postion that military style weapons have no place in civilized society. Of course, more people get clubbed than killed with assault rifles but that's a totally specious argument.

Anyway, the debate will go on. History, I believe, will generally travel the less violent path. Those who oppose that will likely find themselves looking back to wonder what they were afraid of. This recent election was a message from the people to the right wing extremists. One that congress has heard loud and clear. Finally, the conservative side of the aisle is negoticating in good faith ... something long overdue imo.

For the record, I have no problem with conservatives. Extremists committed to obstructionism on the other hand have been a threat to the very foundations of our core values and way of life. I, one of many, breathed a deep sigh of relief to see rational thought win out ... finally.
For the record, I have no problem with conservatives. Extremists committed to obstructionism on the other hand have been a threat to the very foundations of our core values and way of life. I, one of many, breathed a deep sigh of relief to see rational thought win out ... finally.

You'll never get the last word in with obstructionists ... impossible! Doesn't matter what the topic ... they'll want the last word, trust me! ;)
Anyway, the debate will go on. History, I believe, will generally travel the less violent path. Those who oppose that will likely find themselves looking back to wonder what they were afraid of.

You are literally whistling past the graveyard of the some 260 million people who were killed by their own governments in the 20th century. I take cold comfort in the assurances offered here and there that it could never happen here in this country, in this day and age.

On the bright side though it appears the GOP is determined that they can drive us into the poorhouse just as quickly and their colleagues across the aisle.
You are literally whistling past the graveyard of the some 260 million people who were killed by their own governments in the 20th century. I take cold comfort in the assurances offered here and there that it could never happen here in this country, in this day and age.

On the bright side though it appears the GOP is determined that they can drive us into the poorhouse just as quickly and their colleagues across the aisle.

The real danger we face from our government comes from the apathy and cynicism of our citizens. I'll put my trust in education, good judgment and responsible participation ... not in a few yahoos who (in my opinion) think their little toy guns could stave off the most powerful military in human history.
As for the economy, I'm glad that the recovery of the past 30 some odd months has been allowed to continue. It means a lot to families all across the country.

Anyway, the election is over. From my perspective the good guys won. There's a lot more to be done but at least for now, as I stated, a lot of us breathed a sigh of relief.

While I totally disagree with your assessment of history, I do respect your right to think as you do. It is in the ongoing debate that we grow healthier and stronger.

But for me, for now, I'll bow out of the thread ... and it's back to more erotic stuff ...