Celebrating Obama's Win

Reagan was one of the best. History has proven that. He fixed the country.

Surely you joke; too much Fox News and Sean Hannity, I think.. Practically every economist now says that Supply Side Economics is the worse thing ever happening to the USA.... cutting taxes on corp's and the wealthy in hopes that they will create jobs. Even Bob Dole & George Bush called it "voodoo economics" ... Up until Reagan, the national debt was being paid down ... every president from Truman to Carter paid DOWN the national debt ... Reagan ran it up to $3 trillion in the red by the end of his second term by cutting taxes on corporations & the wealthiest (w/o adjusting spending), then backdooring the middleclass with frivolous tax increases. His policies accelerated crony and vulture capitalism. Remember StarWars (not the movies) and the arms race? ... billions spent on a defense system that NEVER EXISTED ... simply to bluff the Russians. Suggest you read up on your history ... Reagan was a self-serving president. Wow!

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Reagan was one of the best. History has proven that. He fixed the country.

This is one of those false things that conservatives cling to. Reagan actually was the beginning if a steady decline. I could run down a list but since some people still won't take FACTS into account it's no use.

This little excerpt is hilarious and sums up the fantasy land some people live in when it comes to what Reagan was all about.

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Surely you joke; too much Fox News and Sean Hannity, I think.. Practically every economist now says that Supply Side Economics is the worse thing ever happening to the USA.... cutting taxes on corp's and the wealthy in hopes that they will create jobs. Even Bob Dole & George Bush called it "voodoo economics" ... Up until Reagan, the national debt was being paid down ... every president from Truman to Carter paid DOWN the national debt ... Reagan ran it up to $3 trillion in the red by the end of his second term by cutting taxes on corporations & the wealthiest (w/o adjusting spending), then backdooring the middleclass with frivolous tax increases. His policies accelerated crony and vulture capitalism. Remember StarWars (not the movies) and the arms race? ... billions spent on a defense system that NEVER EXISTED ... simply to bluff the Russians. Suggest you read up on your history ... Reagan was a self-serving president. Wow!
The wealthy have done well under Obama, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Supply side economics didn't work for Hoover either, I believe he was the first to try that. I must confess Obama's trickle up poverty has worked well. I would have liked to see Herman Cain get the big chair, he understands economics and business and after all the US government is the biggest business in the country. I find it a bit hypocritical for the Democrats to call Mr. Cain to task about some sexual dalliances. Jack Kennedy was a renowned pussy hound and Bill Clinton told his wife and the American people that he didn't participate when he got his cock sucked, as I recall he also didn't inhale the happy weed that he smoked.

I won't go into the "Affordable Health Care Act" all you supporters are going to see some interesting things in the next few years
The wealthy have done well under Obama, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Supply side economics didn't work for Hoover either, I believe he was the first to try that. I must confess Obama's trickle up poverty has worked well. I would have liked to see Herman Cain get the big chair, he understands economics and business and after all the US government is the biggest business in the country. I find it a bit hypocritical for the Democrats to call Mr. Cain to task about some sexual dalliances. Jack Kennedy was a renowned pussy hound and Bill Clinton told his wife and the American people that he didn't participate when he got his cock sucked, as I recall he also didn't inhale the happy weed that he smoked.

I won't go into the "Affordable Health Care Act" all you supporters are going to see some interesting things in the next few years

Herman Cain had many issues aside from his sexual indiscretions. The fact that he went Sara Palin whenever someone asked him a question about anything was his main problem.
Yeah, i have since ditched my republican party and i am now a libertarian. Dont like the left or the right. I just want a candidate who still believes in the constitution, small government and that will get out of my way and let me succeed or fail on my own. And a few other important things...lol
You got that right.
For the record personally I have done quite well under Obama. A good part of my portfolio is in stocks. "Quantitative Easing" has artificially driven the stock market higher that it really should be. When the easing goes away the market will "correct" or crash no really knows how much it will drop. To protect myself I will soon move over to high grade municipal bonds, they pay lousy but will protect my gains I made in stocks. After the market settles I will move back to stocks. Quantitative Easing and trickle down economics have the same goal but go about it different ways. Both plans hope that by making the rich richer they will create more jobs. The advantage I find to Quantitative Easing is it makes it easier for me to keep the money I am getting. It is an unfair thing but when I am handed a windfall I am not turning my back on it. I am also not creating any jobs and I doubt Warren Buffet is either.
It's not the fact of making money that is the problem. It's people of means not taking a risks to really make things better in any way.
It is people of means/power/money doing nothing about it. The average Joe who drinks down the cool aid of T.V. news will never do anything.
The founders of the United States were wealthy men of means and most of them lost the lives and wealth in the process.
And asked for nothing when they gave up every thing to make a Nation.
The vast majority of to days men of means/wealth/power are traitors to there country(it's not an nation any more).
Many say if the founders showed up today they would go after the men in Washington(i.e hang them).
I disagree they would hunt and ******* the men behind the power and ******* them with out an once of guilt. The founders being thinking men of action and not todays morons running around. They would take control of the media behind the scenes and start a revolution at the same time. In short they would be smart about it.
There is just not enough thinking men of power with morals around today to do anything.
Obama is just another face for the masses and he knows this and goes along to get along.
I hope your not one of those people who think Obama is black or cares about black folks.
Number one he is 50% white, 25% Arabian and 25% black. If that is being the 1st black president then I am a purple skinned alien.

Before you say what about you?
Well I have risked my life in war, in a line unit and not some low risk support unit behind the lines.
I have had my life threated by power brokers in the republican party back 2008 and the democratic party members back in 2012 when I was making some head way.
No one else took those risks and most of my rich "friends" ran scared when the real threats came.
Only one's who stuck it out were military buddies or friends from high school.
There just not enough of us any more.

I'm saying sorry not to you but to my younger relatives, but at least I can look them in the eye and say I gave it my best.
I was in the navy at a time that being in the military wasn't a popular thing. I would like to think I paid my dues. A lot of the problems this country faces internally have happened because the people have let them happen. I see way too many people that see the problems facing this country through a key hole and think they have an understanding of the big picture. As far as Obama thinking or being concerned about black folks, he is. At least for people like me that could write a nice check. Unless Hell freezes over I won't be writing any checks to either party. Black Americans for the most part have lost more ground under Barrack Obama than they have under any president in the last 50 years.

The other day I was talking with a good friend that is an Emergency room doctor. He pointed out that lawyers never seem to get anything done in a timely fashion, things are postponed, dragged out, there are countless meeting and if and when the problem gets to court the two sides twist the truth to their best advantage. He on the other hand has to make immediate diagnosis based on the facts at hand, devise a a course of treatment, observe the results and modify his actions based on his observations. If the patient dies there isn't much debate about the outcome.

However with politicians who are mostly lawyers they push through bad ideas that are often dead on arrival but they steadfastly proclaim their success and brilliance. Maybe part of our problem is we are drawing politicians from the wrong areas. Maybe we need service technicians, EMT's, police officers, firemen and other men and women of this ilk. People that are used to identifying a problem and arriving at a solution. The down side is that people like this generally aren't good in committee's
I don't know, i think Donald Duck may have been the better candidate. But then again, Scrooge McDuck was a successful businessman, so he would have had the edge with the economy.
Daffy would be an improvement over the current situation, but I do agree the Scrooge McDuck does have a better understanding of economics
I agree we are almost at the SHTF scenario. Only thing worth anything will be food and guns. Its happening right before our eyes and the government thinks we are all stupid and can't see it. Our money is now worthless and the Chinese and S Koreans will no longer be using the Dollar to trade. Once the Dollar falls as the worlds currency, as its about to to, we are TOAST! That aint long in coming folks, and you can thank our dear leader for that.
I think we have even bigger problems then economic now with the flood of illegals coming over the boarder.
1. They suppress wages
2. There gangs make ours gangs look like a minor problem.
3. there gangs in LA target blacks just because they are black
4. It goes unreported half the time
5. and the worst thing which is a threat to every one of us, is the present fuckup with letting these "teens" in with no health check coming from south of mexico. The doctors speaking out talk about not just a minor disease like lice, but also bird flu, Ginoreea(spelling?), and possibly ebola(recent out break in Africa and south America) which there is no defense against except separating who ever has it from every one else.
We already have out breaks of lice, bed bugs, and other pests in recent decades, due to illegals, that we had once almost eradicated in this country.

I am going no were near the south west and have made plains to flee to the country side if there is an out break of ebola in any city near me.
I was in Asia when the bird flu broke out and these diseases are no joke. There was a reason back in the day why we screened anyone coming into this country before. Just the disease out break alone could cause havock never mind the social and economic disaster we are having in part to it.
This is not just an Obama problem, he is just worst one so far when it comes to it and it shows.
And I believe it will get even worse, how I don't know, because it seems like each congress and president it gets worse and worse.
It WILL take a public revolt. Like the 1960's riots to make it stop, in other words something that would shut down the country.
The mob has taken over our government and it shows.
This is why i said before the country will collapse, because it's not just the economic issues that will sink us, but many other things coming at us. There is much more to this, but you need to do your own research and fact finding so it is real for you.

As always good luck my fellow Americans, you are going to need it.
We desperately need a third party. And we need people that want to solve problems not just pass legislation.
I wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself.:bounce:
Start your own thread on this and we'll discuss all the politics you wish to discuss. I'm just trying to be courteous to the rest of the forum readers who become irritated with political discussions here. But, if its your thread ...

Your call, Torp ... you know I'm not shy. gif_Yellowball-DrinkingCoffee.gif
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