Celebrating Obama's Win

Actually, most of the wealthy people I know made their money by starting and running or selling a business they created. I guarantee there's many more that made their money in this manner as opposed to manipulating the markets!

You need to learn a bit more about the multi-million salaries paid to people who have never formed a business or risked their own money and when they fuck up get multi-million pay offs.

There are not many Bill Gates and Steve Jobs out there, and even less who put their money back into their communities.

The billionionares in the middle east are more likely to be family members of their country's rulers, while even fewer African millionaires did not have connections with their country's new government.
Who do you think owns and runs those companies? The government?
And just for the record, I have been to Europe and London specifically, amongst other places. Your National Health Care System is a socialist system. Period. It is run by the government with central planners deciding who gets what treatment. That is the very definition of socialism. Look it up in the dictionary.

Shareholders own those companies and before the say rich people own those shares check the link below,


In the UK individuals owning companies is around 8% of the value of those companies. In the USA it is higher at nearer 36%.

In both countries it is not rich people who own and run the majority of companies.

Anyone can buy shares you don't have to be rich but usually it is the pension funds, bondholders, unit trusts who own and run companies.

I asssume you refer to the National Health System. Firstly it is not a national system. It is publically funded but health in the UK can be free through the health service or from private providers at the patient's choice. It is ran by various organisations and funding is decided County by County and it is the local GP's who for the most part decide who gets what treatment and when. Specialist treatment is decided by specialists.

There are no central planners in the health service, and it is not run by the government.

The government collects most of the money through taxation, but local money is also raised, and some services such and most medications are paid for by those who need them, anybody with higher bills for illnesses like diabetes, or out of work gets treatment for free.

Each County has a committee of elected representatives who oversee the delivery of county wide health care.

Most of the hospitals are independant Foundations. They get paid for services provided either by the government, private health insurance, or for chargeable services. They also have a local board governed by a mix of medical experts and locally elected officials. Central government has no representation on these bodies.

The government does set national standards of care and inspects to make sure that is provided, not always successfully.

There is profit in the system, but the main philosphy is care for the patient, and nobody has to have insurance in order to get care.

Our system provides everyone in the UK with freely available care for around $1,642 per person per year, for which there are 27% more beds available per 1,000 people than in America where your profit based system costs around $4,420 per person.

Your perfectly entitled to take the view that paying around $2,778 a year more for 75% less health care is better than our system...if you have the money, or the insurance to pay for it, then that is fine.

I am bemused that anyone other than plastic surgeons thinks the system is better in the USA for the 'majority' of Americans.
In true typical blk republican fashion quick to defend racist white bastards. You know good and well what that "lazy" and "foodstamp" ******* is about. Romney called him the "welfare president" Fox news is still pushing that bullshit. You think after getting your brains beat in after this election they would wake up. But I guess not. So tell them to keep up the bullshit because I love Democrats occupying the White House. Even white people are sick of the fear, hate and stereotypes that Republicans use to strom up votes out of them. White people look at it like "is this how you try to get my vote by trying to make me mad at them? Really? Ok watch this". And they vote against that "Southern Strategy" bullshit.
Two reasons obama is still in the white house, one all the liberals that have been created and indoctrinated at the high school and collegiate level by liberal teachers and professors who can't think for themselves and take obama at his word for everything. Two romney was not a real conservative republican and this alienated a lot of republicans who decided not to vote...bad idea and you see the result.
I find the Democrat vs Republican debate mildly humorous. Both parties have their agenda and it has very little to do with the welfare of the average working person. Whether you realize it or not most people work to serve the government not the other way around.
Look. Real Americans will never subscribe to the socialist model you guys seem to love in Europe. So stop trying to paint us with your socialist crap. That's why we fought the cold war against the USSR, AND WON!

The reason white, unskilled workers would vote for a party to make people richer is because THOSE RICH PEOPLE PROVIDE JOBS!!!! And because those white, unskilled workers want to become rich themselves some day. It's really not that hard to understand when you think about it.
And that's the bullshit Hannity and Limbaugh tell you bums. "Continue to vote for my millions and one day you will be a rich Republican". And you working class poor bums fall for that bullshit. You sound like Joe "the broke ass" Plumber.
Actually. I was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Taxatushits. Don't give a damn about Cavuto. I got to Tejas as soon as i could and the independent spirit here inspires me and makes me feel like this is home (so do the low taxes - no state income tax).

I am an ex-army M-1 Abrams Tank Gunner. Never had the honor of serving in a war, but had many friends in Gulf War I and Gulf War II.

I fought and trained so you could enjoy your weed and fry your brain and be an idiot and suck up the liberal line. That is your right, but I don't have to like it.
Were you smoking prohibited chemical and fucking your family members while in Active Duty? You inbred fuck.
Where did I ever say racism doesn't exist? First off, to even begin to offer a sound rebuttal, you need to at least be aware of what was said in the first place. Have I ever been discriminated against? Sure, but the difference is what I chose to do in the face of those adversities. I didn't bitch and moan or use the few instances to make sweeping generalizations about a group of people, but rather found ways to overcome it. See, that's called perseverance, *******, something that strong, real Black men know about. In your paltry little mind you equate my not dwelling on negativity as denial. LOL You probably even think I'm part of some huge Republican Party conspiracy. I'm not a Republican so I could care less what "real republicans" think of me. If you see racism at every turn, then become proactive and do something about it (other than bump your gums). Oh that's right, you already are. You're letting white women call you n****r. As well as letting them tell you that they're going to get their grandfather to hang you. You're a hypocrite and buffoon of epic proportions. By that alone, you render all your arguments invalid.
I don't let them call thm n****R in bed. I MAKE them. I call her names as well, its called wild, kinky taboo sex black man. While u are on this "I'm a upstanding honorable blk man" bullshit why are you here begging and trying to fuck oher mens wives. Hypocrite fuck.
I don't let them call thm n****R in bed. I MAKE them. I call her names as well, its called wild, kinky taboo sex black man. While u are on this "I'm a upstanding honorable blk man" bullshit why are you here begging and trying to fuck oher mens wives. Hypocrite fuck.
LOL you make them ...so what you're really saying is that you want to be called a n***r. You make it so easy to show your ignorance. You are indeed worthy of your username. You really are one. As for my activities, not every woman on this site is married. So quit trying to speculate on what I'm doing in some attempt to draw attention off of your dumb ass. You put yours out there in your own words. ;)
You need to learn a bit more about the multi-million salaries paid to people who have never formed a business or risked their own money and when they fuck up get multi-million pay offs.

There are not many Bill Gates and Steve Jobs out there, and even less who put their money back into their communities.

The billionionares in the middle east are more likely to be family members of their country's rulers, while even fewer African millionaires did not have connections with their country's new government.
So you think there are oh so many that get paid millions for doing nothing and taking no risks? Bullshit. I need to learn about business? I've started three companies and reached senior executive positions in others. I worked my ass off and put everything I own at risk to be successful...and as a result created not only a job for myself but also for others.

Get a clue.
You are an IDIOT! What Romney said was true. What he said was 47% of the people pay no taxes. And most would like to continue paying no taxes and getting free stuff, so they will probably not be voting for him. Read the whole damned quote and report it accurately!
And guess what? He was right!

The 47% who "pay no taxes" is BS. They pay no income tax because they are too poor! But these poor people pay taxes in other ways (property, sales, etc).
LOL you make them ...so what you're really saying is that you want to be called a n***r. You make it so easy to show your ignorance. You are indeed worthy of your username. You really are one. As for my activities, not every woman on this site is married. So quit trying to speculate on what I'm doing in some attempt to draw attention off of your dumb ass. You put yours out there in your own words. ;)
Do your thang Clarence Thomas I ain't mad at cha. Keep your tongue up these racist white dudes bootyholes and keep defending them. But since you say I'm a n****r just go to stormfront and see what your racist white boys are calling your blk ass. But like I said keep your tongue up their bootyholes black man.
Two reasons obama is still in the white house, one all the liberals that have been created and indoctrinated at the high school and collegiate level by liberal teachers and professors who can't think for themselves and take obama at his word for everything. Two romney was not a real conservative republican and this alienated a lot of republicans who decided not to vote...bad idea and you see the result.

This might well be the dumbest post ever. Spoken like a true uneducated moron.
What cracks me up is when people hurl liberal and conservative around like it's an insult. Being a Washingtonian, I think I have a pretty good perspective on the political climate, and es in my line of work I can tell you first hand that Democrats and Republican are more alike than most Americans outside the beltway can even imagine. For instance if you have a means or business that brings you to the Mayflower or the Oval Room (both dining venues for Washington's political elite) you'll Dem's and Republicans chumming it up. Yet you go in forums and 'Liberals' and 'Conservatives' are at each other's throats. Both sides have got to know that their just spewing rhetoric and regurgitating propaganda. My point is that to the average American, Democrats and Republican are at polar opposites of the spectrum when in reality They are bed mates more often than you realize. Remember there are always three sides to every story ... Your side, their side and the truth (which often lies somewhere in-between).
This might well be the dumbest post ever. Spoken like a true uneducated moron.
Please explain, i can already guess you are a liberal. They always get pissed when they hear, something they don't like. Oh and by the way, i am quite educated. I have my BS, i am a full time Engineer and i am working on my masters degree in industrial/ manufacturing systems Engineering. Love to hear you educational background.
Two reasons obama is still in the white house, one all the liberals that have been created and indoctrinated at the high school and collegiate level by liberal teachers and professors who can't think for themselves and take obama at his word for everything. Two romney was not a real conservative republican and this alienated a lot of republicans who decided not to vote...bad idea and you see the result.

Ok then, on this perspective you really have to give them credit for comprehensively duping 52 million Americans; and successfully gaining control of your education system nationwide to such an extent that in America that they have apparently managed to suppress free thought and speech and programme enquiring minds into their own thinking; yet despite this they still flooded the airways with one of the expensive advertising campaigns ever undertaken. Presumably all except Fox News were broadcasting sublimal messages to further their cause....

It must have worked, so you have to give them credit for a job well done.

But that just goes to show the comprehensiveness of the Republican failure. Why were they unable to do what the Democrats managed to do.

Perhaps the Republicans spent too much time riding bucking bronco's in the countryside. Based on some of the posts too many must have landed on their heads...

Non white Americans saw what the Republicans thought of them. Even white women saw what the Tea Party thought of women's rights when it came to motherhood. 26% Americans living in poverty saw what was coming and they turned out in their droves to vote to reject that philosphy...