Celebrating Obama's Win

Only a damn fool will argue that whites aren't leading the way in foodstamp\gov assistance using. And this was way before Obama. Fuck rock you've been living under?

Take a look at the numbers YOUR LIBERAL GOVERNMENT PUTS OUT! Back it up with facts. If you can't, STFU.
Once again shut up with this fake bougie black man ******* that your talking. You know when you are getting your ass kicked when u resort to attacking a username. Lol. So hang your hat on my username an keep buck dancing for these white folks here. And when yourdone I got a big bowl of grits for ya. Now let me get back to this other Uncle Tom\ Herman Cain ass black man.
LOL you thought I was attacking you. I'm not attacking you, I'm calling attention to the irony and stupidity of your tirades. Are you that insecure that you feel any debate or contesting of your views is an attack? That was a rhetorical question because it's all to apparent thatyou do feel that way. To further illustrate your ignorance, you think calling someone bougie is an insult. Since when is being middle/upper class or having aspirations a bad thing. I knew clowns like you in school, they saw racism in every thing and oft times invented it. There are obstacles that Black men face no doubt, but what it all amounts to is you work harder for what you hope to achieve. You make damn sure you cross your T's and dot your I's. You gain things for yourself that can never be taken away ... like an education ... a degree ... dignity and self-respect. You don't sit stagnant and complain like a whiny little bitch ... especially in forums. You're a conflicted individual. In one thread you're on about how you let white women call you n****r but in this one you're trying to act like we're the ones lacking self-respect or self-awareness. :D
I don't give a rats ass what color states are the fastest growing foodstamp states. It is a shameful blight on this nation if ONE person goes on foodstamps or welfare that was not on there before. Period. Romney was not talking about the active military, students, elderly. He was talking about those who suckle off the government teat and REFUSE to get off their lazy asses and WORK! Not those who have a legitimate, temporary need. He was talking about those who are permanently on foodstamps or welfare and have no desire to get off it. Come on Biggs. HAs the weed fried what is left of your braincells? You know there are a lot of people like what I describe.
Well that's who is doesn't pay taxes stupid fuck. Once again WHITE PEOPLE receive more government assistance then anybody. Why can't u white folks accept this reality?????
LOL you thought I was attacking you. I'm not attacking you, I'm calling attention to the irony and stupidity of your tirades. Are you that insecure that you feel any debate or contesting of your views is an attack? That was a rhetorical question because it's all to apparent thatyou do feel that way. To further illustrate your ignorance, you think calling someone bougie is an insult. Since when is being middle/upper class or having aspirations a bad thing. I knew clowns like you in school, they saw racism in every thing and oft times invented it. There are obstacles that Black men face no doubt, but what it all amounts to is you work harder for what you hope to achieve. You make damn sure you cross your T's and dot your I's. You gain things for yourself that can never be taken away ... like an education ... a degree ... dignity and self-respect. You don't sit stagnant and complain like a whiny little bitch ... especially in forums. You're a conflicted individual. In one thread you're on about how you let white women call you n****r but in this one you're trying to act like we're the ones lacking self-respect or self-awareness. :D
So u don't think blk people know racism when they experience it? U sound like dumb white people who try to tell blk folks "oh that's not racism your just sensitive". Fuck outta here. Niggas like u like to deny racism even exists. I'll tell u what go sites like "Stormfront" "N****rMania" "Chimpout" "American Resistance" etc and see what real republicans think about your blk ass. You and Jeseyman.
I don't give a rats ass what color states are the fastest growing foodstamp states. It is a shameful blight on this nation if ONE person goes on foodstamps or welfare that was not on there before. Period. Romney was not talking about the active military, students, elderly. He was talking about those who suckle off the government teat and REFUSE to get off their lazy asses and WORK! Not those who have a legitimate, temporary need. He was talking about those who are permanently on foodstamps or welfare and have no desire to get off it. Come on Biggs. HAs the weed fried what is left of your braincells? You know there are a lot of people like what I describe.
Yes and they are white.. Stupid fuck...
Ted Nugent (another racist rightwing fuck bag) said yesterday "Pimps, Hoes, and Welfare Brats have a President". But of course my blk republican friends here see nothing racial about this and I'm just finding racism in everything. Lol.
One last thing and I'm done putting my foot up u dudes asses. Ole Neil Cavato at Fox listed the 10 worst\best educated states trying to break down Romney voters but I don't think he realized just what the hell he was doing. 10 worst were West Va, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Nevada, Indiana, Tenn and Oklahoma. Al states with the exception of Nevada voted for Romney. Falcon which one of these states where you born and raised in? 10 best educated Maryland, Colorado, Connencticut, Vermont, New Jersey, Virginia, New Hamp, New York and Minnesota. Guess who won these states?
One last thing and I'm done putting my foot up u dudes asses. Ole Neil Cavato at Fox listed the 10 worst\best educated states trying to break down Romney voters but I don't think he realized just what the hell he was doing. 10 worst were West Va, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Nevada, Indiana, Tenn and Oklahoma. Al states with the exception of Nevada voted for Romney. Falcon which one of these states where you born and raised in? 10 best educated Maryland, Colorado, Connencticut, Vermont, New Jersey, Virginia, New Hamp, New York and Minnesota. Guess who won these states?

Actually. I was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Taxatushits. Don't give a damn about Cavuto. I got to Tejas as soon as i could and the independent spirit here inspires me and makes me feel like this is home (so do the low taxes - no state income tax).

I am an ex-army M-1 Abrams Tank Gunner. Never had the honor of serving in a war, but had many friends in Gulf War I and Gulf War II.

I fought and trained so you could enjoy your weed and fry your brain and be an idiot and suck up the liberal line. That is your right, but I don't have to like it.
That happened like once years ago. China's so worried about their global image now that they're not about to do something like that again any time soon. It's not like Tiananmen Square incident is a regular occurrence.

Most changes in chinese government have been due to peasant revolt. Don't dismiss the current simmering resentment at the growing wealth of their 'communist' rulers..
Cuckolded wimp,
Buy a brain and some intelligence. Voting for someone because of the color of their skin is racist, no matter which direction it goes. Vote on the ideas and the record and this country will be a hell of a lot better off.

or was it simply a matter for voting for someone who at least had an understanding of their prespective of life's experience than for a party that is nearly 99% white and openly rooting to support the rich rather than for ordinary Americans like them
So how long will it take for Obama to pass legislation through Congress demanding the Republican daughters of the revolution serve the community on their back two for two hours every week?

It's not a new idea. Caligula enforced Roman Senators to prove their loyalty to Rome by offering up their wives and daughters to work in brothels to restore the finances of the Empire...

There is more ways than cuts and taxes to restore finances :)

Come on ladies, step up, step up, drop your knickers for your country....

Oh well. I suppose you will have to wait two years for the Democrats to regain control of Congress before this happens...

:) :)
So u don't think blk people know racism when they experience it? U sound like dumb white people who try to tell blk folks "oh that's not racism your just sensitive". Fuck outta here. Niggas like u like to deny racism even exists. I'll tell u what go sites like "Stormfront" "N****rMania" "Chimpout" "American Resistance" etc and see what real republicans think about your blk ass. You and Jeseyman.
Where did I ever say racism doesn't exist? First off, to even begin to offer a sound rebuttal, you need to at least be aware of what was said in the first place. Have I ever been discriminated against? Sure, but the difference is what I chose to do in the face of those adversities. I didn't bitch and moan or use the few instances to make sweeping generalizations about a group of people, but rather found ways to overcome it. See, that's called perseverance, *******, something that strong, real Black men know about. In your paltry little mind you equate my not dwelling on negativity as denial. LOL You probably even think I'm part of some huge Republican Party conspiracy. I'm not a Republican so I could care less what "real republicans" think of me. If you see racism at every turn, then become proactive and do something about it (other than bump your gums). Oh that's right, you already are. You're letting white women call you n****r. As well as letting them tell you that they're going to get their grandfather to hang you. You're a hypocrite and buffoon of epic proportions. By that alone, you render all your arguments invalid.
It is amazing that some threads here take long to get going, but when it comes to politics and opinions, the thread grows extremely quick. Who said that we are not intellectual people? Keep it going!!!
I think at the end of the day they wanted the devil they knew rather than the devil they didn't. Which I can commend, despite not being a supporter of Obama or Romney. Only a fool thinks that any President could turn a country around in 4 years, so giving the current one a chance to put up or shut up shows a glimmer of intelligence. Nearly the same amount of people voted for Mitt as they did for Obama. It was by no means a landslide victory, which only illustrates that this country is still very much a country divided.
And that"s what this election was about... Classes of people! I look at some of these comments.. And still see no glimmer of hope.
And that"s what this election was about... Classes of people! I look at some of these comments.. And still see no glimmer of hope.

Do you have in America a party for people to vote for after they have thought and considered the issues as we have in the UK. The 'classes' in the UK vote Tory and Labour much as Americans seem to vote Republican and Democrat. (Though why the white unskilled would vote for a party to make rich people richer is quite beyond me!)

Thinkers in the UK vote Liberal Democrat and as a result they have a very small representation in government.

I don't think you have a party in America for people who have thought through the issues and want to vote for a party which presents a balanced and sensible policy, or do you? :)
Do you have in America a party for people to vote for after they have thought and considered the issues as we have in the UK. The 'classes' in the UK vote Tory and Labour much as Americans seem to vote Republican and Democrat. (Though why the white unskilled would vote for a party to make rich people richer is quite beyond me!)

Thinkers in the UK vote Liberal Democrat and as a result they have a very small representation in government.

I don't think you have a party in America for people who have thought through the issues and want to vote for a party which presents a balanced and sensible policy, or do you? :)

Look. Real Americans will never subscribe to the socialist model you guys seem to love in Europe. So stop trying to paint us with your socialist crap. That's why we fought the cold war against the USSR, AND WON!

The reason white, unskilled workers would vote for a party to make people richer is because THOSE RICH PEOPLE PROVIDE JOBS!!!! And because those white, unskilled workers want to become rich themselves some day. It's really not that hard to understand when you think about it.
Look. Real Americans will never subscribe to the socialist model you guys seem to love in Europe. So stop trying to paint us with your socialist crap. That's why we fought the cold war against the USSR, AND WON!

The reason white, unskilled workers would vote for a party to make people richer is because THOSE RICH PEOPLE PROVIDE JOBS!!!! And because those white, unskilled workers want to become rich themselves some day. It's really not that hard to understand when you think about it.[/quot

The biggest provider of jobs in the UK is not rich people but people with ideas and innovation that create their own companies. Small businesses are the biggest creator for new jobs, and you don't need to be rich to create your own counrtry. When I set my businesses up I had no money at all just a skill that people needed and a willingness to take a risk.

I am not a socialist and we don't have a socialist system in Britain or any European Union country. Even Russia and China have abandoned their version of socialism.

If anyone is telling you different come and take a holiday in Europe and find out whatb is happening in the world for yourself. It is better than relying on channels like news channels that have bushy tails.

The republican campaign is over, they lost. Now let's get back to the real world.

There is no problem anyone becoming rich, but if the American model works for Americans why are 26% of Americans living in poverty? When will the rich people provide these people with jobs that don't leave them in poverty? You have had for 300 years to try and make that philosophy work.

Will anyone ever learn from history?

Most jobs are provided not by rich people but by companies who employ people, or by the government that provide the services on a non-profit basis that communities need.

Few rich people own and run their own businesses, some do but they are rare.
Who do you think owns and runs those companies? The government?
And just for the record, I have been to Europe and London specifically, amongst other places. Your National Health Care System is a socialist system. Period. It is run by the government with central planners deciding who gets what treatment. That is the very definition of socialism. Look it up in the dictionary.