Can We Have the Wives on here not the Husbands ?

Awe, ain't that cute! Some jerk off trying to act hard thinking it's gonna get him laid lol! Maybe you should step out for a second and remember your place. Your a sexual tool, no more, no less. Like any other tool,once your no longer useful, you can be thrown away. The arrogance of some of you dudes on here is laughable! Not eveyone on here is bowing down to you. I enjoy my wife being a whore, it's a turn on. But, I'm not into that whole humiliation scenario and being treated like a little bitch! You can take that mess somewhere else, she doesn't do anything without my approval. It's not a one way street either, I hook up with other women in front of her just like she does with guys. Good luck with search asshat!
There's a "winning" line.
The OP's inartful request definitely deserved a response (because when you approach a couple, of course the man is going to be sure his wife is safe at the very least), however this statement of remembering our place and we're nothing but tools is not the right attitude either. Though it reveals a lot more about you than you think.

If you're desperate for white pussy, and have no self respect, then this is the couple for you.
Just like if you don't care what swinging dick your wife latches on to, the OP is for you.

Neither of you are verified members so there's that too.