Can Cuckolding Save Lonely Men? (Serious)

This is for a serious none-fetishized discussion.

If you've been paying attention to the news recently you've probably heard reports about the rise of single lonely men and the negative impact it has on their mental health. But one thing that is almost never mentioned or is overlooked is the fact that this might be signs that traditional monogamy is dying and becoming outdated, and by trying to hold onto to this dying relationship system we are damaging our own mental health. In other words, if you are a man and your desire is to have a "trad wife" who only has sex with you and stays home to clean and do childcare while you go to work then you are essentially setting yourself up for failure and loneliness by desiring something which the modern liberated woman does not want.

Women don't need you for sex. They don't need you for money. What they need, what we all need, is love and support. People who respect us and don't try to hold us down with outdated systems and beliefs. The patriarchy is dead. Men need to stop thinking they can own women. It's not happening anymore. Bury it and let it rest. Monogamy is also on the way down and if you try to stay on soon you'll be drowning.

Many incels (involuntary celibates in case anyone is not familiar) are simply men who are holding onto a dying system and refusing to adapt to the new world order. They are told by many in the conservative media that the only path to happiness and "being a real man" is to have a stay at home wife with lots of babies while the man goes to work. When they can't obtain this they become frustrated and angry. They start giving up on life and sulk into a state of pessimism and misery. They refuse to talk to women, they refuse to be friends with them, and they refuse to change their desires from anything other than what they've been brainwashed with by right wing conservatives who will blame "porn" and "feminism" for the problems when it is in fact them who is rotting the brains of these incels with their harmful outdated messaging. The brainwashing is so thick it is almost impossible to reach them. If you go to one of their forums and try to tell them any differently you will only be met with an onslaught of angry insults to the point you'll be happy to let them die lonely miserable fucks.

Another sign the monogamy is dying is the rise in popularity of cuckolding which has increased significally over the years (just look at how many people are browsing this site at any given time.) More people are embarrassing cuckolding as a way to adapt to this new world order. Allowing your wife or girlfriend to have sex with other men gives her the freedom and autonomy she desires meanwhile men who are cuckolded are able to connect with women on different emotional levels that doesn't involve jealousy or a desire to own. Cuckolds also don't feel threatened by a sexually liberated career woman who wants it all, rather they uplift her and want her to explore her power. Cuckolds do not get angry or upset when a woman decides to just be friends but still fuck other men; in fact, we find it titillating and want to juice out the details. It is much easier for cuckolds to find social connection and happiness in the modern world then it is for a man who demands monogamy and faithfulness from an imprisoned house wife.

The cuckold mindset has the power to change the world and bring happiness back to men who have felt disfranchised. This why I believe it is important to promote this lifestyle and make it mainstream so men have something better to latch onto other than the outdated ideals and lifestyle of traditional monogamy.

Feel free to agree or disagree with anything I said and share your thoughts.