This lifestyle is extremly powerful. It takes a happily married white couple who love each other very much where the wife has needs and desires that can only be satisfied by black men and the husband is willing to allow to her have sexual relationships with black men so her desires are filled. For periods of time in thier marriage the white wife becomes a black mans lover...submittig her body to black men for thier sexual pleasure and her sexual satisfaction with the husbands knowledge and approval and usually with him present to watch. The dynamics and emotions of a relationship like this is overwhelming in as much as after the white wife has been shared with a black man for what is usually extremly intense sexual gratifaction for both the white wife and her black lover the husband is there to love and nurture her as much or more than he did before she was blackened. This lifestyle is like no other...without comparison...captivating.....addicting....exclusive to those who live and love it....
Lovely description of the changes a white couple goes through when sexual pleasure is tied, for both cuck and wife, to the Black bull. Nothing like a shared passion to keep a couple going.