BLM and our white wives

You're no philosopher, so stop acting like you have any fucking answers about life. You know nothing.

Don't waste mental energy responding to my comments since you determine it to be RUBBISH........PROBLEM SOLVED.....Cheers.....
And so didn't white slavery ....
For women and children and it still exists in countries to this day !!!!!
But black slavery does not .....
I agree and I’m not racist
BLM is a nice idea because of course they do, BLM as a movement has become a bastardized agenda driven cess pool of shitty people leading the blind. Its getting to the point where regular folk have to stay inside because of the risk of getting beaten up (like the countless videos of assault) have to watch their doors and their buisness doors for risk of being robbed (like the countless stores already), have to stay awake for fear of getting burned alive by arsonists (like the family of 4 that were sleeping as their house was firebombed and the protestors blocked the firetrucks from getting to their house) , cant speak a different opinion for fear of being shot and killed (like that young mom that was hunted down and shot for saying all lives matter)
Cant have a different opinion as a black person without being scolded (like how every single black person gets insulted in the worst ways for not joining group think.)

BLM is now a fucking joke, filled with racists and abusers and anarchists. Wheres this group when someone gets shot by someone else in a neighborhood over petty *******, not by cop? The good people still in the group need to leave it and splinter in a movement thats against the abusers as well as against The wolves in sheeps clothing.

The kinky cuck side of me would like to say this movement could get this kink more popular but goddamn, realistically theres more of a chance now of me getting jumped or beat up just for being white and an increased chance of ******* for my S/O than there has ever been if we are wondering what the outcome of this movement will be.
Anyone here wanna thumbs down this comment or rebuke it fine go ahead, but nothing i said is false and if you put your ego or personal politics aside youd be agreeing. I was for the protests, then the moment rioting and burning and stealing started, the protests no longer meant *******. That was a month ago, now its escalating to assault, and *******.... these people are playing with fire. I can tell you that the majority of americans living there lives during this ******* are getting fed up, if these events dont end soon dont be surprised if the outcome is more people getting guns and open carrying and more folks on edge ready to ******* at moments notice in self defense. Hell i thought of getting a gun, luckily everyones level headed here in ky and the protests havent been bastardized yet, but if they do get radicalized and someone tries opening my car door on me or assaulting me then ill unload on everyone of them that was ganging up on me. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I’m sick of ppl that have NO idea about what black lives matter ( literally say it without cringing you racist f*cks) means. Ppl with little to no education on why the movement is important to POC. Stop with the conspiracy theories that coddle your subconscious racism . Learn what it means from ppl who have an actual experience as black ppl for f*cks sake. And for those that are tap dancing to butter their way up to those same racist ppl. I feel sorry for you . This is the last I’m saying of this because I feel some people are just not worth wasting breath over .
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I’m sick of ppl that have NO idea about what black lives matter ( literally say it without cringing you racist f*cks) mean. Ppl with little to no education on why the movement is important to POC. Stop with the conspiracy theories that coddle your subconscious racism . Learn what it means from ppl who have an actual experience as black ppl for f*ucks sake. And for those that are tap dancing to butter their way up with those with racist thoughts I feel sorry for you . This is the last I’m saying of this because I feel some people are just not worth wasting breath over .
shall we chat about it?
All slaves were not sold to slavers so that is incorrect. There were many instances where people were taken by ******* from their families. And even if this wasn't the case and they were sold does this make the crime any less horrific? Does this excuse the countless instances of ******* (of men women and children) by those who owned slaves?
yes one tribe took people from another tribe, then sold the people they captured. You cannot change history because it does not fit your narrative
yes one tribe took people from another tribe, then sold the people they captured. You cannot change history because it does not fit your narrative
If your going to engage with me weeks after take the time to read what I have said. But clearly you have some mental deficiency so I'll pull up my own words to address the matter.

"I do not deny slave were sold. But are you saying every single one was sold? In the context of this conversation we are talking about the African slave trade. I fully acknowledge there are atrocities that have happened to many groups throughout the ages but this does not lessen horrific acts committed by white people of the time."

Since you wanna talk about narratives I have one. What about someone who pretends to be in a couple for a year+ on black fetish fantasy site so they can exchange messages with black men about sucking and fucking them? Before engaging with me actually read what has been said. Otherwise suck out your mom or dad from the back. Have a very bad day you racist POS!
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I have been able to open up more talks in general about black people and BLM with my white wife, giving her and us both a better understanding how black people are not treated fairly or equal and should have never been this way, but things need to change now. I feel and hope this could be a good first step in helping others look and treat black people the right way, also feel this can open up white wives to this lifestyle like my wife as this being on news etc. It has become everyday talks with us. Any others feel the same? Anyone see this attention to BLM helping this lifestyle?

Well..... It seems to me that the various sexual fetishes that arouses men all seem to be extensions of the male castration anxiety. Don't all the fetishes in one way shape or form involve castration of a man's manhood at least symbolically?.....

I think it's interesting that the KKK killed Malcom X's ******* and then he later wrote in his book that he thinks all black men have a secret intense attraction for white women....

I think white people owe it to themselves really to make their black brothers and sisters feel understood and appreciated and to give them as little cause as possible to feel that living together is intolerable, lest we divide and the family I dreamed of uniting moves even further apart.

I just spoke with a nice woman yesterday who told me how she got pulled over driving while black the other day after having only lived in the white community she just moved to for only a month.

With that being said, when speaking of BLM we should all understand that there are undercover agents of foreign adversarial nations amongst us who's agenda is to chip away at the cracks of division amongst us in order so that we divide and forfeit our position in the world dominance hierarchy thereby creating opportunity for them to advance their own. Folks who's primary concern is neither of our children, black or white and who would sink all of us towards subjugation by praying on our inability to unite.

I hope this website can serve in bring us together. Sexual healing?

Throughout the ages King's and queens of different nations have married one another uniting their nations.
This post is dumb and gross. Cucks who come on here thinking they can mix in the very real racial inequalities in this country/around the globe with their sex fantasies need to be banned. Disgusting people think using BLM to get their wives to have sex with a black man is a valid suggestion. Obsession leads to such messed up ideas from cucks in this online lifestyle 🙄