Black womens thoughts/attitude towards white women

If you’re black man, sometimes you have to realize the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You’ll find a lot of women from the other groups can be just as bad or if not much worse than a black woman.
Yeah but black ofte too fat
Yep, I’m asian, and I flinch a little when black me. I’m with it comes out some how that their favorite are white women!
I love asian being a white guy with large cock. We use lubrication and I have trained to keep the cock inside her for hours without coming. I am 40 she 20. She is submissive and enjoys this.
It only ever happened at university. When I was on a date with a black guy or in bar/party or whatever with a black guy and we were into each other then I'd get a side eye from a black girl there or a look to say "he shouldn't be with you". That's as far it went, it didn't go to comments or anything other than the looks.
It's weird, it's never happened at any other period other than at university.
I don't know how accurate it is for one person to interpret another's look. Maybe the black girl's look indicated her belief that "he shouldn't be with you"--and then again, maybe not. I often caution people against treating their assumptions, interpretations, evaluations, opinions, assessments, judgments, etc., as if they're facts.
Ok fine, then by your words "Fuck em" , so then by that all the Beautiful Black Goddesses should just go out and FUCK every white cock and Big White Cock that is out there. Ok, I'm cool with that even if they fuck the overwhelming majority of them with no condoms. ✌
Me I don’t care. A black man can fuck who he wants and sista can do the same. Hell it’s their pussies. Can’t tell a woman who she can or can’t fuck. That twat is hers to maintain.
No one cares as much as you think they care or want them to.

You guys act like we live in 1960s lol , nobody really gives a ******* who you dating or fucking.

Most Black women don’t give a ******* about you.
No one cares as much as you think they care or want them to.

You guys act like we live in 1960s lol , nobody really gives a ******* who you dating or fucking.

Most Black women don’t give a ******* about you.
To which group are you referring to when you say "most black women don't give a ******* about you"? Which group of people are saying most black women don't give a ******* about?
To which group are you referring to when you say "most black women don't give a ******* about you"? Which group of people are saying most black women don't give a ******* about?
Anyone in this thread (white women , black men , white couples whomever) who thinks or is asking if most black women spend their time fretting about who ya’ll date and fuck.
Anyone in this thread (white women , black men , white couples whomever) who thinks or is asking if most black women spend their time fretting about who ya’ll date and fuck.
I agree with you for the most part, up to the point when black women start seeing a increased higher percentage of black guys year after year fucking an increased higher percentage of white women year after year. My belief is when black women keep seeing those percentages go up and up and up, almost all of them in turn will react by saying "FUCK IT, we ain't putting up with this and taking this ******* any longer, we are going to fuck almost all the white cocks and all the Big White Cocks." Because Black women are territorial, when they start realizing and seeing 65% of white women fucking black guys, almost all black women will react by deciding to invade the white women's territory and do it more and better by probably 25% more, meaning 90% of black women will go out and fuck 90% of white men when almost all of them really make this reaction decision as a whole. What you think?
I agree with you for the most part, up to the point when black women start seeing a increased higher percentage of black guys year after year fucking an increased higher percentage of white women year after year. My belief is when black women keep seeing those percentages go up and up and up, almost all of them in turn will react by saying "FUCK IT, we ain't putting up with this and taking this ******* any longer, we are going to fuck almost all the white cocks and all the Big White Cocks." Because Black women are territorial, when they start realizing and seeing 65% of white women fucking black guys, almost all black women will react by deciding to invade the white women's territory and do it more and better by probably 25% more, meaning 90% of black women will go out and fuck 90% of white men when almost all of them really make this reaction decision as a whole. What you think?

Im sorry to say but you have a very cartoonish way of seeing people especially black women and interracial dating. Black people are not a monolith , so all these percentages that you are throwing out are inaccurate. We like , love , date, marry and sleep with whoever we deem attractive or available to us. We are just as complex at picking our choices to date or sleep with as the next white , asian , brown person. Not out of some spite or supposed territoriality (which is a nonsense argument dude).

People date or sleep with what their environment allow. Most black men date, sleep or marry black women , as most middle east people date and marry each other or east asian etc. Until society interms of communities that people live in become multicultural socio-economically , that’s just how it is and going to be.

Like i said the majority of black women don’t care who you date or sleep with and are not gonna make decisions based on what you perceive their thoughts are on interracial dating. They are busy living their lives and also dating or sleeping with who they want.
Sorry if this has been discussed earlier, I couldn't find a thread.

This site is largely black men and white women that love to fuck, followed by white male cuckolds. My question is, how do black women feel about this?
Do you feel pushed out? Do you turn a blind eye? Do you support it?

Black women and White male porn is nowhere near as popular as the above and I feel like that is generally reflected in society. The black men that I have spoken to about this subject prefer white women as 'they are easier' 'less stressful' 'generally more petite'. Unfortunately, I don't know any black women good enough to feel comfortable discussing this with. Anyone care to shed some light on this?

No shame in my game... I’m a grown responsible black man, I pay my own bills, I take care of myself and I absolutely love white woman...and I don’t give a fuck who does not like it....nuff said.
You can't steal what doesn't belong to them! All BBC is self owned and sista's have to compete for it just like any other woman in this capitalist highly competitive society!
I live in Southern California one of the most diverse feminine competitive markets in the country.

According to the data Asian women are the most desirable on the market right now, then White, then Hispanic women, then Black women, ect!
Facts black women hate to compete. They think they own the privilege of a black man time and mostly resources. The crazy part about it is they tend to over look decent quality everyday working black men, because they are not street of thug enough. Time is not their friend in most cases ,the older they get the less options they have.
Cohabitation!!! That's your problem dude you count the broken and dysfunctional in the community and the educated and the government does not! They count marriages! Families make a healthy and thriving community not it's single people. If you don't have successful families you don't have a successful community and we are the only ones who don't understand that. The standards to which the data and statistics are founded on is marriage. Unmarried people jumping from cohabitation to cohabitation making babies along the way is the biggest part of the problem. Back in the 1960s and before more than 80% percent of black people were married!!!!!! The most successful communities that black people ever had in America the majority of them were married!!! today that is terribly the opposite and you point out these uncommitted unions as though they matter when they are actually what's destroying the black community! SMH! 🤦‍♂️ Shame left our people long time ago and the black churches are responsible because it's full of baby mama's who hiv all their money to these money hungry preacher's. This is why most black men have left the churches. All you see in their now is a bunch of beta male simps!

Almost 80% percent of black woman are baby mama's today who have children and no husband in sight. The data and statistics show that children from single parent households are not only least likely to succeed like their two parent household counterparts but actually live a life of crime! Hhhhmmm guess what's happening in the black community and who has the highest incarceration rates in America and why???🤔 Studies have shown that when black men are in their children's lives that they are the most actively involved fathers but we know that most black children in America today grow up without one in their lives because according to black women they are so "strong and independent that they don't need a man" and I suppose they also believed that their children didn't need one around either!

Black women are uncovered, unprotected, and unprovided for because they are out of pocket from where they should be mentally and in competition with their men doggy us every step of the way instead of following their men as women do in other communities. Their mindset is fucked up. They want traditional men. They want us to pay for everything (which I agree and believe that a man should pay for everything because we get access to their most valuable qualities which is their youth, beauty, and reproductive capabilities and that is what a woman's value is based on in this country) but they don't want to stand in a womans place and allow the men to lead. No other communities have this problem. White women started feminism and most of them don't even act like that. Their biggest mistake is thinking that femininity is something that you can just turn on and off but feminine women are feminine all the time and that why men always flock to defend them and black women always take that L because nobody wants to defend a strong masculine woman who is acting like a man. They are the only ones out her squaring up in a man's face like their a man until those punches start flying, then she's a female. Nah you got it shorty!

They want all the protections and advocacy without doing what other women do to deserve it starting with their attitudes, disagreeableness, and lack of femininity along with the fact that most of them are overweight and out of shape is what they think we deserve as men and this is why the statistical data is showing that the most educated and successful men in the black community are dating and marrying out! All of my black friends here in Southern California who have sons say that their sons won't date black girls. They did it to themselves. You see all these rappers getting shot and killed. All these guys were raised by baby mama's in the black community and are highly emotional. They only know how to react by shooting each. BLM ain't ******* if you don't start in your own community first!

This is my opinion but guys like you who cape for the dysfunction of these out of pocket delusional women is part of the problem. People like you are why black women run around unmarried complaining about how unprotected and unprovided for they are and they don't know why? It's because of their fuckery and lack of respect for their men and the fact that they spend 10 billion dollars a year on beauty ******* that their men overwhelmingly say that they don't want their women to wearing.

In the black sector of YouTube the black men speak the data and the majority of their subscribers are black women. Even lots of the black women in the black sector of YouTube speak those numbers.
Black women only dislike it when the Blackmen are perceived to have high value or potential high's about economics/finances; hence, those at the bottom of the ladder....they don't care but, if they at the top or heading their then, they claim ownership....funny, the Blackman's woman is the one he chooses regardless of race/culture....
No one cares as much as you think they care or want them to.

You guys act like we live in 1960s lol , nobody really gives a ******* who you dating or fucking.

Most Black women don’t give a ******* about you.
Educate yourself young man. You say your in the UK realize the rest of the world is not as acceptable as many in your neighborhood. There are places in America today where walking down the street holding hands could get you beaten or hung in a tree. When you say NO ONE it's as foolish as saying EVERY ONE. There's always plenty that don't fit into that group.
I'm sure those black women you speak of would not be impressed by your don't give a ******* words. Might even give you a slap down for speaking as if you know how they feel. I'm privileged to know a few very caring black females. One even brought this old white woman soup last month. Another told her i had twisted my ankle and was unable to shop. Racism will never stop if people like you make statements like yours. After all if they don't give a ******* why should i or we as you have spoken for millions of black women.