Black womens thoughts/attitude towards white women

If you’re black man, sometimes you have to realize the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You’ll find a lot of women from the other groups can be just as bad or if not much worse than a black woman.

I know that’s right. I know that I have met some really emotionally fucked up white women. The worst! But you better believe, like Richard Pryor said, ahma fuck ‘um! They can be sobbin’ while I fuck ‘um too I don’t give a damn. Fuck ‘um and keep it movin’ LOL! Latinas too!
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She was pissed , but she had wanted me to talk to her before she ever saw me with a white lady , she was not my type I remember her very well me and my cousin was coming in the bar and they was leaving and they turned around and came back we talk ,she wanted me to ask for her number I could tell but she was not my type lol
She was pissed , but she had wanted me to talk to her before she ever saw me with a white lady , she was not my type I remember her very well me and my cousin was coming in the bar and they was leaving and they turned around and came back we talk ,she wanted me to ask for her number I could tell but she was not my type lol
If she saw us together, I'm sure she would be very angry, right?
It only ever happened at university. When I was on a date with a black guy or in bar/party or whatever with a black guy and we were into each other then I'd get a side eye from a black girl there or a look to say "he shouldn't be with you". That's as far it went, it didn't go to comments or anything other than the looks.
It's weird, it's never happened at any other period other than at university.
You can't steal what doesn't belong to them! All BBC is self owned and sista's have to compete for it just like any other woman in this capitalist highly competitive society!
I live in Southern California one of the most diverse feminine competitive markets in the country.

According to the data Asian women are the most desirable on the market right now, then White, then Hispanic women, then Black women, ect!
With due
respect to Asians etc, even though my girl is white, I almost always have dated ebony girls because to me they are extremely sexy. I have pretty hot tempers too but you learn how to deal with it. LOL
I love women period, no matter her color. It’s like going to Baskin-Robbins, I love all flavors. Now, as it pertains to black women, I love them from top to bottom; and white women I admire their tenacity for sexy danger. I haven’t had Asian or Latino women yet (but hopeful). *******, it’s hard getting women on here 😂 but hey it’s fun trying.
You can't steal what doesn't belong to them! All BBC is self owned and sista's have to compete for it just like any other woman in this capitalist highly competitive society!
I live in Southern California one of the most diverse feminine competitive markets in the country.

According to the data Asian women are the most desirable on the market right now, then White, then Hispanic women, then Black women, ect!
According to what data bruh?
I love women period, no matter her color. It’s like going to Baskin-Robbins, I love all flavors. Now, as it pertains to black women, I love them from top to bottom; and white women I admire their tenacity for sexy danger. I haven’t had Asian or Latino women yet (but hopeful). *******, it’s hard getting women on here 😂 but hey it’s fun trying.
I agree w/ all you say.
According to the companies who created well known dating apps like: Plenty of Fish, Tender, Bumble, Christian Mingle ect. Those companies have come out and admitted that they had to hide their dating data from the public which showed that black women were the least successful on all of the apps.

Not going to go too much in to detail about the particulars out of respect but I will state the most important factor. Data and statistics show that most people want to and do marry within their own group and because men control access to marriage its men who control the marriage market. Which means you are not getting asked for your hand in marriage unless you are what that guy wants. In this capitalist society we are very competitive and women in every group compete for the top tiers of men except black women.

Right now only 26% of black women are chosen for marriage which means 3 out of 4 of them will never get married and die alone. Why? Because in this competitive society the market dictates what its wants in women and black women are the only group who tell the market what it will accept, and what it deserves, take it or leave it and as the marriage rate shows the majority of the market has decided to leave it! is stats and data for black people, by black people, about black people!
fewer and fewer people get marries today, so it's ridiculous to say all the people who don't get married will "die alone"
Sorry if this has been discussed earlier, I couldn't find a thread.

This site is largely black men and white women that love to fuck, followed by white male cuckolds. My question is, how do black women feel about this?
Do you feel pushed out? Do you turn a blind eye? Do you support it?

Black women and White male porn is nowhere near as popular as the above and I feel like that is generally reflected in society. The black men that I have spoken to about this subject prefer white women as 'they are easier' 'less stressful' 'generally more petite'. Unfortunately, I don't know any black women good enough to feel comfortable discussing this with. Anyone care to shed some light on this?

I’ve actually been stopped by a group of black women when I was with my girlfriend at the time. And the first thing they said was “are we not good enough for you and what does this white girl have that we don’t?” Now all I could tell them is it’s just what I prefer!
According to what data bruh?
Unless you live under a rock and don't have google then all dating and marriage statistics and data are a simple click away! Also in the black sector of YouTube both black female and male content creators regularly speak on this true and factual data and statistics. They may disagree on why the numbers are what they are but they agree on what the numbers are.

More than 70% percent of adult black women are single mothers. Black men have overwhelmingly said for years and years that they do not like black women's attitudes, lack of femininity, and disagreeable nature. The majority of black men have also expressed their dislike for wigs and hair weave. Also 60% percent of black women are overweight and 20%% percent are obese. These are things that black women themselves make videos about. According to black female medical and fitness professionals the BMI standards are accurate across the board so there is no excuses which are given regularly.

The bottom line is the way the women in your community look is directly related to what they believe the men in that community deserve as mates and this is why black women marriage rate in America is only 26% percent. This is what the women are saying. The data is out there and black content creators speak on this stuff all the time.
fewer and fewer people get marries today, so it's ridiculous to say all the people who don't get married will "die alone"
I am strictly talking about women who want to be married with families in which you would be hard pressed to find a black woman who does not want to be married with a family. Even though their marriage rates are disparaging. Also the
measurement of a truly successful and thriving community is based on its families not the people who are just shacking up! Through families is how you create and pass along generational wealth. If you're not the emergency contact or the beneficiary of the will of the person you're shacking up with then it's as good as being alone from an economic aspect and that's ridiculous!
Sadly, marriage is a bloody business for women and GOVT to extract resources from men as indicated by Feminist inspired Laws and bias family Court Judges (alimony, baby-support, etc.,).

Oh yes, Family Court in USA receive matching funds from Federal Govt for every baby-support order they issue against MEN (monetarily incentivised).

Marriage is like gambling in Las Vegas and House is stacked against you before you tie the NOOSE...I mean knot.

NEVER been married not even close....thank-you Lee Marvin (RIP) for warning me in my pre-teens....
According to the companies who created well known dating apps like: Plenty of Fish, Tender, Bumble, Christian Mingle ect. Those companies have come out and admitted that they had to hide their dating data from the public which showed that black women were the least successful on all of the apps.

Not going to go too much in to detail about the particulars out of respect but I will state the most important factor. Data and statistics show that most people want to and do marry within their own group and because men control access to marriage its men who control the marriage market. Which means you are not getting asked for your hand in marriage unless you are what that guy wants. In this capitalist society we are very competitive and women in every group compete for the top tiers of men except black women.

Right now only 26% of black women are chosen for marriage which means 3 out of 4 of them will never get married and die alone. Why? Because in this competitive society the market dictates what its wants in women and black women are the only group who tell the market what it will accept, and what it deserves, take it or leave it and as the marriage rate shows the majority of the market has decided to leave it! is stats and data for black people, by black people, about black people!
Interesting. Does it have any stats though on how many of that percentage of black eligible females are single mothers? I think that has a huge part in it and with the stats falling (correct me if I am wrong) around 70% of BSF as single moms that would correlate with your 24% number. A single parent has a definitely harder time finding a mate willing to take on a family.
Both my mom and my fiancé have been beaten up badly by Black women for being Black cock sluts, so I think there is some resistance there. I do know some Black queens who like this lifestyle though. I want to reassure our Black queens that we do not wish to steal your Black kings - we just want to be able to enjoy them too.