Black lives matter

Chessboard board game. Being played on both sides. And BLM Marxist. Nothing to do with so called black people.
So, lets see who said that BLM is a Marxist group? Oh yea, that's right, the old grey ass Rudy Giuliani said that whom I don't LISTEN to whatsoever! BLM was created for protesting against incidents of police *******! I am no damn sheep here, shawty, and being a Black Man, I agree with everything that BLM represents! *******, as a Black Man, I have experienced police *******! This ******* isn't a MUTHAFUCKIN game! What Black Man deserves having a shotgun pointed at him 3 feet away for a damn traffic ticket?
So, lets see who said that BLM is a Marxist group? Oh yea, that's right, the old grey ass Rudy Giuliani said that whom I don't LISTEN to whatsoever! BLM was created for protesting against incidents of police *******! I am no damn sheep here, shawty, and being a Black Man, I agree with everything that BLM represents! *******, as a Black Man, I have experienced police *******! This ******* isn't a MUTHAFUCKIN game! What Black Man deserves having a shotgun pointed at him 3 feet away for a damn traffic ticket?
I feel sorry for you my brother. Your being lead down the wrong path. Study to show yourself approve. Same game for the 60's. Are ******* said his people would parish for lack of knowledge. History will repeat itself again. Just like in Egypt. Rome. And Babylon. They haven't even started yet. This country will be turned up side down this summer.
Fuck you don’t even know what BLM is do you. Of course not. You’re a fucking little as sheep like the rest of them that are being used and abused over and over again. Look it up for yourself on YouTube if you don’t believe me. Look up interview which she specifically says she is a trained Marxist organizer. Let that sink in your thick skull a bit. What does Marxism have to do with the black community? Absolutely fucking nothing. What does Marxism have to do with any community of color? Absolutely fucking nothing. You’re a pathetic sheep being used by your Master’s weakling!!!!
First off, I'm not a fucking SHEEP to anything at all! If anything, you are the FUCKING sheep working for the government! Who is the one getting that Linear pay because I sure am not! I don't TRUST the fucking government like most do! I bet you TRUST the stock market too, don't you? Check this ******* out so you can learn something, what type of income is available where you can earn between 5 to 8% on your pay daily? I CONTROL my income, shawty, not the government! By the way, what technology will make up 15% of the GDP by the year 2030? If most Americans aren't ready for that in the future, don't be surprised if you LOSE a large percentage of your income!
I'm going to say this one more time.. If you can't debate in a civil way. This thread is getting shut down