Black lives matter

Bingo, it is amazing how many either don’t know or don’t want to know how things work and who is in the White House doesn’t mean a damn thing at the end of the Day
It's all part of the Hegelaian dialectic. They apply pressure from above and below. Problem action solution. They planned all of this. Predictive programming
Trying to be careful with this thread, which involves something more important than sex, as incredibly pleasurable and satisfying as it can be.

None of us should be able to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness until we all can, no matter our race, color or creed. We must love our neighbor as ourselves, in our deeds as well as words.

Great sex and intimacy should start with great respect and integrity, and if you don’t fight for the rights of each other in public, you do not deserve to enjoy great passion, pleasure and fulfillment with them in private. Please look out for each other, in and out of the bedroom.
I mean seriously. All through American history how is this nonsense planned?? If you know real American history?
Because it's false. The only real history book is the bible. And most people can't understand or comprehended its purpose because they are not in the spirit. It has nothing to do with religion. It's about laws and commandments. Man created religion. Man is a liar and deceiver.
Once again watch your language. We are all adults. We can agree to disagree.
Apparently we aren’t anymore, not sure when this happened but insanely a bunch of grownups decided at some point if someone doesn’t believe wirh the next guy or girls opinion you are a scumbag and any other insult that comes to mind...Crazy world we live in now
Thank you. Now you have to make up your mind on who is doing the deceiving. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 10: The heart of the WISE inclines to the right but the heart of the fool inclines to the left...Take that for what it’s worth and apply it in today’s politics. If you’re still lost my friend then I will reply more instruction for you. All through history it’s always been a left and a right. Take that scripture to heart my friend
Church should never be combine with the state.
I am no damn sheep here, shawty, and being a Black Man, I agree with everything that BLM represents!

Thank you so much, because BLM staunchly promotes full civil rights for trans-women!

As a white sissy trans-girl it is gratifying to know that strong Black men approve of my femininity and that trans-women are women. Thank you for your support!
He did worn us but he picked a racist Dixiecrat from the south as Vice President that deceived the black vote for year’s and years till this very day. Look up roll call votes on 1964, 1965 and 1968 and you will see that every Dixiecrat voted against him for the south. Never was a party switch either. Look up every senator from the south that voted against him. They all retired and died with the same party all the way up to Robert Bird in 2010...It was all for votes and to unify the party instead of it being split like it was since the civil war.
Kennedy started messing with the money. They couldn't have that. He wanted to turn paper back into the gold and coin. The federal reserves couldn't not have that? Who owns the Federal Reserve?
Weak sheep like you only betray’s country for propaganda 👍
Lets see, you still going with the insults which is a Trump favorite that his supporters love to do! And, then, state that nonsense about betraying one's country coming from an individual like YOU who has most of Trump's tactics, who supports a Racist who is a TRAITOR who doesn't support our military AT ALL and then condones Racism like you do! Or, will you be a ASSHOLE and claim that you don't condone Racism like Trump spewing lies? So, again, if you can comprehend, look over my previous post about finance because I am sure YOU can learn something because I am sure you DON'T know what technology that I am referring too a couple posts back! Remember, always GOOD to be MONEY Literate!
Nobody knows who owns it??? Hasn’t been audited since him. So then would you agree then if you’re not part of the system then they would try every means necessary to get rid of you in power? If you were against the system?
The international bankers. What family owns every banking system in the world. Except for one?