Black lives matter

Yea right! I'm not believing that lie! Racism isn't created though if that is so then explain systemic Racism because that CLEARLY isn't created! I like how you're trying detract though claiming that you "see people as people"! Nice try though with that reverse psychology though!
Have you ever considered maybe our country’s problem isn’t systematically racism but a problem in wealth distribution. Less opportunities for the poor. More for the rich. And let’s face is most of us aren’t in the 1% no matter what color you are.
Have you ever considered maybe our country’s problem isn’t systematically racism but a problem in wealth distribution. Less opportunities for the poor. More for the rich. And let’s face is most of us aren’t in the 1% no matter what color you are.
That is true though is part of the problem, but still would be nice to be treated equally! Hopefully, one day, things will change!
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dude you have never heard of the term systemic racism until recently. It’s like they make this fucking ******* up as it goes. Obama never used that term. It’s like it was just created yesterday. Stop with this damn nonsense. Ain’t nobody out to get you bro. Make your money and love your neighbors cuz. You are FREE FREE. Don’t let them tell you aren’t. You can do anything you like. Just don’t be deceived by the wrong politics though. There are many different forms of slavery. Especially the kind that taxes people to death. Just keep an open mind to that.
Still putting your TWO CENTS in as if you understand how it feels being Black! Lmao, why don't you take care of your wife and be that good Cuck for her instead? And, stop with the "cuz" and the "bro" because YOU don't know me to call me that! I am free? I will believe that when I see it because I am still waiting for that phrase "ALL Men are created equal" being that it hasn't happened yet for over 400 years! What happened to Philando Castile could have been me though difference is that I was the only driver at that time in my situation, though thankfully nothing escalated!
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BLM, yet another group funded by the far left to create issues to give the perception that society isn’t working. Conquer & divide. Racism now only exists at a low personal level in idiots raised by idiots. Systemic and institutional racism does not exist in the west and certainly not in Europe. It’s all bull *******, they ain’t bothered about racism, they are only focused on white on black racism. To all the black folk out there, if you continue to teach you children that their failures are down to the colour of their skin then do t be surprised when the give up at the first hurdle.
BLM, yet another group funded by the far left to create issues to give the perception that society isn’t working. Conquer & divide. Racism now only exists at a low personal level in idiots raised by idiots. Systemic and institutional racism does not exist in the west and certainly not in Europe. It’s all bull *******, they ain’t bothered about racism, they are only focused on white on black racism. To all the black folk out there, if you continue to teach you children that their failures are down to the colour of their skin then do t be surprised when the give up at the first hurdle.
I believe in the BLM movement as well as a large percentage of Americans feel the exact same way, which is two-thirds of the country who support it! By the way, in my country, Racism is there whether a Black Man or Woman is poor or not! I can be a middle class individual and still experience Racism, so NO it doesn't ONLY exist at poor levels at all! I don't blame you though for not knowing being that you DON'T live in my country! Another example of on the OUTSIDE looking in! Also, systemic racism DOES EXIST! Try living as a Black Male for a month and still claim that BULLSHIT to me because I have SEEN it firsthand systemic Racism, which has been going on for years! And, Black families teach their ******* to feel good about themselves, but they ALSO let them know what to expect though living in White America being Black! All of what I learned as a Black Male has been the truth when it comes to Racism, which I am not immune too because I have experienced that and STILL DO today! Smh, white men stating their opinion AGAIN as if they understand Black America when they CLEARLY DON'T as ALWAYS!
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I spoke to the Manager. He said you have normal cuck whiteboi emotional conflict.

He said your anger comes from lusting after Black Cock, while simultaneously fearing what you deeply understand the Black Man's sexual power would do to your weak whiteboi masculinity.

You can only resolve this internal conflict by submitting to your natural desire.

nanci "I must speak to the Manager" whiteboi
lol, I don't like to generalise people but usually conservative guys are better built and more masculine, whereas liberal guys... I don't know

Maybe they think girls will want to sleep with them if they are more politically correct?
Personally I can’t stand liberal white guys. I need a guy that can actually do something besides bitch and moan. When I say do something I’m talking about things outside the bedroom. If I want to hear bitching and moaning I’ll hang out with my gfs. Same with these racist black men..bitch and moan..bitch and moan...plenty tired of it..they maybe made for each other
Keep the politics out of it, I don't know if it's a liberal BLM black cock or a conservative black cock that's fucking me, all I know is I love it and wish I didn't have to keep it secret from my conservative white husband.
Get a divorce then No Secrets
I am not even sure what to say to these anymore. I think pushing for equality among all races, genders, and sexes is a great cause. However I feel like we're being shown the most extreme and doing more damage than good cases from the media because it gets view and makes people mad versus what is actually going on. Maybe just the advantage of being in a smaller city has given us some ignorance to how bad the rest of the world is getting. We've had some protest but all have gone on peacefully.
Keep the politics out of it, I don't know if it's a liberal BLM black cock or a conservative black cock that's fucking me, all I know is I love it and wish I didn't have to keep it secret from my conservative white husband.
That hot and I respect that I am a cuck we should be able to say we lov bbc
You're full of *******, how can you say you think thats a great cause when in other horrible threads you said that black guys fucking white guy's girls is "Helping fight racism" thats fucking stupid, some equality there...
There's a difference between a kinky fetish and wanting everyone to have an equal chance for the same things in life.