Black lives matter

I think the time has come to reject the figure of the white man who allows his wife to establish a relationship with a black lover. It is she (single or married) who will decide whether or not she wants to fuck a black man. If the BLM encourages her to do it, fine. If she believes that in this way she contributes to fighting racism, very well.
Tell Em Sabrina!


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"Brain washed liberal", "beta males", "virtue signaling"? Someone's been watching too much Tucker Carlson... 😂 @2kindred_spirits

And Yes... I'm SURE the white dudes on here offering up their wives are ALL liberals. Especially the ones with #Maga #Kaga on their pages and then pictures of Liberal black dick in their wives. 😂

"But Liz, how do you know they're LIBERAL BIG BLACK COCKS? That's mighty presumptive of you!"

Elementary My Dear Twatson, according to Pew Research Center in 2016, 87% of all black voters were registered as Democrats. So, for the Maga crowd, when you're in the corner watching your wife get plowed, theres a 9 in 10 chance it's a liberal pounding her out, which means after he's done and you "eat the mess", and "blow the bull", statistically speaking, it's a high probability that's a Liberal Knob you're slobbing... 😂😂😂

Conservatives on this site trip me the fuck out. You guys DON'T have the high ground at all. Best just to STFU and keep your head down. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Thank you
Shut up, like you have that high ground instead, you don't you moron.
That... that's it? That's your whole argument?

I do actually, as a Latina female who likes sex and BIG dick, it makes total sense why I'm here. Ironically enough, you're a white dude here to enjoy his wife getting tore up in bed by a black guy 😂😂😂

Like I said before, best to just keep your head down and not make a nuisance of yourself. 😂😂😂🤫🤫🤫

Patrisse Cullirs said in a interview that you can very easily find on YouTube that she is a trained Martix’s organizer. Let that sink in a bit. What does Marxism have to do with the black community or any community of color? Absolutely fucking nothing!!! So take your white liberal ass that thinks he is a white savior to discrimination and racism and go fuck a corn comb loser. People are absolutely sick of white liberals preaching racism to keep racism stirred up. Fuck you an your liberal ass left wing Marxism hate you preach 🖕🏻

ok boomer.
You don't know who I am, where I'm from, what color I am, what I believe in or even what gender I am. So instead of thinking you're morally superior to everyone here because you're not a conservative have a bit of humility and realize that what side of the political balance you're on doesn't matter, your country stopped caring about that a long time ago.
🤫🤫🤫🤫Head down and 🤫🤫🤫🤫
Are you TRYING to get me to send you custom personal nudes? Because that's what you're doing right now mister... 😂😂😂

If that's your voluptuous ass in that profile pic of yours then I sure wouldn't say no!

I just want to support the people involved in this movement as much as I can. As a white man it's the least I can do. Also, you talk a lot of sense and I'm impressed by your courage.

Keep speaking the truth to power.
Are you TRYING to get me to send you custom personal nudes? Because that's what you're doing right now mister... 😂😂😂
Hold up! First, of all the BLM argument is destined to fail on this site for a myriad of reasons. Primarily being this is a site for Black Men to bang out White (Latina-4 sho) wives. This is a nuanced argument at best, and if anyone is in the mood to discuss it I’m around for a minute, but I’m mainly looking at hot chix with hot tits... But rest assured