Black Lives Matter!

right or wrong anyone would defend their for being a slaveowner all that can be noted to anything else he is many even knew he had slaves....I didn't.....all I knew of him...great general.....reluctant leader of the rebellion....and wanted no recognition for it

Robert E. Lee resigns from U.S. Army after Virginia secedes from Union

Colonel Robert E. Lee resigns from the United States army two days after he was offered command of the Union army and three days after his native state, Virginia, seceded from the Union.

Lee opposed secession, but he was a loyal ******* of Virginia. His official resignation was only one sentence, but he wrote a longer explanation to his friend and mentor, General Winfield Scott, later that day. Lee had fought under Scott during the Mexican-American War (1846-48), and he revealed to his former commander the depth of his struggle. Lee spoke with Scott on April 18, and explained that he would have resigned then “but for the struggle it has cost me to separate myself from a service to which I have devoted the best years of my life and all the ability I possess.” Lee expressed gratitude for the kindness shown him by all in the army during his 25-year service, but Lee was most grateful to Scott. “To no one, general, have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uniform kindness and consideration…” He concluded with this poignant sentiment: “Save in the defense of my native State, I never desire again to draw my sword.”

His homeland was the United States. Only the Indians have claim to a defense of their homeland, because technically we signed treaties over land and broke almost each one of them. Violently.
His homeland was the United States. Only the Indians have claim to a defense of their homeland, because technically we signed treaties over land and broke almost each one of them. Violently.

we could go about this for a while......again I am not defending him as much as he IS a major part of history....he went to west point...fought for this country when it was United...and by his own admission reluctantly resigned

I am 1/3 Indian……..and this country right now is still trying to break treaties in northern Okl. and take land......I won't even go into the pipeline thing.....I could go off on Custer

point is this country has a lot to be ashamed's all history and we need to learn from it

come to think of it...….we are probably the lowest of the low when it comes to America's treatment
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I do not know why Kelly Loeffler would come out and criticize what the WNBA is doing regarding BLM! She's the co-owner of the Atlanta Dream and she says that inside of her letter to the WNBA commissioner! First off, where she fucks up is that she has to understand that the WNBA is 85% Black, so she HAS to think of how the Black Women would feel regarding what she said in her letter! I figured that alot of Black women in the league were going to state how they felt about what Kelly said and I appreciate the White women coming out as well in SUPPORT! It was so good to see a number of current and former WNBA players, including Sherly Swoopes, Natasha Cloud, Alysha Clark, and Sue Bird, asking the commissioner to remove her as co-owner of the team! And, I also cannot forget about my girl, Skylar Diggins-Smith, who also responded also!

A former player of the Dream, who now plays for the New York Liberty, Layshia Clarendon, tweeted the following: "I can't believe I ever stepped foot in Kelly's house and shared a meal with her. It's actually really hurtful to see her true colors I had no idea while I played for ATL she felt this way. Happy to own us as long as we stay quiet and perform." She then said this on ABC News Live (July 7), "That's what we see so often with sports, with culture, with music is that you're OK with Black people as long as they kind of stay in their place or they're performing or they're sports stars. "So now that we're kind of taking our power back and asking for, you know, better placing in communities, we're asking for more resources to be poured in, I think it is uncomfortable. You know, it's really sad to see ... like, as angry as I am, I'm really hurt because, particularly for a woman to do that as well, just kind of cuts the knife in a little bit deeper, and for sure, for her to be so divisive!"

I am so proud of the women in the WNBA who expressed how they felt regarding a BIAS co-owner and I support the WNBA players 100%! I love seeing strong Black Women showing how they feel and thanks to Sue Bird as well!

I don't look at Youtube that much, but Hoop Streams responded to it perfectly regarding what the Co-owner said in her letter! It was straight to the point and they DIDN'T sugarcoat anything!

I also located another video, which I thought was pretty good! I didn't know Shannon was from my home state, which is very good, and the White gentleman is right in the video that Atlanta is the Black capital in the south or like we call it here in my home state, our "Black Hollywood"! I love seeing all that Black Wealth!

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This seems to support Trotsky's dictum about the lack of leadership being the fundamental obstacle to social revolution.
Yes, while some here would like to assign base attributes to only Black people, in order to bolster their racism claim -- it is fundamentally true that the sub-intellectual half of any race or nation is simply not motivated by higher ideals. No complex concept of the struggle is going to sink in to a brain, that is interested mostly in short-term gratification. After a week of emotional nights on the burning streets, they lose interest and would sooner retire to the couch, the bong and the TV.

Any movement's intellectual leaders understand this and realize that looting is a form of payment that keeps the foot-soldiers marching. I'm no Trotsky, but I think it's less about leadership than it is that the contrary and impulsive lower classes simply cannot be led.
Ugh, Nanci, you should know that nobody looks sexy when they're being this tedious.
I know. I'm a mess. My Confederate flag bikini clashes with my BLM t-shirt.

But yes, when the race card is substituted for reasoned argument -- over and over and over, with nothing of substance to add -- it does become quite tedious.
I had to stop posting on the other "Black Lives Matter" thread because they are TOO judgmental about the term or the movement! Then, we have a Black gentleman on there stating that Blacks have a false slave narrative as if our ancestors were NEVER slaves! Why are some Black guys on here trying to CATER to White America so much? Damn, whatever happened to the pride?
I had to stop posting on the other "Black Lives Matter" thread because they are TOO judgmental about the term or the movement! Then, we have a Black gentleman on there stating that Blacks have a false slave narrative as if our ancestors were NEVER slaves! Why are some Black guys on here trying to CATER to White America so much? Damn, whatever happened to the pride?
Some never had any.
They accept a subservient role because it's easier for them. They need to feel accepted.
That goes across racial lines. On the other side, I see whites acting ghetto, believing that's black culture, and idiot blacks accepting it, like it makes them more real. Puh-lease.
we could go about this for a while......again I am not defending him as much as he IS a major part of history....he went to west point...fought for this country when it was United...and by his own admission reluctantly resigned

I am 1/3 Indian……..and this country right now is still trying to break treaties in northern Okl. and take land......I won't even go into the pipeline thing.....I could go off on Custer

point is this country has a lot to be ashamed's all history and we need to learn from it

come to think of it...….we are probably the lowest of the low when it comes to America's treatment
As a former resident of North Dakota and Minnesota, I've done advocacy work with American Indians and been on many reservations, you are correct. They are at the bottom of healthcare, government services, education, housing etc. The casinos saved some, but that was years ago, now that gambling is almost everywhere (can't let the Indians have all that money right America?) they continue to be treated like they don't exist.
I just got back from a BLM meeting. We all injected Bill Gates mind control vaccines into ourselves, then pledged undying loyalty to the illuminati and the lizard people. Soros was there; after several hundred years of training in necromancy he has ascended to full lich status.
I cannot believe that Rep. Doug Collins is asking the Attorney General who is Trump's lapdog wants to open up an independent investigation into the Black District Attorney handling the Rayshard Brooks case! I hope the District Attorney, Paul Howard, wins his runoff election next month in the SWATS area of Atlanta! This is getting out of hand in my home state! I will be sure to keep tabs on the runoff next month though to see if he wins! Keeping my fingers crossed!

... but Christ was resurrected therefore his plan lives on. If we sin, we ask for God's forgiveness, God forgives us, and we try and try again. That's how my ******* taught us *******; by the way, he's a Methodist minister. I prefer teaching my family to simply keep the Golden Rule as their guidance through life. No fancy words ... just respect & understanding.

Once again mrXBBC offering nothing to the conversation just thumbing everything down... Doesn't even have anything in his profile... Hmmm very suspicious seeing as he has been a member for ages!
agree, ignorance is paramount these days it seems

Ignorance isn't any one elses problem but your own as ignorance is the failure to educate and inform ones self about the issues at hand. And no thats not directed at anyone, just an observation.
Once again mrXBBC offering nothing to the conversation just thumbing everything down... Doesn't even have anything in his profile... Hmmm very suspicious seeing as he has been a member for ages!
... and I actually have more concern of getting my new car rained on than I do for mrXBBC's comments. Having religious beliefs provide a lot more values to the human mind than the belief of a God or eternal life. Living a generous, good life is way better than living a selfish, bad life.
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I cannot believe that Rep. Doug Collins is asking the Attorney General who is Trump's lapdog wants to open up an independent investigation into the Black District Attorney handling the Rayshard Brooks case! I hope the District Attorney, Paul Howard, wins his runoff election next month in the SWATS area of Atlanta! This is getting out of hand in my home state! I will be sure to keep tabs on the runoff next month though to see if he wins! Keeping my fingers crossed!

more of the right trashing others to make themselves look good.....and most republicans buy into it!