Black Lives Matter!

cops aren't the most dangerous profession by a long shot:

and police are far more violent than other professions:*******-and-domestic-violence/

the police in the US are a sick group of people. they are rotten to the core. we let them get away with it because we'd rather just spend our tax dollars paying settlements, while we blame the victims of the police (typically poor people).

of course every once in awhile they shoot an attractive white woman and the media descends
It was a black cop, shooting a white person. Big fucking difference. Only then do they see the system failed that women.
The true issue is that our world is becoming more violent and people's hearts are growing more cold everyday. Cops ******* people mainly because of the situation they are ****** to work under. Bad Cops ? Yes same as we have bad Doctors, Politicians, laborers and all other professions. Cops killed on the job in 2020 was 295 and so far this year 194 with 92 by Covid-19 and 264 with 145 covid-19 related. Death by cops in 2020 Whites 432 and Blacks 226 and in 2021 Whites 187 and Blacks 142.
cops aren't the most dangerous profession by a long shot:

and police are far more violent than other professions:*******-and-domestic-violence/

the police in the US are a sick group of people. they are rotten to the core. we let them get away with it because we'd rather just spend our tax dollars paying settlements, while we blame the victims of the police (typically poor people).

of course every once in awhile they shoot an attractive white woman and the media descends
NOW we just might discuss things as reasonable human beings!
I do not see police as sick; they too are in a no win situation. For the last 50 years politics in America has disenfranchised the poor, the weak, and the oppressed. Then politics doubled down on them as the 'cause' of crime, and then tripled down by hawking aggressive policing. The hungry and the poor as long as they live will eat BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Labeling the means as 'right' or 'wrong' does not address the truth, which is necessity. The political rhetoric labeled around 'taxpayers' is dishonest-you pay taxes in America on anything over ten cents.

Until we leave 'them' versus 'us' and remember justice/just us it will continue to worsen.
Hey, if you think its better in another country in the world buy a plane ticket and move.
Is that what you say when someone doesn't agree with how you think? *******, in all honesty, the U.S. isn't your country! I believe the Native Americans would like their country back! You know, that country that your ancestors murdered and raped to steal!
Is that what you say when someone doesn't agree with how you think? *******, in all honesty, the U.S. isn't your country! I believe the Native Americans would like their country back! You know, that country that your ancestors murdered and raped to steal!
No i dont care if people dont agree with me at all, just get tired of hearing from people bitching about how bad and how Racist America is, really if it so bad here than why do we have thousands of people per day trying to sneak into this country.

Ask some Cuban immigrants or immigrants from the Former soviet bloc countries what the think about America.

Were not a perfect country but neither is any other country in the world but nowhere on this planet do people have more opportunities to succeed in life than here. And i mean anyone
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No i dont care if people dont agree with me at all, just get tired of hearing from people bitching about how bad and how Racist America is, really if it so bad here than why do we have thousands of people per day trying to sneak into this country.
Well, we get tired of it being racist. Sorry if hearing about it makes you tired. Not sorry.
We had waves of immigration during Slavery too. What's your fucking point?

Ask some Cuban immigrants or immigrants from the Former soviet bloc countries what the think about America.
Talk to a few every day, advantage of living in a real city not in central PA. They know this place is fucked up for some, but not for them (white).

Were not a perfect country but neither is any other country in the world but nowhere on this planet do people have more opportunities to succeed in life than here. And i mean anyone
Excuse for being *******? It doesn't work here because we have the means to change for the better.
Improve it how, by pushing the narrative that police departments are Racist and that America is systemically Racist??
You do understand the difference between saying someone or a group of people are racist, and the outcomes of a system has negative effects that lean toward race? Like redlining. Or, bank loans? Or city services? or Education funding? Or health care?

People like you tend to blame the affected. You're willing to apply negative stereotypes to millions of individuals, in order to be able to not being 'tired of hearing how systematically racist America is.
Improve it how, by pushing the narrative that police departments are Racist and that America is systemically Racist??

yeah, to fix a problem you have to identify a problem. it's pretty simple

it's like you have a car. the car's ok, but it's got a busted gearbox and can't make it past 3rd gear. every time you shift up to 4th it's just grinding and making horrible noises.

you could be all "if you don't love this car, buy a different car!". that's totally fine, except it's a decent car except for some issues. why abandon it?

your partner says "hey I think the transmission is screwed up, let's take it in to get fixed", but instead you're like "how will pushing a false narrative about a busted transmission fix this car, huh?!?!"
Well, we get tired of it being racist. Sorry if hearing about it makes you tired. Not sorry.
We had waves of immigration during Slavery too. What's your fucking point?

Talk to a few every day, advantage of living in a real city not in central PA. They know this place is fucked up for some, but not for them (white).

Excuse for being *******? It doesn't work here because we have the means to change for the better.
Again why do you percieve it as racist? And dont say because cops are shooting black people. They shoot white people too. My point is if this country is sooo bad and so racist why is everyone beating down the gates to get in here.

Fucked up for some how? What opportunities do they not have?
yeah, to fix a problem you have to identify a problem. it's pretty simple

it's like you have a car. the car's ok, but it's got a busted gearbox and can't make it past 3rd gear. every time you shift up to 4th it's just grinding and making horrible noises.

you could be all "if you don't love this car, buy a different car!". that's totally fine, except it's a decent car except for some issues. why abandon it?

your partner says "hey I think the transmission is screwed up, let's take it in to get fixed", but instead you're like "how will pushing a false narrative about a busted transmission fix this car, huh?!?!"
Ahhhhh but there is a difference between an actual problem and CREATING a problem because you dont like the outcome of something.

Also this Critical race theory crap that the Education system in this country pushing does nothing more than create racism by teaching ******* to look at each other based on race. Thats not helpful and its wrong. We should be teaching the opposite. To look at everyone as equals and judge people based on charachter.
Ahhhhh but there is a difference between an actual problem and CREATING a problem because you dont like the outcome of something.

you don't create a busted transmission by noticing it's busted

and yeah, it's pretty fucking busted, and has been for centuries

Also this Critical race theory crap that the Education system in this country pushing does nothing more than create racism by teaching ******* to look at each other based on race. Thats not helpful and its wrong. We should be teaching the opposite. To look at everyone as equals and judge people based on charachter.

the country hasn't and doesn't treat people equally based on race. that's just reality. you can invent your own history if you want, but you'll be wrong.

I've seen the curricula in evanston (fox news' beloved CRT villain) and it's fine. my ******* goes to school in brooklyn and I'm well aware of the curriculum. it's fine.

neither are CRT, because ******* are not equipped to understand the socio-political histories that give rise to the concepts of race. they do teach that black people are not and have not always been treated fairly in the US, which is absolutely true.
Again why do you percieve it as racist? And dont say because cops are shooting black people. They shoot white people too. My point is if this country is sooo bad and so racist why is everyone beating down the gates to get in here.

in the case of latin america my guess is that the IMF policies and US interventions wrecked their economies.

we overthrew elected democratic governments in guatemala, haiti, brazil, uruguay, chile, etc etc. we funded paramilitaries in colombia and mexico. IMF loans coupled with conditions of market liberalization (i.e. lowered tariffs) crippled governments into insolvency and ****** austerity

nobody from Sweden or Norway is "beating down the gates to get in here". It's people from a few countries who endured civil wars and economic collapse as a direct result of US policies, directly to our south, who are trying to get in.
Again why do you percieve it as racist? And dont say because cops are shooting black people. They shoot white people too. My point is if this country is sooo bad and so racist why is everyone beating down the gates to get in here.

Fucked up for some how? What opportunities do they not have?
It's not a perception, it's a reality based on the data collected by our own government, on how our government delivers services.
It's like you live in a different country and only know America from television shows.
The entire justice system from the reasons black and whites are pulled over, stopped or questioned by the police, to sentencing, to fines, to the probation system ALL have bigger and disproportionately negative effects on blacks.

This is not an individual, or a group, it's what's become accepted and ignored over time. You understand? That's an example of systematic racism. Same crime, same rate, different enforcement, thus ensuring different outcomes and different futures on the same crime.

Health Care? The official data show that racial and ethnic minority groups, throughout the United States, experience higher rates of illness and death across a wide range of health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma, and heart disease, when compared to their White counterparts. There is also a record of less thorough care given to racial and ethnic minority groups by health care staff.

Redlining and bank loans?

That's systematic racism. Empirical evidence and prevalent practice.
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