Black Cock Surprise


Ladies & Gentlemen of the community, there's a thing I've been carrying around for many years. It went unrealised and as I get older, it becomes less and less likely it will ever happen but I wonder if anyone else did anything similar or what it makes any of you think.

Over 30 years ago, I took up with a woman who'd had quite a 'sheltered' exposure to sex and who's horizons I rapidly broadened in many, many ways.

As I suspected from the outset, she proved to be extremely submissive, delightfully obedient (up to a point) and enjoyed an ever-widening variety of sex including being shared with other men.

She was quite petite, quite delicious and in my typically perverted way, I very soon decided I would love to see her used by a couple of big, black guys.

This was something she objected to and I'm not going to analyse that - each to their own etc - and she did more than enough to keep me 'entertained' in other ways but it's also something which for me, never went away and I had a few ideas about how I might make it happen.

All these ideas involved keeping her blindfolded (and I mean properly - not an airline sleep mask!) throughout the 'proceedings' but it was what came next which I continued to ponder and to vary.

Plan 1 was to give her to a couple of guys, let them use her as they wished but ultimately to make her cum and then just as she orgasmed, take her blindfold away and let he see that she was coming on big, black cock.

Plan 2 was as above but instead of the 'live reveal' I would video the fun, let the guys slip away discreetly and then show her the evidence at another time.

Plan 3 was to simply get what I wanted (again as above) but never to let on that she'd done it all with a number of black guys and keep the fun to myself.

So, has anyone either thought of or actually done anything similar? How did it go for you? What do you think I should have done with her? I could apply pretty much the same principles with Amelia but I'm fairly certain that if I suggested a hotel room with 3+ hard, young black guys, she'd just leave her knickers in the drawer and go for it!!