Black Athletes Should Economically Re-Invest By Playing at HBCU?

No he did not. He said "their businesses". Can you tell me what he said before that? In any event you know what he was trying to say. Has he ever said anything publicly that would lead you to believe he hates or dislikes white people? Who do you think owns Audermars Piguet, Lynx, Under Armour or Beats? If you know what he meant why can you not forgive him for mispeaking in the heat of the moment? I think especially in his case you have a new rising Great White Hope in Tyson Fury who has been dogwhistling to some white people who feel in the current climate they are being victimised so they feel they have a new guy to get behind and no longer need this black man. The thing is the rich whites are looking at you the same way they do us.

I got a bottle of pineapple ciroc and a couple of koppabergs so I got plenty of time for this tonight.
I feel like he needed to clarify what he said as it came across wrong. I understand what he meant but he hasn't corrected it. His promoter said it was a script someone else had written, they were not his words but there wasn't any correction.

Joshua on the whole is a good sportsman and from what I've seen in the media and on youtube, a good guy.
Tyson is very outspoken, hasn't had the media 'training' that Joshua has had, so is very controversial. He spoke out not for 'white power' or any far right agenda (they just happened to latch onto him) but he himself is from a community that has suffered racism.

I understand both of them and sympathise with both of them. I do feel that both speeches/comments were made in good faith but have caused further divide, which isn't good for anyone.
I feel like he needed to clarify what he said as it came across wrong. I understand what he meant but he hasn't corrected it. His promoter said it was a script someone else had written, they were not his words but there wasn't any correction.

Joshua on the whole is a good sportsman and from what I've seen in the media and on youtube, a good guy.
Tyson is very outspoken, hasn't had the media 'training' that Joshua has had, so is very controversial. He spoke out not for 'white power' or any far right agenda (they just happened to latch onto him) but he himself is from a community that has suffered racism.

I understand both of them and sympathise with both of them. I do feel that both speeches/comments were made in good faith but have caused further divide, which isn't good for anyone.
He deliberately threw Joshua under the bus at a time when things are tense globally. Choosing now to state that he would never get away with things like this now is at best ill timed and at worst trying to garner the support of EDL idiots. I definitely feel its counter productive but you cannot look at these things without context and emotional intelligence.
He deliberately threw Joshua under the bus at a time when things are tense globally. Choosing now to state that he would never get away with things like this now is at best ill timed and at worst trying to garner the support of EDL idiots. I definitely feel its counter productive but you cannot look at these things without context and emotional intelligence.
I don't think he was trying to get support of the EDL guys. He spoke out as many other athletes who have suffered from racism have. There are no prominent traveler people in the news, the only 2 I can name are Tyson Fury and Billy-Joe Saunders. He was making people aware that it isn't just about skin colour, which is fair.

There may also be a hidden agenda. They both have a fight next year so want to build up as much drama as possible beforehand to increase PPVs
I don't think he was trying to get support of the EDL guys. He spoke out as many other athletes who have suffered from racism have. There are no prominent traveler people in the news, the only 2 I can name are Tyson Fury and Billy-Joe Saunders. He was making people aware that it isn't just about skin colour, which is fair.

There may also be a hidden agenda. They both have a fight next year so want to build up as much drama as possible beforehand to increase PPVs
Billy Joe ain't fighting Canelo next year and the rematch with Wilder isn't going to be for a while after his injury and Dillian's mandatory by the sound of things. Tyson Fury may not have been specifically seeking out the support of EDL type but he definitely has attracted some in crying victim.

Anyway seems like we're taking things on a tangent and kind of agree.
so the money is sadly in schools that are not predominately black however black athletes should reinvest a lot of their money in their communities instead of what most and waste it. It’s almost like the African dictators ..they steal money from their country and where do they save it or invest white countries like America , European countries and China
so the money is sadly in schools that are not predominately black however black athletes should reinvest a lot of their money in their communities instead of what most and waste it. It’s almost like the African dictators ..they steal money from their country and where do they save it or invest white countries like America , European countries and China
If someone who has grown up in poverty suddenly comes into money, they tend to 'splash out' and spend it very unwisely. This is because they have no experience with that kind of wealth. Very few re-invest and help those in the situation that they were once in.

This is the downfall of countries in Africa. Those in power abuse it because they've never had wealth before. Education can resolve this issue but who wants to build a school when they can buy a lamborghini?
If someone who has grown up in poverty suddenly comes into money, they tend to 'splash out' and spend it very unwisely. This is because they have no experience with that kind of wealth. Very few re-invest and help those in the situation that they were once in.

This is the downfall of countries in Africa. Those in power abuse it because they've never had wealth before. Education can resolve this issue but who wants to build a school when they can buy a lamborghini?
You make a very very good point. I agree with what you have said so then we cant blame the white man for all our issues
I don't think its anything to do with skin colour.

This happens in every country, education is key
I agree however predominantly lets face it even in education.. black schools dont get alot of support or funding that they need. Maybe the Uk is different but in America, this is a fact. Education helps solve alot of problems but i have seen educated people do the dumbest things as well so it isnt a total fix
I agree however predominantly lets face it even in education.. black schools dont get alot of support or funding that they need. Maybe the Uk is different but in America, this is a fact. Education helps solve alot of problems but i have seen educated people do the dumbest things as well so it isnt a total fix
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what happens in America. In the UK, we have very few 'black' schools. Many are multi-cultural and we have lots of religious schools. I feel that education improvements across the board, for everyone, will improve everyones standards of living
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what happens in America. In the UK, we have very few 'black' schools. Many are multi-cultural and we have lots of religious schools. I feel that education improvements across the board, for everyone, will improve everyones standards of living
I hear you on that, education will help most people in how the critically think and resolve issues however you cant ******* education on everyone. It will help fix some issues but others relate to the family, the community, the cast system in society etc. What good is an education if there is no job opportunity to utilize it
Yes it takes courage and bravery but unfortunately you have talent scouts, agents, family members, friends, security all waiting for a handout as they each have invested time, emotions and money into these athletes so each on turn wants the largest return on their investment. I've never been an athlete but I'm sure many do provide funding in the ways you describe it just isn't always visible.
Very true....
Let's remember basic economics everyone......the family is the basic economic unit of all communities. Predominantly White Institutions profit from the athletic abilities of these male students from Black communities; hence, HBCUs should likewise attempt to benefit from the abilities of those SAME young men in the immediate community. No need to explain the $$$$ difference between the's well documented.
It's too little too late I'm afraid. College basketball will slowly die out as the NBA will allow top high school prospects to go straight to the pros. Other top talent will go to the g-league aswell.

College football will follow suit. These two sports generate all the money that funds the other college sports too. College sports will be dead in less than 15 years.
It's too little too late I'm afraid. College basketball will slowly die out as the NBA will allow top high school prospects to go straight to the pros. Other top talent will go to the g-league aswell.

College football will follow suit. These two sports generate all the money that funds the other college sports too. College sports will be dead in less than 15 years.

NCAA might have something to say about that........
The Black athletes generates billions of dollars for elements outside of their community....should they keep it strictly Black at HBCU like other communities keep money/revenue amongst their own people?
Wrong. Black college athletes do not have the capital to "re-invest." The capital allocation must be performed by those who have the resources. And those particular people want nothing to with changing their comfort level. Don't put this on the young athletes.
This is so dumb. Hey 18yo black male football star, do you want to ride the bench at a HBCU for 2 or 3 years before maybe starting your junior's or senior year or would you rather be the starter for 2 years at a big program before going pro?

What if the HBCU is out of scholarships but Boise State is offering a full ride?

You people don't live in reality with this group think non sense. You act as if all black people are the same or all white people are the same. What happened to diversity? You think diversity is only about skin tone?
This is so dumb. Hey 18yo black male football star, do you want to ride the bench at a HBCU for 2 or 3 years before maybe starting your junior's or senior year or would you rather be the starter for 2 years at a big program before going pro?

What if the HBCU is out of scholarships but Boise State is offering a full ride?

You people don't live in reality with this group think non sense. You act as if all black people are the same or all white people are the same. What happened to diversity? You think diversity is only about skin tone?
lol hahahaha true true ...some people shout equality and racism but their actions are also not equal or racist to others. But this is an open discussion board so its fun to banter ideas back and forth
Wrong. Black college athletes do not have the capital to "re-invest." The capital allocation must be performed by those who have the resources. And those particular people want nothing to with changing their comfort level. Don't put this on the young athletes.

Sorry, when I say re-invest I mean the using their own athletic talents as college age -players as capitol to be invested playing at an HBCU.
This is so dumb. Hey 18yo black male football star, do you want to ride the bench at a HBCU for 2 or 3 years before maybe starting your junior's or senior year or would you rather be the starter for 2 years at a big program before going pro?

What if the HBCU is out of scholarships but Boise State is offering a full ride?

You people don't live in reality with this group think non sense. You act as if all black people are the same or all white people are the same. What happened to diversity? You think diversity is only about skin tone?

This is so dumb. Hey 18yo black male football star, do you want to ride the bench at a HBCU for 2 or 3 years before maybe starting your junior's or senior year or would you rather be the starter for 2 years at a big program before going pro?

What if the HBCU is out of scholarships but Boise State is offering a full ride?

You people don't live in reality with this group think non sense. You act as if all black people are the same or all white people are the same. What happened to diversity? You think diversity is only about skin tone?

Wow, imagine wanting your own community to better itself and using local athletic talent at an educational instiution (HBCU) as a resource to grow that local economy like other communities execute by various revenue streams. Strange how this question seems problematic for some would be dumb for Black athletes not to look long-term about the importance of HBCU and the need for support from those who could contribute to the future generations.