Black Female Divestment


Gold Member
I have a high school friend who is obviously an AA female and very pretty and educated. She should be a very real catch in my opinion. For context, she doesn’t know that I specifically only see black men or anything about my lifestyle as far as I know. We are friends but not close enough to speak of our dating lives or sex lives.

She has began speaking on her social media accounts about her participation in Black Female Divestment. I was unfamiliar with the term or what that involved. What I gather however is that I, and my lifestyle may be one of the reasons for the movement to have begun.

In synopsis, Black women are divesting from their communities and culture as they feel that the will always be on the losing side of any interaction within their communities and specifically AA culture. They point to Interracial dating, Black male fetishes and reduction in AA marriage rates. They then juxtapose their own achievements in statistics about Black Women succeeding in education and the corporate world.

They don’t seem yet to say that they are seeking marriage with other races of men but what I’ve read that’s highly inferred.

Obviously it would make for some odd conversations so I don’t engage with her but wanted to see what other people have to say.
The black female Divestors movement is a complete joke especially if you know all of the actual facts, data, the statistics, and the results of studies that were conducted on this topic!

They messed up when they chose the government over their men when our community was the most married and coupled demographic in America now we are the least. They are now the least married most divorced and the least desired demographic of women in the country according to the data! After this the courts favored them to raise the children and according to the data the children that they raise are the most likely to be unproductive and live a life of crime. The data says that they make the worst parents in the country. I am not making any of this up.

They sat on talk shows and dogged us out for years with no push back and now black men in the middle class have been leaving them alone. They are making videos talking about how men no longer take them out. (Except for the simps and ******* husbands that they raise!)

The data released by all the major dating apps and websites said that they were the top demographic of women that attempted to date other ethnicities if men and were the least successful. It even showed that they made the first effort to contact men and in most cases did not get a response back. It also showed that most none black men actually filtered them out of their search features and that most none black men listed them as their last choice for dating and marriage! According to the data black women are the least desired demographic of women in America along with Asian men by those outside of their ethnicities!

So the reason why the Divestors movement is a complete joke is that black men who are 33% percent married are mostly married to black women and there are just over a half a million more black men married than black women. Black women's top married demographic is with other women and is also their highest DV demographic as well.

So why are black women the least married and the least desired demographic of women in America? Have you seen the video of Sukihana a black female rapper recently walking on the streets of London talking about "I'm trying to get my coochie stretched"! "I'm trying to get my ass ate"! All the whole white people are looking at her like she is crazy! There are videos of black women turning restaurants into night clubs twerking on tables and causing other patrons to complain and leave. I swear social media was given to them in order to watch them destroy themselves. They make so many videos fighting and brawling in the streets half naked ripping wigs and weaves off each other heads for the whole world to see.

Their appearance value as traditional, lovely, womanly ladies is completely trashed and every time you see a video with them doing something ratchet or inappropriate or unlady like the whole world sees it and thinks that they are all the same way because the good one's who are actually feminine, traditional, and lady like are silent and don't check or call out the ratchet one's who are making them all look bad.

The majority of the Divestors who do nothing but talk bad about black men on their YouTube and Tik Tok channels are angry baby Mama's that are upset at their Pookie baby daddy's that they chose to have a baby for and now they hate all black men. So they worship white men but white men have been making videos letting them know that they are not checking for them and the data says it as well.

Basically they sit on their social media channels lying to themselves and their subscribers about how white men want them but between the actual data and listening to white men themselves on social media you can clearly see that they are delusional. White men will have sex with them but they will not marry them. They date white guys but when they break up that's when black women want to talk about how that white guy that they dated called them racist terms either during sex or whenever they had a disagreement.

Now you see that white men are their top none black consumers and only white 5% percent have a black wife. This means no other race of men are interested in marriage with them outside of black men and that number is dropping.

Now you have men's movements like the MGTOW'S (Men going their own way) which are men who are not interested in dating or marrying women but it doesn't mean that all of them are Incels (men who cannot attract women to date or marry) they could be men who are tired of women.
Then you have the men who only date interracially who are called SYSBM (save yourself black men).

Then you have black men who chose not to mess with women in America called Passport Bros, or Blue Book Gentleman.

Then when you add up the several hundred thousand we have in prison along with the few hundred thousand that are in the rainbow 🌈 community and that's about a million men altogether that are not available to black women.

There are approximately 3.5 million more adult black women than men, then when you take all of these other factors like these men's movements, the rainbow 🌈 community, and the prison population that's 4 to 5 million men that are unavailable to black women for dating and marriage. According to the data only 1 in 4 black women will ever get married in their lifetime and the expectation of that is actually dropping!

All I spoke about was the general information that's on the market publicly like the data and the statistics and men's movements and that alone should be enough to prove that the Divestors movement is a delusional joke!
The black female Divestors movement is a complete joke especially if you know all of the actual facts, data, the statistics, and the results of studies that were conducted on this topic!

They messed up when they chose the government over their men when our community was the most married and coupled demographic in America now we are the least. They are now the least married most divorced and the least desired demographic of women in the country according to the data! After this the courts favored them to raise the children and according to the data the children that they raise are the most likely to be unproductive and live a life of crime. The data says that they make the worst parents in the country. I am not making any of this up.

They sat on talk shows and dogged us out for years with no push back and now black men in the middle class have been leaving them alone. They are making videos talking about how men no longer take them out. (Except for the simps and ******* husbands that they raise!)

The data released by all the major dating apps and websites said that they were the top demographic of women that attempted to date other ethnicities if men and were the least successful. It even showed that they made the first effort to contact men and in most cases did not get a response back. It also showed that most none black men actually filtered them out of their search features and that most none black men listed them as their last choice for dating and marriage! According to the data black women are the least desired demographic of women in America along with Asian men by those outside of their ethnicities!

So the reason why the Divestors movement is a complete joke is that black men who are 33% percent married are mostly married to black women and there are just over a half a million more black men married than black women. Black women's top married demographic is with other women and is also their highest DV demographic as well.

So why are black women the least married and the least desired demographic of women in America? Have you seen the video of Sukihana a black female rapper recently walking on the streets of London talking about "I'm trying to get my coochie stretched"! "I'm trying to get my ass ate"! All the whole white people are looking at her like she is crazy! There are videos of black women turning restaurants into night clubs twerking on tables and causing other patrons to complain and leave. I swear social media was given to them in order to watch them destroy themselves. They make so many videos fighting and brawling in the streets half naked ripping wigs and weaves off each other heads for the whole world to see.

Their appearance value as traditional, lovely, womanly ladies is completely trashed and every time you see a video with them doing something ratchet or inappropriate or unlady like the whole world sees it and thinks that they are all the same way because the good one's who are actually feminine, traditional, and lady like are silent and don't check or call out the ratchet one's who are making them all look bad.

The majority of the Divestors who do nothing but talk bad about black men on their YouTube and Tik Tok channels are angry baby Mama's that are upset at their Pookie baby daddy's that they chose to have a baby for and now they hate all black men. So they worship white men but white men have been making videos letting them know that they are not checking for them and the data says it as well.

Basically they sit on their social media channels lying to themselves and their subscribers about how white men want them but between the actual data and listening to white men themselves on social media you can clearly see that they are delusional. White men will have sex with them but they will not marry them. They date white guys but when they break up that's when black women want to talk about how that white guy that they dated called them racist terms either during sex or whenever they had a disagreement.

Now you see that white men are their top none black consumers and only white 5% percent have a black wife. This means no other race of men are interested in marriage with them outside of black men and that number is dropping.

Now you have men's movements like the MGTOW'S (Men going their own way) which are men who are not interested in dating or marrying women but it doesn't mean that all of them are Incels (men who cannot attract women to date or marry) they could be men who are tired of women.
Then you have the men who only date interracially who are called SYSBM (save yourself black men).

Then you have black men who chose not to mess with women in America called Passport Bros, or Blue Book Gentleman.

Then when you add up the several hundred thousand we have in prison along with the few hundred thousand that are in the rainbow 🌈 community and that's about a million men altogether that are not available to black women.

There are approximately 3.5 million more adult black women than men, then when you take all of these other factors like these men's movements, the rainbow 🌈 community, and the prison population that's 4 to 5 million men that are unavailable to black women for dating and marriage. According to the data only 1 in 4 black women will ever get married in their lifetime and the expectation of that is actually dropping!

All I spoke about was the general information that's on the market publicly like the data and the statistics and men's movements and that alone should be enough to prove that the Divestors movement is a delusional joke!
all very interesting.
all very interesting.
Everything that I said is actually true and all I did was skim the surface of what information is out there. The only thing that was actually my opinion is that Divestors are a joke and delusional.

Trust and believe as always some simp or sun husband who was raised by the sistahood is going to get offended at this information even though it's all true and factual according to the data and statistics. Just by stating facts and data that are unfavorable towards the women they worship and serve they will accuse me of hating black women or better yet hating my own mom simply for telling the truth but it is what it is!

Basically most Divestors are delusional women who either want to try and achieve something that they will never have which is "white women hood" or they are angry baby mamas thinking that they are hurting us by worshipping white men and talking trash about black men all day!

Nine times out of ten when they do talk about black men they are only talking about a specific group of black men which they actually mate with more than any other. Her's the facts: 54% percent of black men are single and childless. 64% percent are in the middle class and 30% percent are married. That means 80% to 85% percent of black men don't even match the descriptions of the broke and dusty and having babies all over the place men that don't take care of their children because most black men don't have children and that is well known data fact! So the men that they are constantly insulting and talk bad all the time on YouTube and Tik Tok are actually their own baby daddy's! I just watched a video today of a man who said he has 22 baby Mama's and 46 children and plans on making more!

This is why 70% to 75% percent of black women are single mom's, angry, and on social media talking trash about all black men instead of just talking directly about the men that they are really mad like this guy who has 46 children and is not married to any of his 22 baby Mama's. Now even though I am nothing like this guy and I am single and childless, ex military, educated, very fit, handsome, live alone in downtown San Diego, and travels somewhere in the world at least once a year I am still called broke, dusty, and making all kinds of babies by the angry baby mamas aka the Divestors!
Interesting. I don’t know enough about the movement but I am interested
Divestors are delusional and self hating women.

Imagine owning a business where you only have one product to sell to the public. Imagine if your highest customer base who consumes your one product up to 80% plus percent you didn't like or appreciate because they told you to make improvements on your product so you said to yourself "I am no longer going to sell my product to my highest consumer base, I'm going to cut them off and only sell to consumers who in large part don't even desire my one product"! So instead of making the product better for the consumers who actually favors and desires your one product you cut them off and only intend to sell to the consumers who don't want your product! (That's why they are delusional and self hating) So imagine not only cutting off your top consumer but that the market is not flooded with the same product nationally and internationally and now your top consumers are going elsewhere and now you only have a 1 in 4 probability to ever sell your product at all and that's just a small glimpse into what's going on with Divestors!

According to the data only 1% percent of white men have a black wife and when white men do choose to date and marry out their number one choice is Asian women. According to the data with the exception of black men all men list black women as their last choice for dating and marriage!

Nobody who is well informed of the data, stats, and the results of the studies done on this topic takes Divestors seriously! In fact most Divestors don't even actually have a man! They talk about white men and worship them but most of them cannot even get a low quality white man to at least properly represent their swirling and Divesting lifestyle. Many men have challenged Divestors to post videos of themselves during the holidays or Valentine's Day to show that they have a man and in doing so they will shut their own YouTube channels and podcasts down and never say a word about them again and not one Divestor has ever done it!

The first video is an example of what their number one consumer has to deal with. They ask for a better product and look what they are given instead. This is why only 1 in 4 will ever be chosen for marriage!

I would like to show you something that Divestors often confess after dating or marrying white men!

Divestors are delusional and self hating women.

Imagine owning a business where you only have one product to sell to the public. Imagine if your highest customer base who consumes your one product up to 80% plus percent you didn't like or appreciate because they told you to make improvements on your product so you said to yourself "I am no longer going to sell my product to my highest consumer base, I'm going to cut them off and only sell to consumers who in large part don't even desire my one product"! So instead of making the product better for the consumers who actually favors and desires your one product you cut them off and only intend to sell to the consumers who don't want your product! (That's why they are delusional and self hating) So imagine not only cutting off your top consumer but that the market is not flooded with the same product nationally and internationally and now your top consumers are going elsewhere and now you only have a 1 in 4 probability to ever sell your product at all and that's just a small glimpse into what's going on with Divestors!

According to the data only 1% percent of white men have a black wife and when white men do choose to date and marry out their number one choice is Asian women. According to the data with the exception of black men all men list black women as their last choice for dating and marriage!

Nobody who is well informed of the data, stats, and the results of the studies done on this topic takes Divestors seriously! In fact most Divestors don't even actually have a man! They talk about white men and worship them but most of them cannot even get a low quality white man to at least properly represent their swirling and Divesting lifestyle. Many men have challenged Divestors to post videos of themselves during the holidays or Valentine's Day to show that they have a man and in doing so they will shut their own YouTube channels and podcasts down and never say a word about them again and not one Divestor has ever done it!

The first video is an example of what their number one consumer has to deal with. They ask for a better product and look what they are given instead. This is why only 1 in 4 will ever be chosen for marriage!

I would like to show you something that Divestors often confess after dating or marrying white men!

You sound like a coon, and that you spend too much time on social media. Try going out and meeting some real black women. I see why they dont like you 😭
White people always worried about black folks get a life, i doubt OP has any black friends. I dont know any black women who would even consider dating a white guy.
Either you don't have social media or you live under a rock bro because the Divester movement has been around for years. In fact one of their leaders a woman named Krystalin Karozin (I don't think I spelled her name right) even wrote a book on it called "Swirling"! She was the woman who actually made that term popular!

Look up the word "Divestors or swirler" on YouTube or Tik Tok and look at the dates of when their videos were posted before you go off! Actually listen to the videos and hear what they have to say about black men, then come back and say what you just said!
I have a high school friend who is obviously an AA female and very pretty and educated. She should be a very real catch in my opinion. For context, she doesn’t know that I specifically only see black men or anything about my lifestyle as far as I know. We are friends but not close enough to speak of our dating lives or sex lives.

She has began speaking on her social media accounts about her participation in Black Female Divestment. I was unfamiliar with the term or what that involved. What I gather however is that I, and my lifestyle may be one of the reasons for the movement to have begun.

In synopsis, Black women are divesting from their communities and culture as they feel that the will always be on the losing side of any interaction within their communities and specifically AA culture. They point to Interracial dating, Black male fetishes and reduction in AA marriage rates. They then juxtapose their own achievements in statistics about Black Women succeeding in education and the corporate world.

They don’t seem yet to say that they are seeking marriage with other races of men but what I’ve read that’s highly inferred.

Obviously it would make for some odd conversations so I don’t engage with her but wanted to see what other people have to say.
White people always worried about black folks get a life, i doubt you have any black friends by this post. A black girl dating a white is like 1 in every 1000 its really not that common. Get off social media go experience real life and youll see. Black women live in your head rent free i see 🙈
White people always worried about black folks get a life, i doubt OP has any black friends. I dont know any black women who would even consider dating a white guy. Gosh we live in yall heads rent freee!
That's the problem with you emotional and reactive feminine dudes! You don't read, you don't know what's going on, and y'all are like females who just run your mouth without any type of true facts, data, statistics, study results or any factual information but always got something to say like a typical sassy zesty dude who worship women who likely are not going to choose you anyway!
Either you don't have social media or you live under a rock bro because the Divester movement has been around for years. In fact one of their leaders a woman named Krystalin Karozin (I don't think I spelled her name right) even wrote a book on it called "Swirling"! She was the woman who actually made that term popular!

Look up the word "Divestors or swirler" on YouTube or Tik Tok and look at the dates of when their videos were posted before you go off! Actually listen to the videos and hear what they have to say about black men, then come back and say what you just said!
Grown ass man talking about tik tok , i gather my data from the real world boomer
That's the problem with you emotional and reactive feminine dudes! You don't read, you don't know what's going on, and y'all are like females who just run your mouth without any type of true facts, data, statistics, study results or any factual information but always got something to say like a typical sassy zesty dude who worship women who likely are not going to choose you anyway!
Whatever i said what i said im not going back in forth with a coon. Your momma would be ashamed
Whatever i said what i said im not going back in forth with a coon. Your momma would be ashamed
Actually she wouldn't! I graduated at the top of my class in high school highly decorated in math and science! I served my country as well in the Marine Corps Infantry just like all the men in my family then went to college. I went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both my mom and ******* who were married with four children are proud of me!

I read data and statistical graph 📉 charts and studies very well. See I am one of those black men that defend middle class and upper middle class black men whenever I hear lies and propaganda about us that's really meant for the bottom 20% percent.

.Most black men do not have arrest records.
.Most black men 54% percent are single and never had children.
.Most black men earn a middle class income.
.Most black men 80% plus percent who are married have a black wife.
.Black women and white men actually made interracial marriage legal in America 1967.

Now if you listen to a lot of the lies and propaganda being spoken about black men every day especially by black women all over social media they say that we are all broke and dusty, gay, in jail, always wanted white women, and are having babies all over the place and not taking care of them!

See guys like me get called a c00n because I stand up for middle class black men who do not fit any of the lies and propaganda that is spoken about all black men and when I actually introduce the real facts, data, and statistics about black men and black women all of a sudden I'm a c00n because someone feels like the true information is somehow disrespectful or insulting. It doesn't matter that all the data comes from the CDC, The Census Bureau,, World health organization ect your a c00n because the information is unflattering.

This is what I am going to do for all of you beta male simp manginas on here who don't know much about Divestors and all the things that they say about you plantation ninjas! That way there won't be no more misunderstandings about what they think about you men whom they wouldn't choose anyway!
Here our next Divestor! Her videos are short but you will get the point ☝️ of how she feels about black men! There are some black men who still don't believe that they exist and that they don't like them! Check out her YouTube channel.

A mammy was a black female indentured servant so Divestors call any black women who still date or marry black men mammy!
Here our next Divestor! Her videos are short but you will get the point ☝️ of how she feels about black men! There are some black men who still don't believe that they exist and that they don't like them! Check out her YouTube channel.

A mammy was a black female indentured servant so Divestors call any black women who still date or marry black men mammy!
Lol I think a the end of the day this women simply don't like men who point out that she needy .EVERYONE HAS A REASON why they are single that's seems to never be their own fault . It's cool to have standards but when you standard are more about what you not looking for verses what you are interested In then of course the outcome will be more negative then positive
Typically people who think that dating a different race is some type of upgrade are the one who don't work hard at their own goals in life

Just a word of advice for interracial dating
Trying be serious about people who aren't afriad to be themselves and not who they think they should be when they are around you love doesn't equal black lust

As far a black woman dating white men ..who cares. But if you are a gold digger is doesn't matter which race of men you choose the outcome with repeated it self because you remain the same
Lol I think a the end of the day this women simply don't like men who point out that she needy .EVERYONE HAS A REASON why they are single that's seems to never be their own fault . It's cool to have standards but when you standard are more about what you not looking for verses what you are interested In then of course the outcome will be more negative then positive
Typically people who think that dating a different race is some type of upgrade are the one who don't work hard at their own goals in life

Just a word of advice for interracial dating
Trying be serious about people who aren't afriad to be themselves and not who they think they should be when they are around you love doesn't equal black lust

As far a black woman dating white men ..who cares. But if you are a gold digger is doesn't matter which race of men you choose the outcome with repeated it self because you remain the same
What do you think about Divestors and what they think about black men?
What do you think about Divestors and what they think about black men?
lol honestly it's kinda fake ....bro I seriously think when you put dating someone and put then on a high horse because of their race ,you kinda setting yourself up as looking like a scrub or a gold digger ..the girl in your video said " black guys with bottles in theirs photo is bad because they want to party all the time,but she a recovering alcoholic " sorry but that's her personal problem 🤷🏾 not every black guys fault

Overall I feel like it's simply a excuse for personal failure kinda a mental disorder. These are the same people who are self conscious about the way they look to others .no different from rachael dolezel .just because you fuck a white man it doesn't make you more white ..just like just because how we fuck white girls doesn't make us less black

I think the mental disorder coming from the hardship of being Black..nobody wants it nor want it apart of their reality but life has obstacles regardless of which race or whatever when you are born. in their head that's how they deal with that idea in which they are viewed.

Most logical people realize people are going to hate on you no matter what you do especially when you know you are taboo.
But to only talk about the downfalls of black men and to say it as if you are not black yourself, simply looks like someone who full of drama and seek attention of others . But hey🤷🏾 isn't that what the internet is made of?
This is what Divestors think of any black women who actually date or marry black men or speak up and defend black men!

The call the mammies (which is a servant) a "Pick Me" because they want to be chosen by black men.

Again the beta males, simps manginas, and the ******* husbands are not going to say anything to these black women who hate them, lie and spread propaganda about them, and want to see them deleted! They are not even going to give them any smoke on behalf of other good black women nor will they ever do anything to positively change any of the bad data to good data just run their mouths being delusional as if these women care or respect them! They definitely are not going to choose them yet they will fall on their swords for them anyway! SMH 🙄

This is what Divestors think of any black women who actually date or marry black men or speak up and defend black men!

The call the mammies (which is a servant) a "Pick Me" because they want to be chosen by black men.

Again the beta males, simps manginas, and the ******* husbands are not going to say anything to these black women who hate them, lie and spread propaganda about them, and want to see them deleted! They are not even going to give them any smoke on behalf of other good black women nor will they ever do anything to positively change any of the bad data to good data just run their mouths being delusional as if these women care or respect them! They definitely are not going to choose them yet they will fall on their swords for them anyway! SMH 🙄

Huh? Did you actually watch this video ? Because honestly you totally missed the m ark on this .what did she say about black men? Kinda weird when people get offended by the empowering of other people. If anything she talking about how black men want lighter and bi racial woman and how black woman put each down . Honestly I'm confused, are you supporting what she saying or opposing?
She saying black men want lighter or bi racial woman and darker black woman are chasing men who don't want them . ALL YOU DOING IS PROVING HER POINT AND SHOWING THAT SHE IS RIGHT ,WHILE SAYING THAT SHE IS WRONG .

Idk at this point just seems like you are just saying black woman should date white men and shouldnt down black man while you prefer white woman and putting down black woman for you that may be the case but it's pretty illogical for most of us and ultimately just feels like negative energy
My question for you is if someone like Andrew tate or kevin samuals said the exact same thing as this woman (which they do) would you feel differently? Or would you feel that they is telling the truth ?