BBC Gangbang parties - Would you attend one?

I've done it twice The sex was terrific but nothing like being the only female. I attended one outside L.A. Calif. Two of us females and around 16 black guys . They had all been with her on several occasions so i was the new girl in town. That caused some friction as the guy with her got bent when my guy insisted i be in a separate bedroom. He wanted us side by side with guys fucking us at the same time. He wanted to film everything because he was selling VHS tapes by mail. It hadn't been mentioned previously. When ten guys ended up in my room he got verbal with a few and i was in fear of it getting violent so we left. All 16 had been in my room and me at least once so my night wasn't a total flop. In fact it was better than i expected. We could have been sisters both 5ft both brunette with one big difference. She had big voluptuous tits. I expected the short side of the stick because most guys love big ones. My B cup Her D+
The second time again the sex was good but i felt so bad after that party. A couple arranged it, very nice people older than us by more than a few years. Only nine guys but they concentrated on me. At first i didn't notice but then it became too obvious. Things slowed down a couple times and i could see the hurt in her eyes. Guys can be thoughtless sometimes even in a gang bang. They could have had us both but more than a couple never touched her. I'm sure they must have told them about the two females when setting things up. When it came to doing it the 38 yr old blond didn't get the attention the 24 yr old brunette got.
Both were within a four month time span neither was a home run and i never did one again. I did do a few stags and bachelor things where there was a dancer who left before the sex stuff started. Obviously i was no dancer and i knew it so i refused to do it.