Are white girls/women meant to be Black Men's property?

I guess this really means that we are meant to be submissive to, belong to, and are totally owned by 'real' men ... and in the opinion of so many of us white women ... all the 'real' men are black men. Black Men just take us and we honestly will almost always accept this ... accept it from black men. So, to say we 'should' is kinda weird in a way ... because we just do ... we do submit n' accept ... we are here for the taking, I suppose, and it's black men who are the ones who really take us cus' they're so dominant. xoxx, Dana
you're absolutely right Dana, it's not something whites people, male or female, "should" or "shouldn't" do. it's just that more and more white people are recognizing black men's sexual superiority. and the submit. and thus the end up belonging to their black bull. it's just the natural order of things