Are Conservatives here fooling themselves or just picky?

See, moment liberals get truth thrown in their face what do they do??? CANCEL IT
You have yet again proven my point. " I'll get it deleted" what a joke this has all become.
Definitely a foreign concept to you. So is the term 'joke'. Explains a lot.
Then your stupid ass should not have opened the thread.
Is there one thread on here where you don't get into an angry exchange?
Why are you so pissed at the world? You're OK. Somebody, somewhere loves you. Possibly.
I'm curious. I've seen a number of posts and profiles from white couples and females stating that they are conservatives. I'm sorry when I see White married women and their husband's here ready to fuck black men and women, the last thing that comes to my mind is someone is conservative. I think being here in a very progressive-thinking site full of anything except conservative actions makes them either confused as to if they really are conservatives, liars or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths to fit in. I would like to hear from some of those people. No right or wrong answers, just information that I hope will help me see things your way.

Im moderate-independent , I think progressives are becoming the very thing they once dispised.
Additional Facts that also "Validate" your points:
1) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Civil Rights Act.
2) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Voting Rights Act.
3) It was Democrats who started the KKK.
4) It was Democrats who put a KKK Grand Wizard (Robert Byrd) as their Senate Majority Leader.
5) It was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
6) It is Democrats who just passed this new (Racist) Farm Bill. (Only Non-Whites get any of the money. It will never survive Supreme Court)
7) Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN.

Gotta be a devil advocate here , their more minority & lgbt politicians in office that are Democrat .
The current Democratic party is far more diverse along the lines of race , gender ,sexuality & religion than the pass democratic party & current republican party .

So as you say its the democratic of old who's done these horrible things .
Why is it the democratic party fighting for my rights today and seeking my vote but the republican party isn't .
The big switch is a big lie. The parties never swapped sides over civil rights.
So, the states that wanted to secede when they were told people couldn't be bought and sold as property anymore, and rebeled against the union... Are those primarily red states or blue states? How many registered democrats do you know with confederate flags on their cars?
Additional Facts that also "Validate" your points:
1) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Civil Rights Act.
2) It was Democrats who BLOCKED the Voting Rights Act.
Both of those Acts were passed through a Democratic Congress with a majority of Democrats supporting them, and then signed into law by a Democratic President.
They were opposed by Southern politicians of both parties.
91% of Southern Democrats in the House voted against the CRA.
100% of Southern Republican in the House voted against the CRA.
In the senate it was 100% Southern Republicans against it, and 95% Southern Democrats against it.

3) It was Democrats who started the KKK.
It was founded by six former Confederate soldiers who were pissed about the outcome and decided defend the cultural values of the South. They may have voted Democratic but, so did people in 'free' states in the Midwest.

4) It was Democrats who put a KKK Grand Wizard (Robert Byrd) as their Senate Majority Leader.
Never a Grand Wizard, and denounced his two year membership in the Klan BEFORE he was a Senator back in the 1940s.
However once a Klansman, you deserve to be reminded of that until you die. Which he was.

5) It was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
What's your point?

6) It is Democrats who just passed this new (Racist) Farm Bill. (Only Non-Whites get any of the money. It will never survive Supreme Court)
It's not a bill. It's legislation for disadvantaged farmers. Usually those are black, asian and hispanic farmers who have ROUTINELY faced discrimination from the USDA in farm relief and farm subsidies. This goes back to the farm bills of the Great Depression almost 90 years ago. So for the thousands that lost their farms and that source of intergenerational wealth, fuck them?
I'm sure you were standing against the USDA in their past disbursements and supported the black farmers lawsuit for discrimination from the federal government. No? Why not?

7) Dr. King was a REPUBLICAN.
He was born at a time that most blacks were still voting Republican. Of course no one knows for sure because, well, living in the south and voting and all was kind of dangerous. Anyway, that voting Republican began to change in the 30 with FDR and was flipped in the 60s thanks to a lot of work by Dr King. It was the Democratic Presidential Administrations and Democratic Congress that worked with Dr King to pass legislation addressing voting rights, civil rights, fair housing, equal opportunities, education and etc.
So, the states that wanted to secede when they were told people couldn't be bought and sold as property anymore, and rebeled against the union... Are those primarily red states or blue states? How many registered democrats do you know with confederate flags on their cars?
Well, let's make it even more plain.
Ask them, 'who do the kkk and outed white supremacist support today?'
How can freedom loving people of all races share the same values as the KKK or White Supremacists?
Both of those Acts were passed through a Democratic Congress with a majority of Democrats supporting them, and then signed into law by a Democratic President.
They were opposed by Southern politicians of both parties.
91% of Southern Democrats in the House voted against the CRA.
100% of Southern Republican in the House voted against the CRA.
In the senate it was 100% Southern Republicans against it, and 95% Southern Democrats against it.

It was founded by six former Confederate soldiers who were pissed about the outcome and decided defend the cultural values of the South. They may have voted Democratic but, so did people in 'free' states in the Midwest.

Never a Grand Wizard, and denounced his two year membership in the Klan BEFORE he was a Senator back in the 1940s.
However once a Klansman, you deserve to be reminded of that until you die. Which he was.

What's your point?

It's not a bill. It's legislation for disadvantaged farmers. Usually those are black, asian and hispanic farmers who have ROUTINELY faced discrimination from the USDA in farm relief and farm subsidies. This goes back to the farm bills of the Great Depression almost 90 years ago. So for the thousands that lost their farms and that source of intergenerational wealth, fuck them?
I'm sure you were standing against the USDA in their past disbursements and supported the black farmers lawsuit for discrimination from the federal government. No? Why not?

He was born at a time that most blacks were still voting Republican. Of course no one knows for sure because, well, living in the south and voting and all was kind of dangerous. Anyway, that voting Republican began to change in the 30 with FDR and was flipped in the 60s thanks to a lot of work by Dr King. It was the Democratic Presidential Administrations and Democratic Congress that worked with Dr King to pass legislation addressing voting rights, civil rights, fair housing, equal opportunities, education and etc.
Hey @2kindred_spirits missed your 'thumbs down' on all of my post.
I'm going to post something about the great cuisine in Southern La, or the excellent deer hunting in Jackson-Bienville area, and see if you still thumbs down it. I'm starting to think it may be me. 😇
I'm curious. I've seen a number of posts and profiles from white couples and females stating that they are conservatives. I'm sorry when I see White married women and their husband's here ready to fuck black men and women, the last thing that comes to my mind is someone is conservative. I think being here in a very progressive-thinking site full of anything except conservative actions makes them either confused as to if they really are conservatives, liars or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths to fit in. I would like to hear from some of those people. No right or wrong answers, just information that I hope will help me see things your way.
This site and particular aspect of the lifestyle is about a FETISH. Fetishes supersede any type political viewpoint.
Well, let's make it even more plain.
Ask them, 'who do the kkk and outed white supremacist support today?'
How can freedom loving people of all races share the same values as the KKK or White Supremacists?
That's really the crux if the matter, isn't it? People can point fingers at the side opposite them all day long, and all we get is further divided. But once in a while, it's probably good to look at some of people voting WITH you. If you're on the same side as the KKK, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and all manner of conspiracy theorists and militant anti-different-people groups, are you SURE you're on the right side of any of these arguments?

What's more important, the fact that there were some democrats in the KKK at one point, or that the organization was virtually unanimous in their praise and support for the man at the top of the republican ticket in our two most recent elections? None of us gets to retroactively vote in the 1940 elections. Who are you siding with TODAY?

You can deny that the parties flipped sides on race and equality all you want to, but if you're supporting your argument with the assertion that some democrats started the KKK, it doesn't do a lot to bolster your stance, given that today's KKK is all about the hard- and alt-right. "The democrats are the ones who..." Yawn. The left is far from perfect, but are you voting along with the white supremacists or against them? It's that simple.
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And Trump did more for the black communities than any other president in recent history, which is well documented as well. But cancel culture has not done nothing to try and change that narrative either correct?
Why is it so hard to digest that the Black communities do NOT feel that Trump did anything for them? Were all of the massive voter registrations the Republicans in state legislatures nationwide are trying to roll back just "cancel culture"?
Wow. Dead silence. All the liberals and leftists sitting here... Gears finally turning.. In complete shock and awe, realizing how badly they were deceived to take a good man out of the way so the bad one could usurp the throne.
Because the record setting 4.2 million jobs lost last month to Executive Orders had not convinced them.
not dead silence, again you choose to read what you want to read
I'm curious. I've seen a number of posts and profiles from white couples and females stating that they are conservatives. I'm sorry when I see White married women and their husband's here ready to fuck black men and women, the last thing that comes to my mind is someone is conservative. I think being here in a very progressive-thinking site full of anything except conservative actions makes them either confused as to if they really are conservatives, liars or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths to fit in. I would like to hear from some of those people. No right or wrong answers, just information that I hope will help me see things your way.
politics and sex are two completely different they should be. If I'm fucking the last thing I want to hear is something political on anything even if I agree or disagree.
Democratic Congress that worked with Dr King to pass legislation addressing voting rights, civil rights,
One again you're WRONG...
Democrat Senators Filibustered both the Civil Rights Act AND the Voting Rights Act.
It was Republican Senators who got both bills through the Senate. LOOK IT UP....!!!
Please please watch this 4 second video..

Take a deep breath. Think real hard and see if you can still call the man who stood by Rosa Parks and Mohammed Ali a racist and defend Joe Biden

You know it's 2021, right? Bullshit like this is easily fact-checked.
Fuck Outta Here No Way GIF by Desus & Mero
I’m a conservative. A moderate one but all the same a conservative. The ore conceived notion of what that means needs to be re-examined. It’s definetly not what the last administration tried to turn it into.
It's legislation for disadvantaged farmers.
Exactly my point. "Disadvantaged" Farmers come in ALL colors & races. This Legislation includes a RACE test.
It will NEVER pass the Supreme Court Challenge.
You know it's 2021, right? Bullshit like this is easily fact-checked.
Fuck Outta Here No Way GIF by Desus & Mero
The same fact checkers who are being sued for lying to censor conservatives.
That's a live video... There are more. Like the one where he says he doesn't want black ******* in white schools making them a jungle.
But you keep drinking the Kool-aid.
Ignorance is bliss. And thanks for following us so you can troll us and argue every time we post. Sad. Very sad.
But please.. By all meAns troll away. I will not give you the petty satisfaction of responding to anything else from you
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Exactly my point. "Disadvantaged" Farmers come in ALL colors & races. This Legislation includes a RACE test.
It will NEVER pass the Supreme Court Challenge.
You've to be too dumb to go any further.
Wait on the Supreme Court to once again affirm it's legal to address past discriminations by using the same criteria.
Where you this upset over black and hispanic farmers being denied support that last go round? I don't remember any poorly written letters to the editor from you.