Am I the only cuck (cuckquean that only enjoys seeing black men and white women together sexually?

I don't understand why you would be jealous of, for example a BM/WF couple who are holding hands. Why not be happy for them? And why would their relationship produce any feelings in you at all? Isn't their relationship no one else's business?

Also the notion that "for every black guy in a relationship with a white woman, that’s another black woman single" presupposes that the only romantic options for Black women are Black men. Clearly, that isn't the case today. The rules these days in the dating world is: THERE ARE NO RULES. The artificially-imposed barriers are gone. We're free to pursue whomever we desire. Isn't that a good thing?

It's interesting that you're persuaded by self-manufactured beliefs and attitudes. Jealousy is counter-productive. Perhaps a reexamination of those beliefs and attitudes might be in order.
I’m asking you respectfully to stop talking to me. I have no desire to have anymore interaction with you.
I’m asking you respectfully to stop talking to me. I have no desire to have anymore interaction with you.
You started a thread and raised an issue. Starting a thread is, for all intent and purposes, a call for responses, discussion and respectful debate. I've presented my response in a respectful manner and believe those who contribute to this thread can do so likewise. That written, I direct you to the questions I presented and request the courtesy of a reply.
You started a thread and raised an issue. Starting a thread is, for all intent and purposes, a call for responses, discussion and respectful debate. I've presented my response in a respectful manner and believe those who contribute to this thread can do so likewise. That written, I direct you to the questions I presented and request the courtesy of a reply.
I’m gonna have to block you or put you on ignore. When a woman asks to be left alone, just do it. Stop arguing with someone who has no desire to talk to you.
I know that I have brought the subject up before, but black women are left out of this lifestyle for the most part. Many of them are being cuckolded behind their backs,as more and more white women are letting black men know that they are interested in sexual relationships with them. I would love to see more black women involved in the lifestyle being cuckolded alongside the white husbands!
I agree with your attitude and all that you said in principle.
The quoted statement, however, I disagree as to whether it is true in society...
I agree with the example you presented. However, I stand by my statement: "The rules these days in the dating world is: THERE ARE NO RULES. The artificially-imposed barriers are gone. We're free to pursue whomever we desire."

Someone started a thread admitting that the sight of a BM/WF couple stirs feelings of jealousy. I suggest such feelings are counterproductive.
I agree with the example you presented. However, I stand by my statement: "The rules these days in the dating world is: THERE ARE NO RULES. The artificially-imposed barriers are gone. We're free to pursue whomever we desire."

Someone started a thread admitting that the sight of a BM/WF couple stirs feelings of jealousy. I suggest such feelings are counterproductive.
When is the last time you got laid?
However, I stand by my statement
Fair enough. If that is how things are where you are, I applaud it.
Sadly, where I am I see other things. I retain hope that change will progress forward.
Someone started a thread admitting that the sight of a BM/WF couple stirs feelings of jealousy. I suggest such feelings are counterproductive.
They are bigoted feelings. It separates dating as only allowable within the race.
When is the last time you got laid?
🤣 Not sure how that is relevant to...well...anything.

Anyway, you mentioned you "are not a fan of black men and white women in relationships/getting married" and declared you're "way too jealous for that."

You also stated: "Every time I see them as a couple, holding hands.. I’m like that’s another black guy we’ve lost. I think to myself- for every black guy in a relationship with a white woman, that’s another black woman single."

I wonder why it would evoke jealousy in seeing a happy couple, be it a BM/WF couple? Also, doesn't your conclusion that a Black male with a White female means "that's another Black woman single" presuppose that Black men are the only choices for Black woman as romantic partners?

Also, what feelings do yo have when you see a Black woman with a White male? A Black male with an Asian female?

And how "White" does the woman have to be in order for you to feel jealousy? What if the woman is half Black?
Fair enough. If that is how things are where you are, I applaud it.
Sadly, where I am I see other things. I retain hope that change will progress forward.

They are bigoted feelings. It separates dating as only allowable within the race.
I would characterize it as a narrow feeling that is totally self-generated. The good news for that is that self-generated feelings can be reprogrammed.
🤣 Not sure how that is relevant to...well...anything.

Anyway, you mentioned you "are not a fan of black men and white women in relationships/getting married" and declared you're "way too jealous for that."

You also stated: "Every time I see them as a couple, holding hands.. I’m like that’s another black guy we’ve lost. I think to myself- for every black guy in a relationship with a white woman, that’s another black woman single."

I wonder why it would evoke jealousy in seeing a happy couple, be it a BM/WF couple? Also, doesn't your conclusion that a Black male with a White female means "that's another Black woman single" presuppose that Black men are the only choices for Black woman as romantic partners?

Also, what feelings do yo have when you see a Black woman with a White male? A Black male with an Asian female?

And how "White" does the woman have to be in order for you to feel jealousy? What if the woman is half Black?
What does that have to do with this thread? Why you going through all my threads you creep. When is the last time you got laid? Oh no, don’t tell me you’re a 50 year old virgin.
What does that have to do with this thread?
I don't understand your question. The information about your feelings regarding BM/WF relations ARE the topic of this thread. You opened by explaining your feelings on the subject in detail. I'm exploring one aspect of the topic YOU volunteered. I would appreciate a reply to my inquiry.
I don't understand your question. The information about your feelings regarding BM/WF relations ARE the topic of this thread. You opened by explaining your feelings on the subject in detail. I'm exploring one aspect of the topic YOU volunteered. I would appreciate a reply to my inquiry.
I got mixed up with the two threads because you keep following me everywhere. I only get jealous with guys I’m attracted to/ or guys I feel like I or another black woman I could have potentially been with.

It’s also about resources. Black people globally have the least wealth and every time I see a successful black man finally made it (more often than not off the backs of black women) and then he goes straight into the arms of a yt women... that is him quite literally given all his resources back to the white community and why black people don’t have generational wealth.

Like when those African men go from African to the UK to play football, then they marry a yt girl and then oftentimes, she ends up divorcing him, taking his *******, his resources. It’s like constantly losing out to white women because they get our men at their best but only dare black women when they’re poor because they associate black women with poverty and the struggle.
It’s the ultimate form of disrespect.

Lastly it’s like black men do not know how to pawg in peace without disrespecting black women. He explains it better in this clip:

I got mixed up with the two threads because you keep following me everywhere. I only get jealous with guys I’m attracted to/ or guys I feel like I or another black woman I could have potentially been with.

It’s also about resources. Black people globally have the least wealth and every time I see a successful black man finally made it (more often than not off the backs of black women) and then he goes straight into the arms of a yt women... that is him quite literally given all his resources back to the white community and why black people don’t have generational wealth.

Like when those African men go from African to the UK to play football, then they marry a yt girl and then oftentimes, she ends up divorcing him, taking his *******, his resources. It’s like constantly losing out to white women because they get our men at their best but only dare black women when they’re poor because they associate black women with poverty and the struggle.
It’s the ultimate form of disrespect.

Lastly it’s like black men do not know how to pawg in peace without disrespecting black women. He explains it better in this clip:
I keep following you everywhere? This isn't even remotely true, so let's move on.

In a world that could always use more love, I rejoice whenever I see a loving couple, whatever their race or sexual orientation. Race is a social construct and exists to the extent we say it does. Beliefs about "us" and "them" pulls the human race apart.

You mentioned "[E]very time I see a successful black man finally made it (more often than not off the backs of black women) and then he goes straight into the arms of a yt women... that is him quite literally given all his resources back to the white community and why black people don’t have generational wealth."

Every time, huh? I don't believe this is true. There are numerous successful Black males married to Black women. Also, I'm not sure there's much value in making sweeping assumptions and evaluations over a couple who have found each other, whatever their race. However, your opinions are your own and you're entitled to them. I wonder what purpose they serve or what value they hold for you.

By the by, you didn't answer my other questions. Here they are again. I would appreciate the courtesy of a reply.

Also, what feelings do yo have when you see a Black woman with a White male? A Black male with an Asian female?

And how "White" does the woman have to be in order for you to feel jealousy? What if the woman is half Black?
Us vs Them mentality.
Too many people need to grasp that we are all the Same Kind of Human.
It's not about "giving" rights that Already Exist to the people we used to exclude.
It's not about segregation nor separation of resources.
Such ways of thinking are what keeps racism alive and strong.
I keep following you everywhere? This isn't even remotely true, so let's move on.

In a world that could always use more love, I rejoice whenever I see a loving couple, whatever their race or sexual orientation. Race is a social construct and exists to the extent we say it does. Beliefs about "us" and "them" pulls the human race apart.

You mentioned "[E]very time I see a successful black man finally made it (more often than not off the backs of black women) and then he goes straight into the arms of a yt women... that is him quite literally given all his resources back to the white community and why black people don’t have generational wealth."

Every time, huh? I don't believe this is true. There are numerous successful Black males married to Black women. Also, I'm not sure there's much value in making sweeping assumptions and evaluations over a couple who have found each other, whatever their race. However, your opinions are your own and you're entitled to them. I wonder what purpose they serve or what value they hold for you.

By the by, you didn't answer my other questions. Here they are again. I would appreciate the courtesy of a reply.

Also, what feelings do yo have when you see a Black woman with a White male? A Black male with an Asian female?

And how "White" does the woman have to be in order for you to feel jealousy? What if the woman is half Black?
You’re not gonna argue with me in every thread I make. A man arguing with someone 30 years younger than him is the most feminine thing in the world. You just want my attention so bad.

I made a thread being honest about the fact that I prefer seeing black couples but enjoy interracial porn. Yet you want to find way to argue about everything. Are you this combative and argumentative in real life? If you don’t like it, gtfo of my thread. I don’t have to answer or explain myself to you. You are not my *******. Do I make myself clear?
Us vs Them mentality.
Too many people need to grasp that we are all the Same Kind of Human.
It's not about "giving" rights that Already Exist to the people we used to exclude.
It's not about segregation nor separation of resources.
Such ways of thinking are what keeps racism alive and strong.
It’s not always a kumbaya thing unfortunately. Some people want to preserve their race and improve their communities. In the UK, black people are breeding themselves out of existence. The marriage rates between black men and black women here is astonishing low. Our communities are the most impoverished. I don’t really feel that comfortable talking to you as a white person about black people’s problems but you’re the only one here decent enough to talk to because the idiot above me has this weird obsession with me after I’ve practically begged for him to leave me alone, he still won’t.

I’m not necessarily against interracially dating altogether. I just think there’s something wrong with a community where over half it’s population get with other races over their own to the point where mixed race children are replacing black children.

This thread wasn’t meant to be that political. I mainly talked about the fact that I enjoy watching interracial sex. That was supposed to be the main focus. But again that grandad above me cannot stop following me around and infiltrating my threads. How do you block someone on this forum?
I keep following you everywhere? This isn't even remotely true, so let's move on.

In a world that could always use more love, I rejoice whenever I see a loving couple, whatever their race or sexual orientation. Race is a social construct and exists to the extent we say it does. Beliefs about "us" and "them" pulls the human race apart.

You mentioned "[E]very time I see a successful black man finally made it (more often than not off the backs of black women) and then he goes straight into the arms of a yt women... that is him quite literally given all his resources back to the white community and why black people don’t have generational wealth."

Every time, huh? I don't believe this is true. There are numerous successful Black males married to Black women. Also, I'm not sure there's much value in making sweeping assumptions and evaluations over a couple who have found each other, whatever their race. However, your opinions are your own and you're entitled to them. I wonder what purpose they serve or what value they hold for you.

By the by, you didn't answer my other questions. Here they are again. I would appreciate the courtesy of a reply.

Also, what feelings do yo have when you see a Black woman with a White male? A Black male with an Asian female?

And how "White" does the woman have to be in order for you to feel jealousy? What if the woman is half Black?
You’re like a fly that won’t fuck off.
I don’t really feel that comfortable talking to you as a white person about black people’s problems
I am in the USA. I would say that I am ignorant about what life is like in the UK.
I know what it is like, here.

If we take a Global Look, brown skinned people are not, in any way whatsoever... breeding out of existence.

Human problems are Human problems. You seem to consistently segregate blacks from whites.
I agree with you that society does the same, but us doing it only adds to any society that does it.
The segregation is part of the problem.
Impoverished neighborhoods need better representation. And the only way to get it is to accept White People as just People. Accept Black People as just People. They are not two different kinds of people. They are the same people.
Poorer people and minorities over-all are charged More Money just to live. This includes poor white people just as much as poor black people. This means it is as much, sometimes, white peoples problems... which means... It is a Human Problem. Solvable by our humanity, unity and solidarity, not by segregation, judgment and differentiation.
I’m really not a fan of black men and white women in relationships/getting married. I admit I’m way too jealous for that.

Every time I see them as a couple, holding hands.. I’m like that’s another black guy we’ve lost. I think to myself- for every black guy in a relationship with a white woman, that’s another black woman single.

But when it comes to sex, it’s a different story. I literally can only get turned on seeing black men and white women together sexually. I get more aroused at the idea of being able to watch than me getting fucked.

Ideally black men would marry black women (they’re not doing enough of that IMO) but be in a one sided open relationship or have threesomes where the guy gets to fuck white women. Or gets a blowjob while watching white women in porn.

For me ideally. I want my man to be more sexually attracted to White women so I get to watch. I know that sounds weird but being a cuckquean is my sexuality now. I’ve embraced it. That’s why i enjoy the idea of watching more than participating. So the type of relationship I want is one where the guy can bring White women openly to our house/bedroom and ******* with them. He can be on tinder or any sex websites and seek white women.

But sex is where it starts and stops. He can’t buy them gifts or get romantically involved with them.

Any white male cucks feel the same? You only enjoy it for the sex but the romance is off limits?
Hey there stranger! It's Always good to hear you share your beautiful thoughts bc I can easily relate to what you are saying and's Very natural and Sexually Stimulating as Well Blackcuckquean! 🧑🏻‍🦳♠️👨🏿💪🏿💦💦💦💦👅😋❤️🔥✊🏿👍🏿