Am I Friendzoned?

Hey guys, I have been best friends with this girl since the beginning of my studies abroad. We spend so much time together that I feel like I've been together with her.

The most erotic experience has been when we were at the baseball game in NYC.. she was approached by an older guy and invited to his seat in the front row. She went away with him and hooked up later, hiding it from me. Next day she went straight to the wall street bull, what a wife material! hehe

Do you think I am in the friendzone, even if she hides hookups from me? We made out and had sex before...

Feel free to message me to talk about my gf or get some pictures ;)
If you have had sex with her before then you are not necessarily in age friend zone unless the sex was bad and she doesn't really want to have anymore sex with you! If that is the case you could very well be in the friend zone.

If you and her were friends and you wanted more but she was not showing any interest in being more than friends and yet you seen her hook up with guys right in front of you then she is not really sexually attracted to you.

I don't care what a woman's rules are if you are the guy that she really wants and she is sexually attracted to you she will fuck you the first opportunity she gets!