Adult ******* has found out about my lifestyle

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Yes be honest be normal and if comes up it's a fetish it s fetish that both of course our ******* gag when they think of parents then when it comes to this life style then they remember what we preached despite what we did growing up. No o different that ******* alcohol or smoking. This is sex.
Yes be honest be normal and if comes up it's a fetish it s fetish that both of course our ******* gag when they think of parents then when it comes to this life style then they remember what we preached despite what we did growing up. No o different that ******* alcohol or smoking. This is sex.
very true
Let us know when she starts asking questions and seems interested in trying BBC herself
That's wrong to say. Like anything else you want what's best for our *******. We raise them right educate and to he them selves. It's inevitable like anything else. What happens happens. As long as safe with good head on shoulder s and strong. She may she may not. Everyone is different and we especially here all experience that at some way or fashion on how we got here. Talk and text lol driving
In my case were my 2 young sons who found out,altough they already suspected something either by rumors or by seeing situations were the explanations that i said didnt stand up,like saying that the 3 black men that i was with in the garage,while my thong was on the floor,my skirt up to my waist,my blouse opened with my tits out and they were quickly putting on their pants,but they were there "helping me fix the car"...

Since they know, have you talk to them about the lifestyle advantages? Do they have girlfriends? Have you talked to them about perhaps telling their girlfriends about bbc lifestyle?
We had a similar situation happen! At the end of the day you and Dad are on the same page. You aren't "cheating" in fact its probably something he wanted... Simply explain marriage and sex is about trust and understanding... You both have that and are doing nothing wrong.. You arent putting any others in danger bu your actions amd obviously try to be as "discreet" as possible with it...
Your ******* is upset. Let her be. It is hard to even think of our moms as sexual creatures. And then to discover that she is also a ho for Black men. It's a lot to handle. Don't beat yourself up. You're doing what the majority of white women wish they had the courage to do. Your ******* will get over it. Who knows, maybe she is a bit turned on by it... thinking to herself how much she would like to be Blacked. She might some day seek out your advice on the subject.
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
My wife told her brother and her mom about our lifestyle choices, her mom is the town gossip Queen lol so we are kinda expecting whatever comes next and are ready to deal with the revelation
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
A lot of people have offered a lot of good advice over the past few months. But if she is still being childish about this and judging your interests, sit down with her and mention that everyone on this planet has some sort of fetish/sexual interest beyond one man (husband)/one woman (wife) missionary and in the dark.

Tell her that if she doesn't have some sort of interest that's beyond the socially accepted norm, then there is something indeed wrong with her. But if she does, than the two of you aren't that much different, except that she discovered what your interest is. Don't apologize, and it isn't necessary to demand to know what her interests are. Suffice to say that you know she has them, she has a right to privacy and you have that same right. She shouldn't judge you nor you her. You're both adults.

If she still can't get over that speed bump, then I fear it's pretty much a lost cause.
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