A White Man's Place

I think most of us wish to serve a Black Master either part time or full time. It’s up to him of course what he has us do in terms of service but I personally love doing chores and anything that makes His life easier and more fun. Spending any free time I have outside of work hours to please and obey him and even contributing part of my income to his quality of life appeals to me. It helps show me my true place in the world and enhances the further development of the Superiority of the Black Race as a whole even if only in a small way through my contribution. All white boys should work hard for our betters.
Sir it is my dream to serve Superior black men for the rest of my life. I have accepted that I am beneath them and they have the right to treat me any way they want. It would be a fantasy come true to be used as a breeding hole

We need to work hard for our Superiors always and do what’s best by them and for them and in turn this will hopefully show our white girlfriends and wives how easy it is for them to encourage us further into our true place and free them up to have the fun and pleasure they deserve of being a lover of a Black Man.
Wy wife and I happily service and serve her black bull. I know my place is to get him ready to fuck my wife, help him if needed, clean his cock between fucking her, clean her for her next round, and make my ass available if he feels the need. Service and serving her bull is what I do.