You know something for sure is going to happen now that ABC is going to put out the first Black Bachelor series out there!!!!

Yes it is being pushed hard including in this lifestyle and swinger lifestyle since it seems it is just a way for so called bi husbands or boyfriends to not be outright and tell their partners they are gay and not bi.

I am fine with homosexual community trying to show their relationships so homosexuality is accepted by society as natural but I do not need to see the intimacy all the time and their relationships more than heterosexual relationships.
Exactly same here just keep it indoors and in their own personal space
If most people are heterosexual then why is there more homosexuality intimacy being displayed on shows than heterosexual intimacy. It is because the agenda is to push homosexuality to make it normal, accepted and perhaps confuse or sway some towards homosexuality.

Heterosexuality is a normal relationship and homosexuality is not. However homosexuality is a natural relationship since I know most gay people are born homosexual.

Heterosexuality is normal since we can not reproduce without it as humans. Or at least we couldn't without technology.

There is NOT more gay intimacy than straight intimacy on TV. That is just not true, and I don't know what you're watching. If you're bothered by a few gay characters on television and in movies, I don't know what to say.

You said "Heterosexuality is a normal relationship and homosexuality is not. However homosexuality is a natural relationship since I know most gay people are born homosexual." That makes NO sense. NONE.

If homosexuality is natural for gay people, then it is also NORMAL for them. And dude, YOU don't get to decide what's normal anyway. It's not your place to tell gay people -- or trans people or anyone else -- that they are abnormal. We still have a lot of fucking racists in this country. Do you want them to tell you that you're not normal??? You don't, because they'd be wrong, and ignorant.

Finally, the ability to procreate has NOTHING to do with being normal.
That’s not the point bro it’s because it’s being pushed in society and the people. Everything being made is getting invaded by the LGBTQ community if they were not putting it in everyone’s faces there would be no issues. The real issue is gay and the feminist agenda are destroying society and REAL FAMILIES.

How are families being destroyed? That is just bullshit. No one turns gay or trans because of a damn tv show. Are YOU destroying families because you'll fuck white wives?? GMAB.

How is LGBTQ "invading" everything??? That is just ridiculous. It's not in your face. LGBTQ people are everywhere, so deal with it. They shouldn't have to HIDE to stay out of your face.

You have faced SO much prejudice and hate and bias in your life, yet you're doing the same thing to other groups. It's awful.
Exactly you would think folks would know about Biology bro.They always have some lame ass excuse for the GAY AGENDA. I have no issues with gay folks but the millennials are pushing that ******* hard as well as this Alphabet community also. A real family is made of Man,Woman and baby.

LMAOOOOO You have "no issues with gay folks" yet you're here screaming about some supposed "GAY AGENDA." Life is NOT about YOUR idea of a family -- people have the right to decide what their own family looks like without your ignorance interfering.

I cannot believe I'm reading this ******* on an interracial message board.
Yes it is being pushed hard including in this lifestyle and swinger lifestyle since it seems it is just a way for so called bi husbands or boyfriends to not be outright and tell their partners they are gay and not bi.

I am fine with homosexual community trying to show their relationships so homosexuality is accepted by society as natural but I do not need to see the intimacy all the time and their relationships more than heterosexual relationships.

No, it's not being "pushed hard." That is a LIE. It's not seen more than straight relationships either.

You are NOT fine with gay relationships -- and saying that doesn't make it true. You are so biased and anti-gay it's ridiculous. You don't need to see the intimacy? LMAOOOOOOOOO Yeah, sounds like you're fine.
Do you tell straight couples to keep it indoors and in their own personal space? If not, you're a hypocrite.

Would you like some racist saying that interracial couples should keep it indoors? You wouldn't, and neither would I. Just MYOB, dude.
I keep my personal ******* indoors and maybe you are gay who knows but you better look again at the LGBTQ community and how there Agenda is causing trouble in society. What about the Gay/Bi dudes having sex with there wives unprotected and spreading disease? What about schools and feminist not letting boys be boys? What about the LGBTQ community going after producers in Hollywood telling them there should be a gay or lesbian in their films. (Marvel,DC) comes to mind. This new generation wants to fuck up sports with transgenders and all this bullshit so instead of you’re stupid ass fantasies that most of you fucktard cucks portray on this site. It’s not just movies it’s all over and just look at the Media as well folks are getting tired of gay this lesbian that. What they do is there business sexually but no one wants to see it all the time or hear about it in school,television of the media. Look at what Dwade is trying to do to his kid it’s fucked up. But I guess these days with all the Estrogen in societies food no wonder.😂😂
I keep my personal ******* indoors and maybe you are gay who knows but you better look again at the LGBTQ community and how there Agenda is causing trouble in society. What about the Gay/Bi dudes having sex with there wives unprotected and spreading disease? What about schools and feminist not letting boys be boys? What about the LGBTQ community going after producers in Hollywood telling them there should be a gay or lesbian in their films. (Marvel,DC) comes to mind. This new generation wants to fuck up sports with transgenders and all this bullshit so instead of you’re stupid ass fantasies that most of you fucktard cucks portray on this site. It’s not just movies it’s all over and just look at the Media as well folks are getting tired of gay this lesbian that. What they do is there business sexually but no one wants to see it all the time or hear about it in school,television of the media. Look at what Dwade is trying to do to his kid it’s fucked up. But I guess these days with all the Estrogen in societies food no wonder.😂😂

There is no LGBTQ agenda -- except to people like you who make ******* up and act offended by everything. You keep your ******* indoors???? Dude, you're on this board declaring how much white pussy needs black dick! Seriously.

Spreading disease? Uh....not only gay and bi people spread diseases. You're clueless and uninformed.

What the fuck is wrong with Marvel or DC having a gay or lesbian superhero? Why do you fucking care? Don't go to the goddamn movie if you don't like it. They won't make something that doesn't make money.

Dwade and Gabrielle did nothing but LOVE their kid. The only one fucked up is YOU. You're about the biggest bigot I've seen on this board. I can't believe the ******* you say out loud. It's all so ignorant in every way. You can call me a fucktard cuck all you want -- I'd rather be a fucktard cuck than to be a bigoted piece of work like you.

I don't expect many people to sign on here and agree with me, because they're afraid of how they'll look or afraid of pissing you off. I don't care, though. I'm cool with people being whatever the fuck they want to be -- EVERYONE. I'm not cool with people like you deciding what's normal and what's not, and what's ok and what's not.
There is no LGBTQ agenda -- except to people like you who make ******* up and act offended by everything. You keep your ******* indoors???? Dude, you're on this board declaring how much white pussy needs black dick! Seriously.

Spreading disease? Uh....not only gay and bi people spread diseases. You're clueless and uninformed.

What the fuck is wrong with Marvel or DC having a gay or lesbian superhero? Why do you fucking care? Don't go to the goddamn movie if you don't like it. They won't make something that doesn't make money.

Dwade and Gabrielle did nothing but LOVE their kid. The only one fucked up is YOU. You're about the biggest bigot I've seen on this board. I can't believe the ******* you say out loud. It's all so ignorant in every way. You can call me a fucktard cuck all you want -- I'd rather be a fucktard cuck than to be a bigoted piece of work like you.

I don't expect many people to sign on here and agree with me, because they're afraid of how they'll look or afraid of pissing you off. I don't care, though. I'm cool with people being whatever the fuck they want to be -- EVERYONE. I'm not cool with people like you deciding what's normal and what's not, and what's ok and what's not.
That’s not the point bro it’s because it’s being pushed in society and the people. The real issue is gay and the feminist agenda are destroying society and REAL FAMILIES.
That's an accurate observation. The LGBT national agenda may not actively seek to destroy families, but it does by default. In the heyday of wild gay abandon before AIDS, thousands of males were having completely anonymous, all-night, multi-partner, bodily fluid sex in the trucks at Christopher St piers in NYC. That is certainly not a prescription for family stability. Very few gay men are content to have only one long-term partner -- at least not before they turn about 50. The spirit of Christopher St lives on. (ps, I'm only 23, but I study history.)

The feminist movement is much more outspoken in their intention to destroy both men and the nuclear family -- and they have had measurable success. White women are taught from youth to disregard and disrespect men in the pursuit of feminism. Most white women are now foregoing marriage and family until they make it in the glass tower world. Often by then it is too late. More and more Black women are participating in the same feminist plan also. They are earning more than Black male potential partners.

Historically, the Black family has had a different set of challenges; based on well-meaning but stifling government aid, which drives out the Black fathers.

Everything being made is getting invaded by the LGBTQ community if they were not putting it in everyone’s faces there would be no issues.

There's no denying that, but aren't they people too? Try making those observations, but substitute Interracial Relations for LGBT, or Black people for feminists. Would you still support those statements?

I'm a totally passable trans-girl, so I don't have to deal with public bigotry, but I do promote feminization as a best choice for many young whitebois. Instead of trying to tear down someone else's platform, try building up your own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's an accurate observation. The LGBT national agenda may not actively seek to destroy families, but it does by default. In the heyday of wild gay abandon before AIDS, thousands of males were having completely anonymous, all-night, multi-partner, bodily fluid sex in the trucks at Christopher St piers in NYC. That is certainly not a prescription for family stability. Very few gay men are content to have only one long-term partner -- at least not before they turn about 50. The spirit of Christopher St lives on. (ps, I'm only 23, but I study history.)

The feminist movement is much more outspoken in their intention to destroy both men and the nuclear family -- and they have had measurable success. White women are taught from youth to disregard and disrespect men in the pursuit of feminism. Most white women are now foregoing marriage and family until they make it in the glass tower world. Often by then it is too late. More and more Black women are participating in the same feminist plan also. They are earning more than Black male potential partners.

Historically, the Black family has had a different set of challenges; based on well-meaning but stifling government aid, which drives out the Black fathers.

There's no denying that, but aren't they people too? Try making those observations, but substitute Interracial Relations for LGBT, or Black people for feminists. Would you still support those statements?

I'm a totally passable trans-girl, so I don't have to deal with public bigotry, but I do promote feminization as a best choice for many young whitebois. Instead of trying to tear down someone else's platform, try building up your own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can respect your answer and I wasn't actually attacking gays or transgenders. I was attacking the actual movement and what it's doing to young people today and how all this infiltrates the schools so at least you know exactly what I meant. Old school gay guy's I know personally and really nice respectful guy also told me they don't support the Feminist movement and LGBTQ community themselves. These folks are also customer's of mine and have told me they have no idea why anyone (Gay or Lesbian) would put themselves out there. Now as far as gay marriage I have no issues with folks marrying who they want. Do I agree with yes and no but as long as they are happy it's cool with me. But I do enjoy being the TROLL KING LOL. But as long as you are happy.
Good Luck and be healthy bro.😇
There is NOT more gay intimacy than straight intimacy on TV. That is just not true, and I don't know what you're watching. If you're bothered by a few gay characters on television and in movies, I don't know what to say.

You said "Heterosexuality is a normal relationship and homosexuality is not. However homosexuality is a natural relationship since I know most gay people are born homosexual." That makes NO sense. NONE.

If homosexuality is natural for gay people, then it is also NORMAL for them. And dude, YOU don't get to decide what's normal anyway. It's not your place to tell gay people -- or trans people or anyone else -- that they are abnormal. We still have a lot of fucking racists in this country. Do you want them to tell you that you're not normal??? You don't, because they'd be wrong, and ignorant.

Finally, the ability to procreate has NOTHING to do with being normal.

Procreation does define normal since for life to exist it comes from normal relationships that procreate. Just like people who are born allergic to water. It is natural but not normal. Albino people and animals are natural but not normal. I do not care if you want to stick up for homosexual rights or try to say it is normal. If 20% of the population or less is homosexual it is not normal. It is natural only because you are born this way and it is how you were intended. Serial killers that are born the way they are natural but not normal. The definition of normal is based on what most consider standard or within a certain range of standards.

As for television they are pushing more intimacy between homosexuals than heterosexuals. Some offenders are Riverdale, Empire, others. I know because I am looking for steamy scenes and I keep seeing homosexual ones more than heterosexual on many shows. Some episodes only have a homosexual intimate scene.

I forgot the black ex husband of LAPD Police Sergeant on 911 show on Fox is gay and she has to be with a straight White Fire Captain. I am tired of shows having the few Blacks being gay especially males.
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There is no agenda. TV and movies portray what we already ARE.

No they do not there aren't that many homosexual people out of the majority of population. Definitely not that many if you look at those that were born that way and not converted from *******, *******, dealing with disgusting men especially in stripping, *******, porn Industries, or as mentioned not being attractive to opposite sex.
No, it's not being "pushed hard." That is a LIE. It's not seen more than straight relationships either.

You are NOT fine with gay relationships -- and saying that doesn't make it true. You are so biased and anti-gay it's ridiculous. You don't need to see the intimacy? LMAOOOOOOOOO Yeah, sounds like you're fine.

Everyone isn't fine if we do not want to see something pushed on them. I am fine with homosexuals having their rights including marriage, but I do not want to see males or unattractive women being intimate. Why should I have to be subjected to non normal practices and be called out as a bigot or discriminatory or whatever? It would be the same as me not enjoying an adult molesting a baby or little kid, or watching people ******* people because it is natural for them.
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It IS messed up, but only because it shows what a hypocrite you are.

It shows what I am attracted to women. But yes it is hypocritical which I stated and I am not ashamed. At least I didn't hide it like many do in society being hypocritical on things. Most straight males enjoy two beautiful women being together. Mainly because we want to be with them but also because we like looking at attractive women. So actually it is very Heterosexual from a male perspective.

I do not care if you say it is hypocritical when I already admitted it.