You know something for sure is going to happen now that ABC is going to put out the first Black Bachelor series out there!!!!

I can respect your answer and I wasn't actually attacking gays or transgenders. I was attacking the actual movement and what it's doing to young people today and how all this infiltrates the schools so at least you know exactly what I meant.

I hear you. I can separate the individuals from the movement. Every group has jerks and I'm particularly incensed by the man-in-a-dress trannies, who look and behave like circus freaks. I don't want them in girls bathrooms either.

Old school gay guy's I know personally and really nice respectful guy also told me they don't support the Feminist movement and LGBTQ community themselves. These folks are also customer's of mine and have told me they have no idea why anyone (Gay or Lesbian) would put themselves out there.

Well, you seem to be at peace with gay guys who are cool. You may know trans-girls like me, who are so cool you're not aware of it. I have a respectable job in travel (primarily the islands) and passing 100% female is important to my success. Most of my family oriented clients don't know I'm trans. But the few who do are quietly aware that I know the kind of Black men who make island vacation memorable. ;)

Now as far as gay marriage I have no issues with folks marrying who they want. Do I agree with yes and no but as long as they are happy it's cool with me.
I can't speak for gays, but most trans-girls I know are just trying to get by, with some time left for sunset drinks on the patio.

But as long as you are happy. Good Luck and be healthy bro.😇

I am very happy, thanks. Pretty sure I'm not a bro tho.....:qos:💋:LOL:

That's an accurate observation. The LGBT national agenda may not actively seek to destroy families, but it does by default. In the heyday of wild gay abandon before AIDS, thousands of males were having completely anonymous, all-night, multi-partner, bodily fluid sex in the trucks at Christopher St piers in NYC. That is certainly not a prescription for family stability. Very few gay men are content to have only one long-term partner -- at least not before they turn about 50. The spirit of Christopher St lives on. (ps, I'm only 23, but I study history.)

The feminist movement is much more outspoken in their intention to destroy both men and the nuclear family -- and they have had measurable success. White women are taught from youth to disregard and disrespect men in the pursuit of feminism. Most white women are now foregoing marriage and family until they make it in the glass tower world. Often by then it is too late. More and more Black women are participating in the same feminist plan also. They are earning more than Black male potential partners.

Historically, the Black family has had a different set of challenges; based on well-meaning but stifling government aid, which drives out the Black fathers.

There's no denying that, but aren't they people too? Try making those observations, but substitute Interracial Relations for LGBT, or Black people for feminists. Would you still support those statements?

I'm a totally passable trans-girl, so I don't have to deal with public bigotry, but I do promote feminization as a best choice for many young whitebois. Instead of trying to tear down someone else's platform, try building up your own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Your comments about these supposed "agendas" are fucking embarrassing. You should be ashamed.
Procreation does define normal since for life to exist it comes from normal relationships that procreate. Just like people who are born allergic to water. It is natural but not normal. Albino people and animals are natural but not normal. I do not care if you want to stick up for homosexual rights or try to say it is normal. If 20% of the population or less is homosexual it is not normal. It is natural only because you are born this way and it is how you were intended. Serial killers that are born the way they are natural but not normal. The definition of normal is based on what most consider standard or within a certain range of standards.

As for television they are pushing more intimacy between homosexuals than heterosexuals. Some offenders are Riverdale, Empire, others. I know because I am looking for steamy scenes and I keep seeing homosexual ones more than heterosexual on many shows. Some episodes only have a homosexual intimate scene.

I forgot the black ex husband of LAPD Police Sergeant on 911 show on Fox is gay and she has to be with a straight White Fire Captain. I am tired of shows having the few Blacks being gay especially males.

Your logic about normalcy and what's natural? Ridiculous -- and completely empty.

Your comments about gays on television are laughable. You seem obsessed with gay sex, I know that much.
Everyone isn't fine if we do not want to see something pushed on them. I am fine with homosexuals having their rights including marriage, but I do not want to see males or unattractive women being intimate. Why should I have to be subjected to non normal practices and be called out as a bigot or discriminatory or whatever? It would be the same as me not enjoying an adult molesting a baby or little kid, or watching people ******* people because it is natural for them.

When you make bigoted statements, you risk being called out for your bigotry. THAT'S how this stuff works. You don't know that? And no, being gay isn't in ANY way the same as being a baby molestor or a murderer. Again, no logic. None.

You're not "subjected" to anything -- change the damn tv channel if something bothers you so much. Damn, Netflix must make you CRAZY.
No they do not there aren't that many homosexual people out of the majority of population. Definitely not that many if you look at those that were born that way and not converted from *******, *******, dealing with disgusting men especially in stripping, *******, porn Industries, or as mentioned not being attractive to opposite sex.
LMAO that you think people are "converted" to being gay through *******, *******, stripping, porn, or unattractiveness.

GOOGLE IS FREE. You should try it.
When you make bigoted statements, you risk being called out for your bigotry. THAT'S how this stuff works. You don't know that? And no, being gay isn't in ANY way the same as being a baby molestor or a murderer. Again, no logic. None.

You're not "subjected" to anything -- change the damn tv channel if something bothers you so much. Damn, Netflix must make you CRAZY.

I am not worried since I expected this. I told my opinion and do not back down. It is the same if it is something you are born with. Any mutation or deformity, deviation from normal is natural but not normal. I do change it at times. Some shows and movies I do not watch because of agendas being pushed with storylines and casting.
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LMAO that you think people are "converted" to being gay through *******, *******, stripping, porn, or unattractiveness.

GOOGLE IS FREE. You should try it.

People are converted idiot. Why do you think so many men that were straight going into prison come out bi or gay? The same with porn actresses dealing with men, being made to start careers initially doing women on women scenes leads them to being bi or gay. If you haven't noticed how many women especially after being ******* or raped especially if repeatedly or when young end up becoming gay and overweight often. In my opinion their being overweight has to do with being depressed and not wanting to appear as attractive.

My statement about people converting if you missed it didn't mean most gays are converted. I did start my point saying most are born the way they are. But also if you Google it there are stances on both sides as always arguing and debating if homosexuality is inherent from birth especially with religious groups. This is the main reason people use as an argument against homosexuality is they believe it isn't inherent from birth and people choose it.

It sounds ridiculous that someone would choose it as a kid since the signs are there often as *******.

So if you missed the fact that I do believe and agree with gays being born that way for the majority then you completely missed the point.
It's odd that it took this long honestly. They have had all manner of races for the women so they should mix it up with the men as well.

It’s not odd at all, and was easily anticipated. From the very beginning since before there was even a country, white Americans have been fearful/intimidated by black male sexuality. I mean at one time it was scandalous for a black man to be seen on TV even just singing with a white woman (Nat King Cole for example).

It’s all just an extension of the same thing. Black male sexuality = a threat to the existence of the white race. All kinds of barriers have come down obviously, but those same kinds of thoughts and feelings are still there inside millions and millions of white people.

The black man is to be feared, including the overbearing concern that he will start “breeding” with our “pure” as the driven snow white girls. That’s all still there. Every last bit of it! I really, really, really can’t wait to see what the contestants look like, and how many are truly interested in an interracial relationship.

If it were me, I would insist upon a diverse, rainbow mix of women. Otherwise, I would not do the show.
It’s not odd at all, and was easily anticipated. From the very beginning since before there was even a country, white Americans have been fearful/intimidated by black male sexuality. I mean at one time it was scandalous for a black man to be seen on TV even just singing with a white woman (Nat King Cole for example).

It’s all just an extension of the same thing. Black male sexuality = a threat to the existence of the white race. All kinds of barriers have come down obviously, but those same kinds of thoughts and feelings are still there inside millions and millions of white people.

The black man is to be feared, including the overbearing concern that he will start “breeding” with our “pure” as the driven snow white girls. That’s all still there. Every last bit of it! I really, really, really can’t wait to see what the contestants look like, and how many are truly interested in an interracial relationship.

If it were me, I would insist upon a diverse, rainbow mix of women. Otherwise, I would not do the show.
I would hope that all the participants of the show have a variety of ethnicities.
I was referring to the women dating the bachelor.

We aren't referring to contestants as the issue? They always have mix of contestants for the Bachelor and Bachelorette? But they do not have many contestants that aren't White.

We are mainly focusing on the Bachelor and Bachelorette. Though this discussion is referring to the Bachelor more so specifically.