Working to demote cuckold penis

Do you have any advice?
....Yeah, tell your "dom" ?? ... to quit meddling in your marriage. He's getting "free pussy" ... and the two of you are humiliating your husband already; what frik'n more do you wish your husband to experience? If he's enjoying the experience of being a wimp & cuck, that's cool, but any activities that impact your marriage should only be between you and him, no one else. There IS no Next Step unless the 2 of you "happily" agree to it ... he's your Life Partner. Your dom should appreciate what he has with the two of you.
....If you do implement such a new idea against his desires, hopefully he'll grow a larger set of balls long enough to toss that "holy trainer" in your lap as he walks out the door. There's simply too many ladies out there looking for a good, loyal husband. You might make note of that, if you do it. That "dom" doesn't give a rats ass about your marriage, I can tell you that for sure.
....Oh, and welcome to B2W. :)
If your husbands willing to go pussy free, then play along with it. Just be sure hes willing to deal with it. I know I'd never give into that. If the wife tried that on me she would be staring at divorce papers before the end of the month.
We have now come to a point where Steven is in chastity full time (using the holy trainer) and is now only ejaculating every other month thru sex with me. While the sex is pleasurable and I do cum when we have relations. My boyfriend and dom (of 7 months) now wants me to stop allowing Steven to enter me. I think this is an important step in Stevens submission to me but I do not know how to make this transition. Do you have any advice?

He looks forward to sex so much every 60 days.
Are you too selfish & think of yourself only? If it is voluntarily coming from your husband then it is understandable but you want it because your bull wants is just too bad idea.
If he's cool with it, awesome. Have fun. Next time you have sex with him, flip it around. Get a strap on and you penetrate him. So long as it's consensual, who cares. :)
We have now come to a point where Steven is in chastity full time (using the holy trainer) and is now only ejaculating every other month thru sex with me. While the sex is pleasurable and I do cum when we have relations. My boyfriend and dom (of 7 months) now wants me to stop allowing Steven to enter me. I think this is an important step in Stevens submission to me but I do not know how to make this transition. Do you have any advice?

He looks forward to sex so much every 60 days.
Here is some advice... just divorce him, because you are obviously too selfish to put your husband first over your bull. What is wrong with you f.f.s

Everyone my husband is okay with it and happy

Wow- that was quick. You come on asking for advice on how to handle this, get slammed and now 13 hours later you say your husband is ok with this and happy. It's none of my business but I can't imagine that a man who only gets to have sex once every 60 days and, according to you "looks forward to it" would so quickly and easily just agree to being cut off forever.

I think you were surprised that you didn't get a lot of support from the people here and you're just saying he's happy about all this to try and make you look better.

Lots of couples on here have relationships that I just don't understand but they all claim that what they do is out of love for each other. They say that their relationship is first and foremost. But you say that you want to do this because your "Dom" wants it.

It appears that you care more for what your boyfriend wants than your marriage. I think it's time to set your husband free so that he can find a woman who will put him first.
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Wow- that was quick. You come on asking for advice on how to handle this, get slammed and now 13 hours later you say your husband is ok with this and happy. It's none of my business but I can't imagine that a man who only gets to have sex once every 60 days and, according to you "looks forward to it" would so quickly and easily just agree to being cut off forever.

I think you were surprised that you didn't get a lot of support from the people here and you're just saying he's happy about all this to try and make you look better.

Lots of couples on here have relationships that I just don't understand but they all claim that what they do is out of love for each other. They say that their relationship is first and foremost. But you say that you want to do this because your "Dom" wants it.

It appears that you care more for what your boyfriend wants than your marriage. I think it's time to set your husband free so that he can find a woman who will put him first.
I can't agree more.