Wives You Would Never Expect.

You are so beautiful in this picture. You are glowing. No wonder why your husband devoured you after each black man filled you up with cum.
I was 25 there, you can see my husband has almost gotten rid of all my tan lines, living in Orlando at the time avoiding tan lines wasn’t easy, but I eventually got rid of them,,,bringing out and accentuating the contrast no matter where mine and a black mans body came in contact with each other. Before he met me my hub had been with a lot of women, he’s was married four times and dated other women throughout all his marriages (he was a real “Disco Danny in NY, I’ve seen pix of him from ‘73 with long feathered hair, and a white Pierre Cardin suit with a black satin shirt, five years before John Travolta stole his look in Saturday Night Fever), his favorite women were pale redheads, Irish, English, German, Polish etc. so you can imagine how difficult it was for me to match them, considering I’m half Italian and Half Puerto Rican (of Portuguese decent).