Wives only: how to keep you in the lifestyle?

Ok sexy hot wives: wife and I enjoyed this for years. Lately however she is less interested. Combination of things from lack of hot bulls to busy life, etc.

Any good ways to keep her thinking and interested? Selfishly I enjoy her being a hotwife and would like her to want/enjoy it too. When we do it she always has a great time. Thanks
For us, it was the wife's choice completely. She had my total support and backing for any decision she made. Her decision to take our black friend Thomas as a lover was based only on her deep primeval desire for him, and I did not feel it was "right" to deny her the experience of an instinctive sexual attraction so powerfully felt, because of marriage. It took months of discussion for the both of us to get past our Southern upbringing by culture, church, family and community that interracial relationships were wrong as was marital infidelity. The wife was in severe denial for months about her sexual attraction to Thomas, and that is not healthy. She and Thomas were lovers for around 10 years, until Thomas left to take a major job promotion. She never had another lover after Thomas, completely HER decision with my total support and backing.
Well like you said you loved it so you would need to make sure it is something she wants as well. If it is just for you then it will not work out well. Make it something to do together and make connections within the lifestyle versus just hit it and quit it connections. Make friends and people you can have fun with in and out of bed.
Ok sexy hot wives: wife and I enjoyed this for years. Lately however she is less interested. Combination of things from lack of hot bulls to busy life, etc.

Any good ways to keep her thinking and interested? Selfishly I enjoy her being a hotwife and would like her to want/enjoy it too. When we do it she always has a great time. Thanks
Make her life easier and less complicated.
For us, it was the wife's choice completely. She had my total support and backing for any decision she made. Her decision to take our black friend Thomas as a lover was based only on her deep primeval desire for him, and I did not feel it was "right" to deny her the experience of an instinctive sexual attraction so powerfully felt, because of marriage. It took months of discussion for the both of us to get past our Southern upbringing by culture, church, family and community that interracial relationships were wrong as was marital infidelity. The wife was in severe denial for months about her sexual attraction to Thomas, and that is not healthy. She and Thomas were lovers for around 10 years, until Thomas left to take a major job promotion. She never had another lover after Thomas, completely HER decision with my total support and backing.
can you tell me what a 10 year relationship is like? how often, where, were family or friends aware? did they vacation alone etc?
sometimes you just need to take a break. even exciting things become dull and boring after a while