Wives/Girlfriends in their 40s and 50s are the best!

Mrs inked is 45 and since we have began this life style she as become more confident in herself and her sexualty and the knock on effect as been a deeper understanding of herself and both of our needs sexually, it's made our relationship so much more equal and balanced, there is no falseness or dishonesty, and it as strengthened our love , it might not work for everyone but it as definitely worked for us and our love for one another as grown because we except each others needs and emotional wants and know that our journey through life is meant to be this way.this would not of worked for us if we wet 20 yrs younger because our heads would not of been in the right place, being mature mentality helps with the ups and downs because of the experience that we have both bought to the table, we have been lucky, a woman who knows what she wants and can share and learn from past experience is more fun and more likely to be part of a couple who will be more satisfying in these circumstances
I totally agree. Balance-a very big word. Really happy for you both."our heads would not of been in the right place, being mature mentality helps with the ups and downs because of the experience that we have both bought to the table, we have been lucky, a woman who knows what she wants and can share and learn from past experience is more fun and more likely to be part of a couple who will be more satisfying in these circumstances". Did not want to change a word of it. Very true. Right on!
I've talked about this before, but I really prefer and love the mature ladies.
They are the most sexually dynamic and fun to me. I've had the BEST sex with hot women in their 50s.

Life experience makes for great sex.
They've had full lives, families, marriages, careers and know what they want now.
Unlike the younger ladies, they don't care for games, drama and aren't full of doubts.
They've been there, done that.

The sex is fantastic because they are adventurous, free, sexually confident, kinky and open to trying new things.
Maybe years of denying themselves the things they've really wanted or the excitement of DISCOVERING what they really want;
a combination of great things. But for me, it's always been the best with you older ladies.

They are discreet, funny, attentive, drama-free and sweet, not to mention those beautiful, natural curves!
Some discover they can squirt like a fountain at this age - and that is a beautiful thing. And they worship BBCs the absolute best.
So I say bring me the older ladies anytime. Young ladies are nice (at times), but overall if I have to choose, I'm going with the older ladies. They get straight to the point.

My ideal scenario would be a FWB scenario with a hot wife that is +45 near me in SD.
Fellas, Anyone else agree with me this one?
God those are beautiful words. South Dakota-beautiful isn't it? What I have seen in pictures only. Thanks for those sweet words of truth.lol
Yes we our :love::lips::qos:
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