
When you had your first experience as a hotwife did you prefer you home , hotel, his place , or other for you to have his black cock
For us it was always a location away from our home. The reasons for that are many and sound in my opinion. Imagine that guy intoxicated pounding on your door at 2am yelling open up i want a fuck. Explain that to the police or neighbors. Of course if you've been with a guy a few times you should know enough to rethink about having him over to your home.
Then the question it's self is kind of vague. If the hot wife is cheating never bring a guy into your home. Bad situation for you both if caught. Justifiable homicide ring a bell. Nearly every state has that law.
We planned for a hotel but due to poorly doing so we ended up in the backseat of our SUV :LOL:
Hey, been there done that. Hope it was one of those roomy S UV's. We usually traveled so in most cases we had a room already. Not a planned party outing only 75 miles from home. A chance meeting in a crowded snack stop. Offered to share our booth for four with a very nice it turned out fellow traveler. No room at the inn at 8pm on a Saturday night so we became teenagers again in the back of his car. A town car big backseat. We got home about three hours later than expected.