White Women Are Superior

Black nerdy, submissive girls get given the cold shoulder from ‘high value’ black men alllll the time. I wish black men could just be honest and admit that it’s really about a lack of attraction to black women and not about attitude.

Its nothing wrong with a black man being more sexually attracted to white women just stop pretending that it’s about attitude because you guys hype up those ‘spicy latinas’ that have the worse attitudes and who embarrass you in public.

Most black men would take a spicy Latina with attitude over a black subservient girl with no attitude- and that’s ok.
I will admit, that though I enjoy white women, I am not preferential to any race. However, I am not attracted to dark complexed women. Just not my thing, and that goes for no matter if she is American or from the Caribbean. I remember growing up back home in Trinidad, and being a redbone chick was the "in" thing. The same was for light-skinned dudes, we dark-skinned brothers got little play. But the rejection never bothered me because I never gave anyone that kind of power to affect me like that. My grandmom always would say, "all bread has their cheese". So I waited for my mozzarella lol.
I will admit, that though I enjoy white women, I am not preferential to any race. However, I am not attracted to dark complexed women. Just not my thing, and that goes for no matter if she is American or from the Caribbean. I remember growing up back home in Trinidad, and being a redbone chick was the "in" thing. The same was for light-skinned dudes, we dark-skinned brothers got little play. But the rejection never bothered me because I never gave anyone that kind of power to affect me like that. My grandmom always would say, "all bread has their cheese". So I waited for my mozzarella lol.
I know you’re a colourist, you’ve told me before lol 🙄 Nah but seriously you can like what you like, I just hate the disingenuous arguments. When black men start bending over backwards to justify why they go for light skinned or white girl... black man just say you like white meat dang 😂😂😂
I wasn’t talking about you lol, I want no smoke

GIF by Videoland

(Seriously, you wouldn’t bang that girl if you had the choice?) 😳
These dudes are weird. Lmaoooo
I will admit, that though I enjoy white women, I am not preferential to any race. However, I am not attracted to dark complexed women. Just not my thing, and that goes for no matter if she is American or from the Caribbean. I remember growing up back home in Trinidad, and being a redbone chick was the "in" thing. The same was for light-skinned dudes, we dark-skinned brothers got little play. But the rejection never bothered me because I never gave anyone that kind of power to affect me like that. My grandmom always would say, "all bread has their cheese". So I waited for my mozzarella lol.
Do you have exceptions? With me for example, I’m only into dark skinned men but I make exceptions for Chris Brown or white guys like Brad Pitt.

Would you make an exception for dark skinned women like this?

I will admit, that though I enjoy white women, I am not preferential to any race. However, I am not attracted to dark complexed women. Just not my thing, and that goes for no matter if she is American or from the Caribbean. I remember growing up back home in Trinidad, and being a redbone chick was the "in" thing. The same was for light-skinned dudes, we dark-skinned brothers got little play. But the rejection never bothered me because I never gave anyone that kind of power to affect me like that. My grandmom always would say, "all bread has their cheese". So I waited for my mozzarella lol.
In the black community most of us only want dark skinned men and most men only want light skinned, white or non black women. So what you’re saying is pretty much the norm.
I know you’re a colourist, you’ve told me before lol 🙄 Nah but seriously you can like what you like, I just hate the disingenuous arguments. When black men start bending over backwards to justify why they go for light skinned or white girl... black man just say you like white meat dang 😂😂😂
Have I been disingenuous with my postings on the topic? I don't think I have, correct me if I am wrong.
Have I been disingenuous with my postings on the topic? I don't think I have, correct me if I am wrong.
Not you lol. That’s what I’m saying- I like that you’re open. I meant a lot of black men use the attitude argument when in reality, it’s due to a lack of attraction. I prefer men that are just straight up with it.
Yeah, I hear that all the time when they are asked, they say black women have too much attitude. Not saying they don't, sometimes independence and a strong personality are misinterpreted as attitudes and turn some off. Hey, I have no issue with assertive women, I know how to handle that. My attraction to white or any other race also does not revolve around being submissive either. Whether she is submissive or not, matters not to me, I am still gonna be dominant.
Yeah, I hear that all the time when they are asked, they say black women have too much attitude. Not saying they don't, sometimes independence and a strong personality are misinterpreted as attitudes and turn some off. Hey, I have no issue with assertive women, I know how to handle that. My attraction to white or any other race also does not revolve around being submissive either. Whether she is submissive or not, matters not to me, I am still gonna be dominant.
Who’s they?
Haha, good one. Don't you just hate when "they" get blamed for everything? They, in my post, refer to some black men when asked why they don't date black women.
Because they prefer white pussy. They need to just say that. It’s 2021, no one is gonna do anything to them for preferring white women. In fact it’s actually the norm for them to pawg especially if the black guy is successful.
There is nothing better than a white woman. They are the most beautiful best sexual partners. There is no woman better than a white woman.
I had black, white, latino, arab, indian, and chinese. It's all very subjective and depends on what kind of sex you have with whom. Chinese know how to use their throats, latino buttocks squeezed my dick the best. Culombians (I heard Venezuelans too) also have the best bodies among the latinas, but are quite headstrong for mid-long term. And when we're at it, the attitude also matters. The Arab girls I met were literally crazy, one Indian was a scheming devil... And whites are open-minded, have the best average to top bodies, and easy to bang. Less negotiation, less drama. Black pussies are drama-queens, c'mon you must agree on this. Mid-east and southern background types were always a great fuck. But Germans seem really to be the 'superior' match for a Black man. Young or old, they move so good, and as some lady said above, enthusiasm is key. They love my cum. And like the Mexicans, they can still cook and bake.
I'm a white girl, so I appreciate being held in high homage. All girls do. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is found to be sexy. I have a preference for Black guys with swag. And to a lesser degree, large hairy men of any ethnicity. The common denominator is take charge men who aren't afraid to fuck pussy. I mean, really fuck it. Soft, slow, side to side... hard and deep. REAL deep. Big Cummers. Screamers.
Yeah, babe. Come to daddy!
I had black, white, latino, arab, indian, and chinese. It's all very subjective and depends on what kind of sex you have with whom. Chinese know how to use their throats, latino buttocks squeezed my dick the best. Culombians (I heard Venezuelans too) also have the best bodies among the latinas, but are quite headstrong for mid-long term. And when we're at it, the attitude also matters. The Arab girls I met were literally crazy, one Indian was a scheming devil... And whites are open-minded, have the best average to top bodies, and easy to bang. Less negotiation, less drama. Black pussies are drama-queens, c'mon you must agree on this. Mid-east and southern background types were always a great fuck. But Germans seem really to be the 'superior' match for a Black man. Young or old, they move so good, and as some lady said above, enthusiasm is key. They love my cum. And like the Mexicans, they can still cook and bake.
What does it mean for someone’s vagina to be ‘drama queen.’
This is such Bullshit. We all have our preferences.i love fit black men. My husband well he is a slut. If a girl flirts with him he flirts back. Sometimes not always in my best interests. I don't take one for the team! There are a lot of incredibly hot women of all nationalities. My husband is very attracted to fit black women with long hair, or Asian women. How's that for specific and something that is not me? In the end it's mostly a fantasy. I really appreciate the fact that they make the effort to look Hot!
1. Stop projecting your experiences of black American women onto me. I am not even black American. When I said ‘any man that doesn’t want her must be gay’, it was a figure of speech. I’m just emphasising how attractive I think she is. Like when you see a good looking guy, you might say, ‘I’d go gay for him.’ You don’t really mean that, you’re just reiterating the fact that you think the guy is attractive.
2. To answer your questions, black American men aren’t proposing. That’s why they’re not getting married. It’s as simple as.
3. Why aren’t black men proposing to Asian women since they’re the most desirable?
4. What on that black woman’s body was fake???
Jesus Christ!!!🤣😂

1. I know you're not black American but I clearly stated that I have only ever heard that statement from black women no matter what! That statement is the black women's Universal response to a man not finding her attractive! Shame, insults, guilt, and the need to be right are their typical weapons against their men and according to my brotha's in the UK like King Riches UK black women are not far from black American women in mindset and attitude!🤦‍♂️

2. Black men are not proposing to black women because they don't believe that the vast majority of them are of marriageable quality! It's that simple according to the data from surveys, polls, and studies, but you forgot to say why they're not proposing?🤷‍♂️

3. The 33% percent of black American men are married compared to 26% of black women. What's the UK marriage rates of black men and women? What's the straight, gay, and interracial numbers for both? I would love to do and academic comparison!🤔

.Black men are married to black women 80%

.Black men are married interracially 10%

.Black men are 5% percent of the LGBTQ community.

.52% percent of black men are single and childless.

3.Black men married to Asian women: Dave Chapelle, Terrence Howard, Young Geezy, John Legend, Wesley Snipes, Brian McKnight just to name a few!

4. Do you really need to ask that question?🤷‍♂️

I have never and world never use the term "I would go gay for him"!