White men scared

IF we had been talking to him and Mrs J said yes then I would step aside but if he was a stranger and said anything like that and Mrs J said "No" then as a 6 foot, 183 lb ex biker and ex truck driver I would do everything I could to stop him. And at 70 years old I know a lot of dirty tricks. :devil:
Rest assured that there are white men who do not piss themselves when confronted by a dominant black men. But it is a small minority. Most white men in this country are afraid of black men. At the street level. They would never admit it, but when in the moment faced with that challenge, most white men will give in. Act like lil bitches. The real reason racism exists. Whites deathly afraid of Blacks. At the core. In the roots.
I wish I was your lil bitch🙂
White men if a big black man stood right in your face and said he wants to fuck you woman would you submit and hang your head and let him fuck her
Since my wife was always looking to have sex with black men, I usually just stood on the side and let nature take it's course. The closest I came to such a scenario was when we were in the parking lot of a nightclub or a porno theater where white cuckolds take their wives to be blacked. A black alpha-male would stand in front of us, start feeling my wife's teats and ass up, and then say to me: "Hey white boi, your wife is a hot piece of ass. I am going to use her for my pleasure and I am going to fuck my black baby into her. And I want you to watch me do it. Any problem with that?" My reply: "None what so ever, Sir! I know she is already aroused and her cunt juices are probably already streaming down her legs. Go for it, fuck her hard! She is also in heat, so knock her up real good! Give her twins!"
As a woman not long into this lifestyle, I find it difficult and sad to read testimony of so many weak white men.
Stand up and fight a place at this table. So what if your cock is not as large or hard as some black men?
All of the pathetic, panty wearing, pudd-pulling beta boy is really a major buzz *******.
Maybe we are weak because we want to be.
We woman are strong and independent. When we want to fuck we just do it and will not have a problem to find someone. You as men are always in a situation please let me fuck you. Please.
My wife is a PAWG so I would shake his hand and thank him for the compliment and say I don't blame you. Then I'd walk away.
White men if a big black man stood right in your face and said he wants to fuck you woman would you submit and hang your head and let him fuck her
It's never been such a weirdly hostile situation for us, and I can't imagine a situation where my wife would ever go for that. She's had me finding men to fuck her for years. They don't "stand right in my face." They hang out with us (or just her) and if there's chemistry, she gets what she wants. I don't hang my head. I try to help see to it that my wife could never want for anything and is happy, pampered and satisfied. Guys who like power exchange, role play, kink, BDSM, etc. are just fine, but that whole world is predicated on consent and care. Guys who don't go for that stuff are fine too, but they better come correct. If you're gonna be a rude, socially-crippled dick, you definitely don't deserve my wife.
Even if I didn't want it I wouldn't do a goddamn thing! Okay, 100% honesty. If my girl wanted to do it, I won't do *******. But if she didn't want it and she was in danger, I'd ******* for her. I'd probably have to use a weapon. That is the only time I'd stand up to a black man is if there were danger.

But best case scenario, she wants it and I get punked like a little bitch. I would definitely be to scared to have even the slightest bass in my voice or make eye contact. I try to imagine her jokingly encouraging me to do something and I imagine how feeble and light weight my attempts would be. He would fuck me up
Rest assured that there are white men who do not piss themselves when confronted by a dominant black men. But it is a small minority. Most white men in this country are afraid of black men. At the street level. They would never admit it, but when in the moment faced with that challenge, most white men will give in. Act like lil bitches. The real reason racism exists. Whites deathly afraid of Blacks. At the core. In the roots.
I definitely am. I'm not playing into my fetish with this comment and I'd hate to offend any black people, but I fear and respect them. They're so energetic, loud, fast, dominant, and can utilize their anger better. I'm stifled from being bullied. I work with some black people and I do all their work for them because I'm afraid to ask them to
Well, my wife is definitely attracted to strong, dominant men of color, and as my Domme, she especially enjoys those who are comfortable with power dynamics. But she's not seeing anyone who wants to fight. We hang out with them outside the bedroom, go to parties, concerts, sporting events, etc. We're not intimidated by people because of their skin color. I won't deny that there is far greater percentage of black men dominating sports, or try to claim that there are no physical traits that more prevalent. It's not a universal truth that black men have bigger dicks or more stamina, but a general perception of being "above average" likely plays into the attraction for women who find themselves drawn to black men sexually.

My wife and I don't harbor fear of or intimidation by black people, but it's not surprising to read that others do. It's definitely a pattern, and in my opinion, it's the most logical explanation for why white lawmakers would try to disenfranchise black voters, or why law enforcement would be disproportionately abusive to men of color.