White males anxiety around women?

Know there's alot of us smaller penised preformance anxiety prone white men like myself. Just wondering your thoughts on anxiety when a white women's around you wives,gfs,strangers?
I am like you in performance but since I'm a cuckold husband and I'm not allowed to have sex with any other women besides my wife, I don't have anxiety at all.
I think part of the anxiety stems from this fear of rejection. It’s like, no one wants to put their heart on the line only to have it stomped on. But here’s a nugget of wisdom I’ve picked up along the way: rejection isn’t the end of the world. In fact, it’s a stepping stone. Each “no” gets you closer to a “yes,” and each experience, good or bad, shapes who you are. Plus, let’s not forget, women face their own set of anxieties and pressures. It’s a two-way street, and empathy goes a long way.One thing that might help is diving into some self-reflection and even professional guidance. There’s no shame in talking to someone. Sites like https://mentalhealthhotline.org/ are a fantastic resource if you need a starting point. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.I’ve noticed that confidence builds over time and through experience. It’s like flexing a muscle—the more you do it, the stronger it gets. Start small, maybe with casual conversations in everyday settings. The grocery store, the park, wherever. Gradually, the anxiety won’t feel as paralyzing. Remember, it’s not about winning anyone over; it’s about being comfortable in your own skin.
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My anxiety concerning woman comes nothing from penis size or anything like that, but rather me reading up and hearing too much of how bad men are, as in "there's an oppression builtin to the male heterosexuality, so if you act upon or otherwise express your heterosexuality as male you oppress the female" or things like "male are too forwards, having a male come onto you can be traumatic" and stuff like that. I kinda listened to it, now thinking that my sexuality and me as male are inherently bad. This at the same time as male and females interacting seems to be quite not like this at all, but all discussions in media etc. seem to validate these previously mentioned opinions.

Which kinda sucks. So I kinda leave sex and everything to others, as I cannot break through those "rules".