Which ethnicity has the most beautiful women?

I live in the United States but have traveled extensively over the last 15 years to many other countries on multiple continents. I’ve been to South America, the Caribbean, parts of Europe and Japan. It got me to wondering which women are the most beautiful. I’ve seen beautiful woman all over, but if I had to pick my top 3 in order it would be

1. Colombia
2. Puerto Rico
3. Italy

Colombia, I think just edges out Puerto Rico for the sheer volume of beautiful woman I’ve seen. There were head turners everywhere and most them had great bodies. Puerto Rico didn’t have the sheer volume of beautiful woman, however the ones that were pretty were 12’s on the scale of 1-10. Most of the women here are curvier than Colombian woman. Not a bad thing, just what your preference is. My third pick was Italy. Out of the 4-5 countries I’ve been to in Europe, Italy was by far and away the prettiest. Definantly a notch below Colombia and Puerto Rico but not bad. The Girls from northern Italy were more stylish and kept themselves up more than the Southern Italian girls. But the southern Italian girls were much prettier on average. what’s your picks for the most beautiful ethnicity?
All women are beautiful regardless of color
Being in different countries all over, I have noticed that the most beautiful women were the ones that were mixed racially. When in Colombia and Puerto Rico especially, I found the ones that were the most stunning were the girls who were mixed black, white and indigenous *******. They seemed to have the best features of all races. That’s not to say there wasn’t beautiful women in Japan, France, England when I was there, but I found those that were mixed by far and away the most beautiful. Just my preference and everyone’s different but the girls In San Juan and Medellin were ridiculously hot
This is a very reasonable outlook. From an evolutionary perspective it's what we should expect.
I live in the United States but have traveled extensively over the last 15 years to many other countries on multiple continents. I’ve been to South America, the Caribbean, parts of Europe and Japan. It got me to wondering which women are the most beautiful. I’ve seen beautiful woman all over, but if I had to pick my top 3 in order it would be

1. Colombia
2. Puerto Rico
3. Italy
#1 Italy
I have not been everywhere but, from what I've seen:
In Europe
Poland, Denmark and Greece.
In Asia (see my avatar- this one is personal for now)
Nepal, Thailand, and Korea.
In the Americas
USA BABY!! Then Colombia and Brazil.
I think Multi-ethnicity and Mixed races are beautiful ♥️
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I have around the world 2.5 times in my life. I have seen and met some of the most beautiful women ranging from the far east to the middle east to europe to the good old usa. In my top 5 was a woman I saw riding in the back of Mercedes sedan in Jebelia UAE. She had the most piercing eyes I ever saw..and that light golden skin complextion...whew...knocked me off of my socks..and then she smiled at me. and i smiled back, then it being an arab country she got a scolding from the male in the front passenger seat..but even then she waved a small good bye as the car tore off into traffic. its been almost 18yrs since then. I often wondered what happened to that mysterious girl in the black Mercedes. What I am saying is no matter where you are in the world..there is always something to admire about the women of the world.
I've been all over the world and I would say Brazilian woman are gorgeous, Polish girls and Spanish. Just in case nobody noticed Puerto Rican girls are American citizens....
Hi AnnieS ... I am Polish but I have lived in Italy for many years 😉😉😉 They are all beautiful 😍
In my opinion, to compare women from different countries, cultures, ethnicities, etc, is like comparing apples and oranges......each group of women has their own outstanding attributes......what a gorgeous Hispanic woman has, she also lacks, when compared with the attribues of a beautiful Asian woman.......I've just always enjoyed admiring them all for their own uniques qualities that make them all beautiful......just my opinion....
Interesting. I find Indian women the most attractive and have traveled all outside of the world, outside of there and asia. Just something I really want for my bucket list I guess and being in It it is really wearing on me.
I live in the United States but have traveled extensively over the last 15 years to many other countries on multiple continents. I’ve been to South America, the Caribbean, parts of Europe and Japan. It got me to wondering which women are the most beautiful. I’ve seen beautiful woman all over, but if I had to pick my top 3 in order it would be

1. Colombia
2. Puerto Rico
3. Italy

Colombia, I think just edges out Puerto Rico for the sheer volume of beautiful woman I’ve seen. There were head turners everywhere and most them had great bodies. Puerto Rico didn’t have the sheer volume of beautiful woman, however the ones that were pretty were 12’s on the scale of 1-10. Most of the women here are curvier than Colombian woman. Not a bad thing, just what your preference is. My third pick was Italy. Out of the 4-5 countries I’ve been to in Europe, Italy was by far and away the prettiest. Definantly a notch below Colombia and Puerto Rico but not bad. The Girls from northern Italy were more stylish and kept themselves up more than the Southern Italian girls. But the southern Italian girls were much prettier on average. what’s your picks for the most beautiful ethnicity?
these are italian girls ....you can judge
