Where did your interest in this lifestyle begin?

For me I can definitely say it was interracial porn...idk why but I was always drawn to it maybe I liked the contrast or just dominance of it all but I can for sure say that’s where my interest began
Me too, i was a teen at the time, and discovered interracial porn, and that spilled into cuckold porn, and I've been hooked since then.
It began very early, when I was 12 or 13. At that age, I was just starting to feel some sexual tinglings about boys, generally boys a few years older than me, like the high school boys in the neighborhood. But I didn't really feel sexual feelings about adult men.

Then the movie Glory came out, and I was introduced to the perfection that is Denzel Washington :).

My first sexual dream ending in orgasm featured Denzel.
My first job after uni was working for a large manufacturing company. The PA of a director was an attractive married woman and I became friendly with her and her husband with whom I played golf.

I got to know some software well and at short notice was sent to a factory. I knew the PA was there preparing for a conference and booked into the same small hotel but didn't tell her. I didn't finish until gone 9pm and she wasn't at the hotel when I got back so I had a ******* at the bar. As i was having the ******* she came in hand in hand with a young black man. I kept quiet and watched them head upstairs to the rooms.

As it happened she had the room next to me and from the noises that came from their room they weren't discussing conferences!!

I left early the next morning and never told her I was there. However I thought of it every time I saw her and her husband. At first I was annoyed at her for cheating but over the years that has turned completely and I look back at her in admiration.
Mine started pretty strangely. It started with a terrible movie I watched a bit over a year ago called Annihilation. There is a scene in it that really caused my imagination to run wild. It is a scene that shows Natalie Portman lying around in bed with her husband cutting up and playing. It fades out of that and in on her in the same bed riding her black lover to orgasm. Anyway after that me and a friend of mine are talking about movies and start making fun of this one. We eventually get to that scene and agree it was pretty hot and so was the man in it. After talking a bit more she admits to me she has a black lover she sees how she enjoys it and ask me if I have thought about it. I tell her no not really but she tells me that if I wanted to try she is sure her friend could set me up with someone. Honestly I was thinking about it after that scene like many I have heard the talk about how black men are in bed. Well a few months after that during the pandemic my husband has to start traveling a lot with work. So I decided I would maybe check out the internet and see what was out there just me and my fantasies. So I am on an adult site with an interracial chatroom and someone starts talking to me like they know me. When I look at their profile it is a guy from the gym I have seen and spoke to before. Anyway we make arrangements to meet and I did not regret it.
random but i just have to say you are absolutely STUNNING and your husband is blessed...and cursed. lol
I guess my interest probably started hearing all the rumors we all hear when we start dating and exploring sex. From there I met a friend who only dated black men and met a lot of them through her. I also began working a job that had me working with several black men most of the time so I guess it was only a matter of time in the end.
after we split up yrs ago and i would see her with different black guys around town, at first i just desp[iased her with them but as time went on i found myself jerking off at thought of it as especialy they way she was dressed we got back together and i encouraged her all the time to continue dating them
It’s very hard to pin point these things. They are pretty deep and psychological and rooted in your childhood. Even if it’s “watching interracial porn” there must have been some trigger that interracial porn set off. But for me it was actually dating black women who teased me about my size and then moved into swinging. The cuckold stuff flowed logically out of that. But again, it’s rooted in something deeper that’s hard to define.