What's going on with Brothalovers?

The pro-am site Brothalovers hasn't posted an update since early September, and hasn't been active on social media since that time. Does anyone know what's the reason behind the inactivity? I hope everyone behind the site is ok.

Brothalovers is more than just a porn site. In addition to having erotic and sensual content for 20 years, they've featured real people involved in the lifestyle and have definitely introduced people to and deepened interest in the lifestyle. I'd hate to hear they're having difficulty or worse yet see them go.
To me, this looks like a bigger problem than COVID. Their Twitter hasn't been used since Sept. 3, and that's just odd. You'd think they'd want to make sure fans and subscribers didn't desert them.

It's not a good look for a studio, and not the way to treat their subscribers.
Covid struck and still getting over it is the last I heard. I was scheduled for a few scenes, so hoping they make a great recovery!
That was my big fear, honestly. I'm really glad to hear that they are recovering :) Thanks for sharing the info.

Also, Riley I'm a fan of yours on Twitter. I'm looking forward to your Brothalovers scenes, you fit perfectly with their aesthetic!
I love their scenes because they're intimate ..plus they contain a lot of missionary position, which I love.. I hope they return soon.
By the way, Blacked is not what used to be either...They used to produce videos more often :/
I agree with you a 100 % about the intimacy it makes the experience and videos that much better. I personally don't want to sound like I'm beating a dead or horse or keep on repeating myself but black cock is and always will be beautifully amazing. I love it