What's everyone's view on the Covid Vaccine?

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Let me say this.. None of my friends and family members who got vaccinated NEVER got sick or ever got COVID and EVERYONE we know who DIDN’T get vaccinated
Has got COVID, one almost died and two others, after 2yrs. are still suffering from it in one form or another.. one is having spearhead problems and the other one has lost his taste.. And 2 of them have also got COVID twice. another something that I’ve heard from almost all of them was that the wished they would have gotten the vaccine when it was available to them saying it was one of the worst illness they’ve ever had and how stupid they were by listening to the wrong people and since then, almost all of them are now fully vaccinated..
Was it a coincidence.. I don’t think so ..
And for those who want to slam me for my comments, don’t waste your time.. I’m only here to tell everyone OUR family history through this terrible virus that killed so many and I believe it would have been millions more without the vaccine.
That doesn’t discount everyone that’s been harmed. Educate yourself
Let me say this.. None of my friends and family members who got vaccinated NEVER got sick or ever got COVID and EVERYONE we know who DIDN’T get vaccinated
Has got COVID, one almost died and two others, after 2yrs. are still suffering from it in one form or another.. one is having spearhead problems and the other one has lost his taste.. And 2 of them have also got COVID twice. another something that I’ve heard from almost all of them was that the wished they would have gotten the vaccine when it was available to them saying it was one of the worst illness they’ve ever had and how stupid they were by listening to the wrong people and since then, almost all of them are now fully vaccinated..
Was it a coincidence.. I don’t think so ..
And for those who want to slam me for my comments, don’t waste your time.. I’m only here to tell everyone OUR family history through this terrible virus that killed so many and I believe it would have been millions more without the vaccine.
I totally agree Janice.
That’s contrary to what the experts say.
I'm a nurse, my wife is a nurse, my one dau ghter is a physician assistant and my one so n is a pharmacist. We all worked with and saw the devastation that Covid did. So don't tell me about Covid because we know the truth. About 97% of those who got hospitalized did not get the vaccine. We saw so many suffer and die and most wished they had gotten the vaccine.
I'm a nurse, my wife is a nurse, my one dau ghter is a physician assistant and my one so n is a pharmacist. We all worked with and saw the devastation that Covid did. So don't tell me about Covid because we know the truth. About 97% of those who got hospitalized did not get the vaccine. We saw so many suffer and die and most wished they had gotten the vaccine.
Thanks for your input. We've been trying to explain that to the non-believers HERE ... I've actually had "death wishes" expressed to me.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them *******, can you?
Even those who end up on ventilators but don't die, end up with a ton of life changing disabilities. This seems to have turned out to be a particular party biased virus. Those not keeping up with the vaccines face virus variance that will be far worse, unfortunately.
That doesn’t discount everyone that’s been harmed. Educate yourself
No, you educate YOURSELF. There's no problem if you refuse to follow the guidelines provided to avoid infection, its your right. If you get infected, stay away from the public and don't lay on a hospital bed begging for vaccines ... it's way too late.
Just wanted to point out, Mac, the sore thumbs mean that I totally disagree with your POSTS. You politicize everything, covid is no different... The vaccine has been proven to be ineffective, and is the cause of terrible side effects... Just like masks, there's no data that suggests that it worked...
Just wanted to point out, Mac, the sore thumbs mean that I totally disagree with your POSTS. You politicize everything, covid is no different... The vaccine has been proven to be ineffective, and is the cause of terrible side effects... Just like masks, there's no data that suggests that it worked...
That's fine, when I get another page full of the Three Amigo's dislikes I'll send them in ... I believe the 3rd time might just be the charm. Hope I'm around to see it happen.

Gotta go, the game's coming on at 8:pM.

Other than here, I wonder if you Amigos even have a LIFE. I doubt it.
That's fine, when I get another page full of the Three Amigo's dislikes I'll send them in ... I believe the 3rd time might just be the charm. Hope I'm around to see it happen.

Gotta go, the game's coming on at 8:pM.

Other than here, I wonder if you Amigos even have a LIFE. I doubt it.
If you're not going to stay on topic, don't respond to me.
I'm a nurse, my wife is a nurse, my one dau ghter is a physician assistant and my one so n is a pharmacist. We all worked with and saw the devastation that Covid did. So don't tell me about Covid because we know the truth. About 97% of those who got hospitalized did not get the vaccine. We saw so many suffer and die and most wished they had gotten the vaccine.
You just lied. I’m in healthcare and my ******* was one of the first nurses working a Covid floor in Washington State. No one was talking about all those recovering. Just those that died with Covid. Not from Covid. Watch the video. These doctors aren’t getting paid to lie. They know more than you. Hospitals lied to get Covid money and put money over patients.
You just lied. I’m in healthcare and my ******* was one of the first nurses working a Covid floor in Washington State. No one was talking about all those recovering. Just those that died with Covid. Not from Covid. Watch the video. These doctors aren’t getting paid to lie. They know more than you. Hospitals lied to get Covid money and put money over patients.
Sorry you lied buddy. Truth is truth, I and my family and others saw it with our own eyes and we and other healthcare workers worked our asses off to save lives and we will not allow nuts spread bullshit lies and propaganda. So go back under the Q-Anon rock with all the other crazy nuts.
I'm 65 Didn't get the vax didn't and wont ever wear a mask and I never even caught a cold. I'm sure some of the idiots will tell me i was spreading it around
You just lied. I’m in healthcare and my ******* was one of the first nurses working a Covid floor in Washington State. No one was talking about all those recovering. Just those that died with Covid. Not from Covid. Watch the video. These doctors aren’t getting paid to lie. They know more than you. Hospitals lied to get Covid money and put money over patients.
... and if Santa Claus was in the background working on a patient, you'd swear to god he was real.
These kind of discussions, with posters like you, is like getting into a fish telling story. It doesn't matter how big the fish, when you start telling your fish story your fish is ALWAYS gonna be bigger ... and then follow up with some metaphor like "I'm not lying" or "I swear to god".
Trump will hire you if he decides to run for President again. Matching EGOS ... damn!
Sorry you lied buddy. Truth is truth, I and my family and others saw it with our own eyes and we and other healthcare workers worked our asses off to save lives and we will not allow nuts spread bullshit lies and propaganda. So go back under the Q-Anon rock with all the other crazy nuts.
Although I am unvaccinated just had to chime in with a kudos for... "Sorry you lied buddy" 👍🏽👍🏽🤣.
Sorry you lied buddy. Truth is truth, I and my family and others saw it with our own eyes and we and other healthcare workers worked our asses off to save lives and we will not allow nuts spread bullshit lies and propaganda. So go back under the Q-Anon rock with all the other crazy nuts.
I don’t know what qanon is and I don’t care. Watch the video and educate yourself. I don’t know anyone that regrets not taking the jab but millions are regretting taking it
Sorry you lied buddy. Truth is truth, I and my family and others saw it with our own eyes and we and other healthcare workers worked our asses off to save lives and we will not allow nuts spread bullshit lies and propaganda. So go back under the Q-Anon rock with all the other crazy nuts.
It’s always unverified profiles like you that lie. Tell me why you’re so afraid of a virus that’s completely treatable without the jabs? Tell me why I’m not dead since it’s so deadly. Even though it only killed those with serious comorbidities and even most of them recovered?
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I wanted to point something out. This hyper person claims to be a nurse. No one in healthcare should every fear monger a disease or virus. Let alone lie. They lie about masks and the jabs and the virus itself. They should be fired immediately.
I wanted to point something out. This hyper person claims to be a nurse. No one in healthcare should every fear monger a disease or virus. Let alone lie. They lie about masks and the jabs and the virus itself. They should be fired immediately.
Lol!!! You claim to be in healthcare LOL! You're the one that should be fired and never to work in healthcare again for not taking a epidemic serious to save lives instead you spread fear mongering about the vaccine that saved millions. SHAME ON YOU!! DEPLORABLE!!
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