What's everyone's view on the Covid Vaccine?

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I don't care what you call yourself. You are pushing the liberal agenda then you are a liberal. Period. Don't even talk to me about safety when people like you are still hiding the deaths related to the vaccines
Thats your link? Poisoning? because people are ****** to take it on their own? It is a safe ******* when taken properly. We prescribe off label all the time. It is very effective and you have no credibility. People that are vaccinated are dying. So will you. Tick tick tick
Poisoning because people stupid enough to take medical advice off interracial porn sites aren't likely to be good at researching proper dosing.
Just trying to plant the seed needed for people to take a look at these mandated, heavily pushed shots. If you've taken some, DO NOT TAKE ANYMORE.

OPEN VAERS is a website that takes US gov't data and makes it easy to view. VAERS exists because CONGRESS didn't just want to give immunity to PHARMA and not have feedback. VAERS is being ignored by the US gov't health organizations because if they looked at it, they'd have to shut down the vaccine scams.

32 THOUSAND PLUS vaccine deaths in the system should be a concern to anyone getting these shots.
Normally, 25 deaths with a vaccine would cause it to be pulled.

186 THOUSAND PLUS hospitalizations should be a concern

Informed consent is important but people are NOT being told the truth by media, by the government and especially not by PHARMA.

I personally know of two strokes, FOUR ER visits that have NOT been reported to VAERS in my immediate family. One university study showed that only about 1% of cases are reported to VAERS. 32 thousand X 100 quickly gets into the millions of deaths potentially caused by the vaccines.

I was listening to a conversation today I just happened to overhear where the husband and wife were talking about a friend that just "died suddenly" and as they were talking about how good this friend was, "THAT WAS THE WAY TO GO"

That seems to be happening a lot now.

And the doctors who are now standing up and fighting this vaccine scam are NOT dumbasses. Everyone should listen to both sides before deciding to take an untested (NO LONG TERM SAFETY STUDY) potentially deadly ******* that data is now showing the vaccinated are more likely to die from COVID than the not vaccinated.



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32 THOUSAND PLUS vaccine deaths in the system should be a concern to anyone getting these shots.
The VAERS database has to be read with one's brain engaged. There's useful data there cluttered up with garbage. That's largely because of how it is structured. It is designed for people to report anything and everything regardless of reasonableness.

First off, to get your 32k+ number you have to include reports from outside the US where data reporting accuracy and our resulting ability to analyze is much worse. So look at US only. You'll initially get a number of 18,950 "death events reported" under the covid vaccinations. But wait...the next column says that is 120%...how can that be? Welp...there's really only 15,732 "deaths"...Obviously people double reported events...e.g. John Doe came to the ER and died. Before dying he tells them he had his Moderna booster two days ago and had a Pfizer initial shot 6 months ago...Nurse dutifully inputs John as a death under Modera booster 1212 and Pfizer original dose 1200 (even though that was 6 months back).

Garbage in, garbage out


I personally know of two strokes, FOUR ER visits that have NOT been reported to VAERS in my immediate family.
This is a dubious claim. How do you know these events weren't reported to VAERS? If they went to the ER and told the ER team they had just been vaccinated (note, I'm assuming they were just vaccinated although you didn't state that) then if the ER team did not report it to VAERS they broke the law. They are required by law to report any such adverse event to VAERS. If these events happened, the ER team almost certainly did report them...although they may not have told the patient that they did so.

So we have 15,732 deaths reported in some proximity to covid vaccination in the US. Coincidence doesn't equal causality. Some percentage of these is most certainly unrelated to the vaccine. But for the sake of argument, lets take your data as the worst case and assume all 15,732 deaths were directly caused by the covid vaccine. In the US, we have administered 660,400,812 doses of the covid vaccines. So if every single on of those VAERS deaths was caused by the covid vaccine, then the vaccine has a death rate of 0.0024%.

Conversely, in the US we have had 101,743,845 cases of covid and of those 1,112,944 people died. That's a death rate from the covid disease of 1.094%. You're 457 times more likely to die from a case of covid than you are from a covid vaccination.
The VAERS database has to be read with one's brain engaged. There's useful data there cluttered up with garbage. That's largely because of how it is structured. It is designed for people to report anything and everything regardless of reasonableness.

First off, to get your 32k+ number you have to include reports from outside the US where data reporting accuracy and our resulting ability to analyze is much worse. So look at US only. You'll initially get a number of 18,950 "death events reported" under the covid vaccinations. But wait...the next column says that is 120%...how can that be? Welp...there's really only 15,732 "deaths"...Obviously people double reported events...e.g. John Doe came to the ER and died. Before dying he tells them he had his Moderna booster two days ago and had a Pfizer initial shot 6 months ago...Nurse dutifully inputs John as a death under Modera booster 1212 and Pfizer original dose 1200 (even though that was 6 months back).

Garbage in, garbage out

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This is a dubious claim. How do you know these events weren't reported to VAERS? If they went to the ER and told the ER team they had just been vaccinated (note, I'm assuming they were just vaccinated although you didn't state that) then if the ER team did not report it to VAERS they broke the law. They are required by law to report any such adverse event to VAERS. If these events happened, the ER team almost certainly did report them...although they may not have told the patient that they did so.

So we have 15,732 deaths reported in some proximity to covid vaccination in the US. Coincidence doesn't equal causality. Some percentage of these is most certainly unrelated to the vaccine. But for the sake of argument, lets take your data as the worst case and assume all 15,732 deaths were directly caused by the covid vaccine. In the US, we have administered 660,400,812 doses of the covid vaccines. So if every single on of those VAERS deaths was caused by the covid vaccine, then the vaccine has a death rate of 0.0024%.

Conversely, in the US we have had 101,743,845 cases of covid and of those 1,112,944 people died. That's a death rate from the covid disease of 1.094%. You're 457 times more likely to die from a case of covid than you are from a covid vaccination.
za16 you are an idiot.gif
Real interesting Einstein ... more people dying of covid than had covid ... medical miracle wouldn't you say?
Oh man, comedy gold! gotta screen capture this for posterity!


No what I said is another fine example of your complete lack of math skills. Can't you read? I said we had 101 million cases of covid and 1.1 million deaths. Put on your thinking cap wittle Macky and tell the class which number is bigger 101 million or 1.1 million.

Try to do so without further violations of FB's admonitions.
"Twenty five years, huh? Wow ... there MUST be a Santa Claus. I'd settle for him getting 10 years in solitary confinement ... no TV, no Phone, No Visitations and only one 30 watt bulb light in his cell."

I don't count on it ... he'll appeal, and appeal, and appeal, and appeal until the day he dies a natural death.

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner predicted that former President Donald Trump might get up to 25 years in prison for committing offenses related to last year's Capitol riot, after the House select committee investigating the attack decided to make criminal referrals to the Department of Justice (DOJ) earlier this month. When asked during an interview on MSNBC's The ReidOut on Friday about whether or not referrals have value, Kirshner said they did.​
"It is great that they're talking about obstructing official proceedings, that's a 20-year offense. It's great that they are talking about conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States, that's a 5-year offense," Kirschner said Friday. The select committee didn't mention who will be on the referral list and for what offenses. Meanwhile, the decision over criminal referrals was not confirmed in the past because the panel was divided on whether or not to pursue such a move against Trump.​
Much, much more in article ... click link.
TWENTY FIVE YEARS .... damn, maybe they'll spread that out on the whole TRUMP family.

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"Twenty five years, huh? Wow ... there MUST be a Santa Claus. I'd settle for him getting 10 years in solitary confinement ... no TV, no Phone, No Visitations and only one 30 watt bulb light in his cell."

I don't count on it ... he'll appeal, and appeal, and appeal, and appeal until the day he dies a natural death.

This thread is for discussion of covid. Keep your posts on topic.
It was careless ... not ignorant. I didn't have my reading glasses and was on my laptop. But you believe what you wish, fatboi!
oh of course very careless...it's not like you took the time to highlight and make bold both numbers. Clearly hard for you to see when doing so...

A simple apology would be appropriate...sans any further violations of FB's admonitions...
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I don't care what you call yourself. You are pushing the liberal agenda then you are a liberal. Period. Don't even talk to me about safety when people like you are still hiding the deaths related to the vaccines
If the deaths are being 'hidden' how do you know about them? :unsure:
Thanks for such a fine upstanding Christian message on Christmas morning. Jesus must be smiling down upon you.
Well, you're certainly welcome, h-h. How long have I been asking you to quit harassing me on this website? 4-5 years? Why can't you take a "hint?"
If it hurt your feelings or made you mad, or whatever, you know what you can do to avoid my saying such things to you. I say them to discourage you from bothering me. Of course I don't mean them, but with other posters I wouldn't even be saying things like that ... its just YOU.

So, kindly "fuck off". You waste the little amount of time I do have on this site.
How long have I been asking you to quit harassing me on this website? 4-5 years? Why can't you take a "hint?"
Why can't you take a "hint"? You're not a dictator on here. It's an open forum. When you post bullshit...don't be surprised when people call you out on your bullshit. If you don't want people commenting on your posts, simple answer...own up to the bet you lost and leave the site forever.
Like HopingHubby, he just can't "stop talking" ... always with the "last word" to any post.

“Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump,” the former president writes on Christmas eve.​
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