What's everyone's view on the Covid Vaccine?

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Lol!!! You claim to be in healthcare LOL! You're the one that should be fired and never to work in healthcare again for not taking a epidemic serious to save lives instead you spread fear mongering about the vaccine that saved millions. SHAME ON YOU!! DEPLORABLE!!
You mean the epidemic that liberals claim is still going on and conditions got rich while letting people die? You have no credibility. There is no proof that these “vaccines” saved anyone. There is no proof they even reduced symptoms because most people had minor or no symptoms without getting jabbed
Lol!!! You claim to be in healthcare LOL! You're the one that should be fired and never to work in healthcare again for not taking a epidemic serious to save lives instead you spread fear mongering about the vaccine that saved millions. SHAME ON YOU!! DEPLORABLE!!
Did you watch the video? You can’t even debate what the doctors are saying. They can’t lie under oath. That would be criminal like you lying
I would be interested in hearing from those who were f.orced to take the vaccines as a condition of continued employment. Share any details that you're comfortable with. Side effects, whether or not you quit, is everything okay etc ? Thanks in advance.
That’s contrary to what the experts say.
This is in the state house of Tennessee not the federal government and we all know where that state is politically. There is always a few doctors that step outside the majority of experts to tout their beliefs in hope to get exposure. I take the word from what the majority of experts say over a few.

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This is in the state house of Tennessee not the federal government and we all know where that state is politically. There is always a few doctors that step outside the majority of experts to tout their beliefs in hope to get exposure. I take the word from what the majority of experts say over a few.

You’re just vomiting propaganda that’s meant to protect the profits made by these pharma companies. Two German studies contradict everything you link. https://justthenews.com/politics-po...-research-finding-mrna-covid-vaccines-produce
This is in the state house of Tennessee not the federal government and we all know where that state is politically. There is always a few doctors that step outside the majority of experts to tout their beliefs in hope to get exposure. I take the word from what the majority of experts say over a few.

Why does it matter if that’s a state? That’s still sworn testimony by doctors that know a hell of a lot more than you and they aren’t getting rich off their testimony. You’ve been duped
I don't think the CDC would be supporting the covid shots if they were any major risks to taking them. I mean, use your head for something other than a "hat rack" ... 670 MILLION SHOTS thus far have been taken.

More than 670 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through February 8, 2023. To view the current total number of COVID-19 vaccinations that have been administered in the United States, please visit the CDC COVID Data Tracker.​

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Dr.ug Administration’s (FDA’s) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA). Learn more about EUAs in this video.

The Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in US history. This monitoring includes using both established and new safety monitoring systems to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.​

Adverse Events (Serious Safety Problems) Are Rare​

Some people have side effects after getting their COVID-19 vaccine, while others might have no side effects. Side effects may affect the ability to do daily activities, but they should go away within a few days. Learn more about common side effects after COVID-19 vaccination.​
In rare cases, people have experienced serious health events after COVID-19 vaccination. Any health problem that happens after vaccination is considered an adverse event. An adverse event can be caused by the vaccine or can be caused by a coincidental event not related to the vaccine, such as an unrelated fever, that happened following vaccination. To date, the systems in place to monitor the safety of these vaccines have found four serious types of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, with evidence that suggests, although rare, a link to certain types of COVID-19 vaccinations that were administered.​
Anaphylaxis is a severe type of allergic reaction with symptoms such as hives, difficulty breathing, low ******* pressure, or significant swelling of the tongue or lips. Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.​

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) is a rare but serious adverse event that causes ******* clots or issues with clotting. TTS after COVID-19 vaccination is rare.
Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. CDC and FDA review reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination and update information as it becomes available. Learn more about adverse events, including reports of death, after COVID-19 vaccination.
Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely rare following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known and potential risks.

CDC continues to closely monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine can also participate in safety monitoring by enrolling themselves -or their children or dependents 6 months and older in a smartphone-based system called v-safe and completing health check-ins after COVID-19 vaccination.

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Lol! Go on living in your little conspiracy world.
No. Is not a conspiracy. There are more deaths attributed to these jabs on the Vaers site than all other vaccines combined. Again, why am I not dead if this is so deadly? Why is sworn testimony not credible to you? You’re literally lying and risking no jail time. These doctors can’t lie unless they want to go to jail.
Hey Macnfries

PRECOVID, the economy was fantastic under Trump. In fact, there was record low unemployment and record low inflation due to Trump's brilliant policies.

AFTER COVID, when everything was shut down. Of course, unemployment surged. Everything was shut down. Duh.....

And then, after the covid restrictions were lifted and people were allowed to go back to work, unemployment went down and it's attributed to Biden.

They play both sides of the game. Covid shuts down businesses, blame Trump for surging unemployment. The covid restrictions are lifted and people are allowed to go back to work: praise Biden for putting them back to work.

It's ridiculous and transparent and makes you look like a fool.

Reminds me of blaming high gas prices on the Russian/Ukraine war and not on Biden's disastrous energy policies.
Hey Macnfries

PRECOVID, the economy was fantastic under Trump. In fact, there was record low unemployment and record low inflation due to Trump's brilliant policies.

AFTER COVID, when everything was shut down. Of course, unemployment surged. Everything was shut down. Duh.....

And then, after the covid restrictions were lifted and people were allowed to go back to work, unemployment went down and it's attributed to Biden.

They play both sides of the game. Covid shuts down businesses, blame Trump for surging unemployment. The covid restrictions are lifted and people are allowed to go back to work: praise Biden for putting them back to work.

It's ridiculous and transparent and makes you look like a fool.

Reminds me of blaming high gas prices on the Russian/Ukraine war and not on Biden's disastrous energy policies.
Right? It’s no different
PRECOVID, the economy was fantastic under Trump. In fact, there was record low unemployment and record low inflation due to Trump's brilliant policies.
AFTER COVID, when everything was shut down. Of course, unemployment surged. Everything was shut down. Duh.....
And then, after the covid restrictions were lifted and people were allowed to go back to work, unemployment went down and it's attributed to Biden.
Here's what FactChek says ...
  • The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
  • Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation.
  • After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.
  • The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
  • The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
  • Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.
  • Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
  • Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.
  • Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.
  • The mur.der rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.
I don't see a thing to brag about there, jamesriske.
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Right? It’s no different

It's a game they play and it's very transparent.

It's difficult to argue that Biden did not screw up the economy. It's a disaster, worse than Carter. Even more of a disaster when you consider that he inherited one of the best economies in American history, all he had to do was sit on it.

The covid restrictions effectively shut down the economy, no matter who the president was or would have been. But prior to that, we had a fantastic, surging economy. We even had factories coming back to Detroit. It was amazing. Then the covid shut downs came along and shut down the entire country.

Biden came in and the first thing he did was reverse all of Trump's policies and it was a disaster. First thing that happened was a spike in gas prices and decrease in world stability.

Biden's policies were so bad that even when the covid restrictions were lifted, the economy was still in the toilet.

But the news is so censored and fake that people don't see the obvious. They have lost the common sense to see the high prices all around them and then look who's sitting in the Oval Office.
Here's what FactChek says ...
  • The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
  • Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation.
  • After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.
  • The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
  • The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
  • Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.
  • Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
  • Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.
  • Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.
  • The ******* rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.
Nothing to brag about there, jamesriske.

You can't blame Trump for the bad economy numbers during the covid shut down.
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Biden came in and the first thing he did was reverse all of Trump's policies and it was a disaster. First thing that happened was a spike in gas prices and decrease in world stability.
Biden had nothing to do with those ... you know that.

Let's stick to the covid vaccine ... its what this thread is about. You can go over to 'politics politics politics' to discuss Trump's accomplishments or failures.
Lol!!! You claim to be in healthcare LOL! You're the one that should be fired and never to work in healthcare again for not taking a epidemic serious to save lives instead you spread fear mongering about the vaccine that saved millions. SHAME ON YOU!! DEPLORABLE!!
Lol, justDumbFlaCpl is absolutely clueless about disease management and no, being the janitor at a remote mountain asylum doesn't count as "being in healthcare". He loads up with "duh, so wats everybodies tinking about Covid?" ... so he can barf right in your boots. Simply, don't bite on his barf bait. :devilish:


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It's a game they play and it's very transparent.

It's difficult to argue that Biden did not screw up the economy. It's a disaster, worse than Carter. Even more of a disaster when you consider that he inherited one of the best economies in American history, all he had to do was sit on it.

The covid restrictions effectively shut down the economy, no matter who the president was or would have been. But prior to that, we had a fantastic, surging economy. We even had factories coming back to Detroit. It was amazing. Then the covid shut downs came along and shut down the entire country.

Biden came in and the first thing he did was reverse all of Trump's policies and it was a disaster. First thing that happened was a spike in gas prices and decrease in world stability.

Biden's policies were so bad that even when the covid restrictions were lifted, the economy was still in the toilet.

But the news is so censored and fake that people don't see the obvious. They have lost the common sense to see the high prices all around them and then look who's sitting in the Oval Office.
Let’s not forget about the still climbing inflation numbers. All under Biden with no plan to fix it. Just send more money overseas.
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