What would be the role of Whitebois in a BNWO future? Our ideas

I love these theories
This is what happens when a country boy with live stock breeding takes a moment to reply. Often when building a pure breed hears they will gather the eggs from a pure breed cow (that’s the name of a female not an insult) they them in a test tube mix her egg with a pure bread Bull sperm. This is then placed into another none pure breed cow to make a calf out of. This way one pure bread cow can produce multiple calf’s each year With out getting pregnant once. She may never meet the Bull.
boy calf’s can me neutered so they grow up faster and are easier to handle.
In the BNWO, it is my belief that white males should not and will not breed snow bunnies as some of you have called white Women. The white male will be kept in a constant state of denial, held, housed, colonized, however the Black Man decides and kept separate from all Women. .Any pregnancies created by the sperm of a white male donor would be IVF. In the BNWO white males species understand their limited role as their species is slowly but surely bred into extinction. Sucking big Black cocks will not safe us from that well earned fate. Nor will giving up our boi pussies. Nature has always favored the fittest. See Darwin for clarification. Our eventual extinction will simply be evolution.

My view may sound extreme to some but all one has to do is look around you. You se it on television, Black men with white Women. You see it in your neighborhoods, your stores, your magazines. That white Women are drawn to Black men should come as no surprise to us white males. Resistance would be futile. Celebrate their union. See it for what it is. While we white males spend the rest of our lives trying hard to curry favor with the Black Men who are breeding our wives, our sisters, even our mothers, we should not be dismayed. Rejoice in their coupling. Accept our place in the hierarchy as the low rung on the ladder of life.

As to those who think that by wearing panties and sucking the cocks of Black men to whom they have ceded their wives will somehow save them, it's a fools errand. Turning gay? Please. You're either born that way or not. That does not mean, however, that you shouldn't suck that big Black cock. It is incumbent on each of us to pay respect to our Superiors. Sucking his much bigger cock out of respect does not make you gay anymore than slipping into pretty panties makes you more feminine. Although self-feminization of white males helps make them accept their low status in the social order, it should be left to the Real Men to decide how we should act, what we should wear, and if He wants his cock sucked by us.

Once you accept the fact that you have no real standing in the BNWO, you'll realize that you are exactly in the place where God and nature intended you to be. To sum it up, you, the white male, should not try topping from the bottom.

Should you wish to continue this conversation privately, email me at eviltwin52@hotmail.com
That is awesome! I would love to be a femboy irl in front of a group of girls who are likeminded. The feeling for me would be intoxicating....especially being masculine in everyday life. The thought of being feminized or emasculated by a group of snow bunnies is so hot!
Esp if they treated you as “one of the girls”, and why wouldn’t they? You could hang out with them in pjs ( in extra fem pjs of course) talking about various men and hook ups like they do in young adult shows ( which dont happen)
I think white males will live in their own community and the ones who are Alfa material will breed with white women to produce more white females and the white males born will be living in the community gay sex will be the norm for the other white males I have other ideas how it would work also and yours are great also
Good outlook and vision. However the purpose is that ALL whitebois remain pussy free. Instead of alpha whites actually fucking...they are taken in weekly to special medical facility. There they are stripped naked and watch Superior Black men breeding white wives and white females. Their cocks are inserted with a tube pushed deep so the tip enters the prostate. At the right time before cumming a slight suction starts thereby milking, sucking white sperm seed out. NO actually fucking involved.
The first two is what I already do at my wife's meets. The other two are restricted to bi bulls or friends. It's very difficult and rare to find these.
But in a complete BNWO, we could definitely carry on serving interracial couples, lubricating their mating parts, giving satisfaction to the black LGBTQ community, and giving pleasure to old black men in their later years, when young white women are too busy.
Do you think that white bois will seek bbc on their own, or will they do it to serve their white women who are hooked on bbc?

in another topic on this site ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/black-men-why-dont-you-marry-a-white-woman.233138/ ) roughly 58% of respondents ( assuming they are black men) said they wouldn’t marry a white woman for various reasons. So it could be assumed that the majority simply want white women to fuck. Using that, white women could want the companionship of a cuck white bois that would eventually turn sissy through lack of access to pussy and the white womans desire for (fe)male companionship without the drama / competition of other women.
When the new world order takes over, we’ll be given chemicals in our food and water that change us into docile females whom are eager to serve and obey, and probably service the new law enforcement which will most likely be predominantly Black Bulls, appointed by the new leaders of the new world order specifically for the reason that the false flag race war, which had by then already come to pass, has warped the minds of the Alpha Black race against the White race. I’m sure depending on what happens to our minds and bodies through the chemical and genetic transformation, we’ll inevitably undergo, our man pussies will be genetically programmed to crazy black cock twice maybe 3 times a day, I’m order to relive any stress or anxiety or Black masters met be experiencing.
As much as I would love to be a dedicated cuckold I was made to be a sissy for black kings! I like to put my time into being pretty smooth and fit for my black Daddy nice tight six pack and work on my legs and but everyday to grow thicker and sexier. I have found that a very kinky side comes out of a black man when he has a fully feminized white boy worshipping him. I would also love to be a fluffer or clean up boy when I'm not dressed and totally nude in panties to show that I am indeed a gay submissive Sissy even when I'm not dressed and made-up. I think all white boys should give their service to fluffing and cleaning up at the breeding centers. There will be a lot of competition for us white sissies to look pretty and to perform very well for their black daddies dirtiest Kinks and Fantasies.


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I was debating with some girlfriends earlier and thought I would share some of our ideas.

So in a world where all girls have gone black (by law perhaps or by preference) and the only white on white sex that still exists is to bring more Snowbunnies into this world. What would be the life of a Whiteboi born at this time?

We've spoken about this AT LENGTH over the past few days and came up with three realistic possibilities that I will note quickly but I'd love to explore these in more depth if others are interested:

1) The male would grow up and become a cuckold to a white mistress and a black bull. Waiting on them both in general life and sexually in all the ways that we know cuckolds can.

2) The male could live at a breeding centre / swingers club / group sex venue. Getting all of the girls ready, cleaning up afterwards and just generally helping the process in anyway that any of the girls or black guys want him too.

3) Become a trans/sissy for bi/gay black guys. Either AS his wife or as an addition to his female wife.

Would they get to decide or would they be directed down one of these paths? Would cages and butt plugs be compulsory? Anything else?

So anyway those are what we came up with and we obviously put some thought towards how the Whitebois would have to be trained to get them ready to fulfil their natural place in the world once they are old enough. Whether their education would be steered towards this early or whether they would have a normal education and only finally start training for their role in life once they leave education?

Anyway we thought this was all a fun idea and we really enjoyed discussing it hehe and we would loooove to hear all of your guys and gals opinions on it.

I already KNOW that there will be a lot of hate towards me for posting this but I'm hoping that this forum is the one least likely to attract as much ill-will, (try to play nicely).

Thanks, Laura (and friends)

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As much as I would love to be a dedicated cuckold I was made to be a sissy for black kings! I like to put my time into being pretty smooth and fit for my black Daddy nice tight six pack and work on my legs and but everyday to grow thicker and sexier. I have found that a very kinky side comes out of a black man when he has a fully feminized white boy worshipping him. I would also love to be a fluffer or clean up boy when I'm not dressed and totally nude in panties to show that I am indeed a gay submissive Sissy even when I'm not dressed and made-up. I think all white boys should give their service to fluffing and cleaning up at the breeding centers. There will be a lot of competition for us white sissies to look pretty and to perform very well for their black daddies dirtiest Kinks and Fantasies.
The only rightful duty for a white man in the BNWO besides being a slave and servant would be to use his sperm in artifuicial insemination. The only white men who would get that privilege would be tall, healthy good looking strong white men.
The only rightful duty for a white man in the BNWO besides being a slave and servant would be to use his sperm in artifuicial insemination. The only white men who would get that privilege would be tall, healthy good looking strong white men.
I agree that we whitebois are natural servants to superior black men in the BNWO. However, the world does not need artificially try to breed strong white men. STRONG MEN ARE BLACK MEN. The masculinity passed on to future generations are naturally from the source of masculinity, BLACK ALPHA MEN.
only pretty feminine white men should reproduce to make sure more pretty girls serve black masters, as well as new generations of whitebois. We are the first generation of white bois that does not have to pretend to be manly, but can embrace our natural femininity.


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I agree that we whitebois are natural servants to superior black men in the BNWO. However, the world does not need artificially try to breed strong white men. STRONG MEN ARE BLACK MEN. The masculinity passed on to future generations are naturally from the source of masculinity, BLACK ALPHA MEN.
only pretty feminine white men should reproduce to make sure more pretty girls serve black masters, as well as new generations of whitebois. We are the first generation of white bois that does not have to pretend to be manly, but can embrace our natural femininity.
Yes, I see your point and it is valid. I would accept that as my future role.