What Is The Future Of Dating In The Age of Covid?


Real Person
Gold Member
Trying to meet someone in a global pandemic is super hard. There are many reasons for it, here are my observations:

I believe with younger folks even before Covid they were using dating apps but I feel now things are getting back to normal and you can meet at bars again.
Nothing really changed for me and my sex buddies. If anything, ppl were hooking up more than ever when the bars etc were closed. So it was meet someone on apps or dating sites, small talk and then boom pretty fast to the bedroom. lol
Well, you can live or you can seclude yourself and die. COVID, the flu, getting hit by a bus... I choose to thrive.
Stay at home, be dependant on the government so next election they can brag how they took care of us. That's what this regime wants. Your body when you want to end a babies life, but its their's when they want to inject you with a chemical. OMG, did I just pit 2 of their agendas against each other??
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Stayvat home, be dependant on the governent so next election they can brag how they took care of us. That's what this regime wants. Your bady when you want to end a babies life, but its their's when they want to inject you with a chemical. OMG, did I just pit 2 of their agendas against each other??
Exactly! If one looks at the.... science..., unless you have a severe, underlying condition, your chances from croaking from COVID alone are next to zero. We're not going to hide in a protected bubble; I'm going to orgasm my way through life!

Yes and no.

I think it's going to look different in that many vaccinated people will only be willing to connect with other vaccinated people for so many reasons. Safety, values and incompatibility of lifestyle being the most prominent factors. Unvaccinated people can't enter a bar, restaurant or concert venue where I live unless they pay out of pocket for a COVID test that's only useable for 72hrs, how are they going to date?
Ask your government, probably the one you voted for.
Yes and no.

I think it's going to look different in that many vaccinated people will only be willing to connect with other vaccinated people for so many reasons. Safety, values and incompatibility of lifestyle being the most prominent factors. Unvaccinated people can't enter a bar, restaurant or concert venue where I live unless they pay out of pocket for a COVID test that's only useable for 72hrs, how are they going to date?
Maybe you people can
Yes and no.

I think it's going to look different in that many vaccinated people will only be willing to connect with other vaccinated people for so many reasons. Safety, values and incompatibility of lifestyle being the most prominent factors. Unvaccinated people can't enter a bar, restaurant or concert venue where I live unless they pay out of pocket for a COVID test that's only useable for 72hrs, how are they going to date?
How about "vaccinated-American". I know how libs like to use terms that cause seperation, hate and animosity.
As much as right wing lunatics such as yourself want so badly to politicize it, COVID is a public health issue, not a political issue.

Thankfully, I don't live in America where this sort of thing is encouraged.
Again, that comment shows where your blind devotion lies. Lok around, open your eyes and ears. You obviously only know what you want to know. Libiots/libocrites like you are stilllooking for someone to blame for it all, even the current mishandling of it. Keeping the covid scare in the headlines is a tool to use to cover up the real problem in this country, jo and the ho. Its called"wag the dog".
And im glad im black so i didnt have to hear the goto word from your kind, "racist".
None of what you just wrote comes close to resembling a coherent thought.

How you about stop derailing the thread and go back to jerking your white dick silently?
None of what you just wrote comes close to resembling a coherent thought.

How you about stop derailing the thread and go back to jerking your white dick silently?
Again, that there shows your level. Because you disagree, right to name calling, insulting, deflecting etc. Typical liberal responses.